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Posts posted by mr.mister

  1. I was at my vet today with my foster cat, Henry, when I noticed a stunning greyhound and her handler sitting next to me. I was about to compliment the lady on her dog when she mentioned to another patient that she was in to be euthanised, because she wasn't racing well and GAP were full. :( She was 2.

    The woman was adamant on staying with the dog in her last moments, and I applaud her for that.

    RIP Lucy, you were a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry you weren't able to be saved.


  2. Ok, so part two isn't out yet.

    If you're a deviant and you want to watch part one you can do so here.

    I tried to be a deviant and it wouldn't let me - it just came up with a search with official copyright sites!

    I clicked and it wouldn't display the page. :(

    eta: I found mine worked if you un-censored the url by taking out the asterisks and replacing it with what should be there. :laugh:

  3. Donning flamesuit...

    Just a thought, but wouldn't it be better if the 'Cobbadog' did become ANKC registered? I mean, the sooner that happens, the sooner that these dogs can be bred ethically, correct?

    If the ANKC were to register them though, they sure as hell better come up with a better name than 'Cobbadog' :rofl:

  4. Of course there are good points. But good points get lost amongst those that are perhaps a little extreme. It also means that its not something i would pass on to clients seeking a new puppy- it really would put many of them off. Just my opinion.

    I agree with this. I think sometimes it's easy to forget how intimidating some breeders can come across to puppy buyers, whether they're the no-nonsense type or not.

    goodness, you may not know this but sometimes puppy people can be intimidating too - esp late night calls demanding a particular puppy who's photo they have just seen on the website! LOL

    I'm am sure! Don't worry, I understand it goes both ways.

  5. Of course there are good points. But good points get lost amongst those that are perhaps a little extreme. It also means that its not something i would pass on to clients seeking a new puppy- it really would put many of them off. Just my opinion.

    I agree with this. I think sometimes it's easy to forget how intimidating some breeders can come across to puppy buyers, whether they're the no-nonsense type or not.

  6. I agree with a fair bit of the blog, but the part of chucking one-liners in the recycle bin gets me. Puppy buyers shouldn't be expected to know the ins and outs of exactly what the breeder wants to hear, and usually they are just normal people who aren't really aware of the whole big process. Fair enough if the buyer is rude, or obsessed with haggling etc, but otherwise all emails deserve at least a copy-paste, generic reply with basic info. If they never reply or turn out to be lemons, well, at least you know. On the flip side they could be great potential owners, with no clue about what to say as Ososwift mentioned.

  7. Maybe cat owners should be paying registration too- the proceeds can be used to supply each homeowner in the council area with a pair of disposable rubber gloves and some kind of prodding/scraping tool (especially for those cats that get flattened in the middle of the road and need to be moved).

    We have lifetime Rego here in NSW, and all my cats (but Zero who will be done next week) are registered. dont you guys have to register cats?

    Nope. Chips are also optional still for cats.

    Also no laws regarding cat numbers, provided they have the basics (water, food and access to shelter) which undoubtedly contributes even further to the problem.

    Wow, that's crazy. We pay rego here for cats, as well as there being a two cat per household limit.

  8. When I lived at home, our dog wasn't allowed in the carpeted half of the house. It was a long ranch style house and half was lino, half was carpet. He learned really quickly and never, ever crossed the line until one day my mum got very sick, and he belly-crawled into her room to check on her. :love:

    It worked well though, because the living/TV/my bedroom (where we spent 90% of the time) were part of the lino areas, so he didn't miss out on much.

  9. Your posts drip with hypocrisy, Chubbsie. I suggest you sit back and actually learn something, rather than reply to experienced posters with inflammatory, p!ss-taking emoticons.

    What, like this one? :rolleyes:

    I'm not really sure what you mean by that, but it's not particularly constructive. You really need to fix your attitude problem.

    Having trouble keeping up pet? I'll spell it out for you. I was utilising an inflammatory p!ss-taking emoticon as a response to your post.

    Oh great, that's fabulously mature. Have a medal.

    As I said; attitude problem. You've got one, and you really need to fix it.

    I quite like my attitude thank you and have no intention of "fixing" it. How about we agree to ignore each other from now on? You won't get stressed by my "bad" attitude and I won't have to waste my time explaining my posts to you. Sounds like a plan to me.

    :laugh: Regardless of whether we ignore each other, how you've been treating other users on this forum is going to get you absolutely nowhere.

  10. Your posts drip with hypocrisy, Chubbsie. I suggest you sit back and actually learn something, rather than reply to experienced posters with inflammatory, p!ss-taking emoticons.

    What, like this one? :rolleyes:

    I'm not really sure what you mean by that, but it's not particularly constructive. You really need to fix your attitude problem.

    Having trouble keeping up pet? I'll spell it out for you. I was utilising an inflammatory p!ss-taking emoticon as a response to your post.

    Oh great, that's fabulously mature. Have a medal.

    As I said; attitude problem. You've got one, and you really need to fix it.

  11. So many on here banging on about domestic cats killing wildlife, despoiling gardens and making noises at night. Motor vehicles also kill millions of native animals each year. They also cause environmental pollution and noise pollution and cause serious injuries and death to people and domestic pets.

    How about we lock em all up in the garage and never let them out?


    I'm not going to bother answering that.

  12. Even so - contain your cats. I take no responsibility if a wandering cat comes in my yard and my dogs kill it and I'm certainly not going to swerve to hit a cat on the road in the middle of the night and risk wrapping myself around a pole. If your wandering cat dies - too bad. Keep the bloody thing indoors!

    I am not sure if i posted this on here or not when it happened.

    a Few months ago i was driving home, it was after dark.

    I drove past a little black cat who was killed on the road, he was still in themiddle of the street.

    I got home and i couldnt stop thinking of him to turned around, i was going to move him off the road so if the owners came out to find him he wouldnt be squished to the road and they could find him laying on someones front lawn in stead.

    I drove over and parked and got out and went to grab him

    He was still alive :cry: :cry: :cry:

    He must have been in so much pain, he went nuts and tried to attack me, i managed to get him into my car where he was fitting and screaming. I got him home first and into the bathroom. I run the vets who said to keep an eye on him and see how he goes and bring him in if he got worse. Within about 10 mins he was having massive fits, i tried to snuggle him up but his fitting wouldnt allow it, i was a total mess and rung mum to come get us and drive us to the vets.

    He fitted again and hit his head on the floor pretty hard.

    We picked him up with him screaming in pain and rushed him to the vets. They took one look at him and said he had to be PTS

    So i just want to say to those who think it is ok to have their pets roaming that i hope one day the above does not happen to your cat. I still have nightmares about it and wish i could find the owners and slap them for letting this little one roam. Because of them he suffered a horrifying death.

    I also wont swerve if i see an animal, i will slow down if possible but wont swerve. As heart breaking as the end may be for that animal, it would be horrible if i ran into another car and killed a person.

    At least i know my cats (the ones who are unhappy and living horrible lives inside) will never ever have to suffer this way.

    I'm so sorry you had to experience that Teebs. :( I have been in a similar boat where the cat in question was still alive; although thankfully it didn't take long to die. It is a shocking experience that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

  13. My god that dog looked stressed. That was an accident waiting to happen.

    Moronic owner and moronic tv anchor. Fancy putting your face up to a strange dog like that! :eek:

    I hope he doesn't die because of his owner's stupidity. :(

  14. First of all, sorry if this is not the right place. I've already posted a similar thing in Cat Chat, but am hoping to get more traffic in here.

    Link to the original story:


    His time was up at the RSPCA and he was due to be pts, so as I had no-one interested in him, I have paid his adoption fee and will be holding him temporarily. However, I really can only hold him until the end of the month, max, so I desperately need some help with this guy. I have contacted a rescue in Boronia but as of yet have not received a response.

    His name is Henry. He is approx. 3 years old and is a massive smooch. He loves anyone and everyone, and is a master of head-bumps. I will start to assess how he goes with other cats when he comes home, though he has seemed non-reactive to the cats he came across at the RSPCA.

    Henry is:




    Registered with my council

    Tested for FIV

    Updated: So Henry has had all his vet work done and is home. He is just the most stunning boy. I knew he had a good nature but he just keeps on surprising me with just how lovely he is. :love: He is going to make a brilliant pet for the right person.


    He is now listed with a local rescue group.

    His link:


    Direct FB page link:


  15. The forum needs a little wanking emoticon sometimes.

    I agree Alyosha, I was looking for just that emoticon when I was writing about your post... :laugh:

    What a disgusting attitude you have.

    Nothing quite like a self righteous newbie.

    +1 :rolleyes:

    I hope you enjoy scraping your cat off the road chubbsie, or having it returned to you in pieces from a neighbour's yard who has dogs. That sure does sound like an awful lot of fun for kitty cat, doesn't it? Sure beats my cats' charmed, safe, happy indoor life! Better start letting them outside!

    Grow up and start having a serious think about your animal's welfare.

    You can have an outside cat and still contain it on your property - there is that option if you feel your cat needs to get outdoors.

    One way is with the Oscillot system which I posted earlier.

    I wouldn't waste your breath, amypie. :laugh: After all, why would people like this go to all that trouble, and spend all that money, on just a cat? :rolleyes:

    Geez settle down mr mister - it's still a (relatively) free country, which means I can totally disregard what you and Alyosha and others who think they know best and just love telling others what to do post on here. So your cats lead a charmed, safe and happy life huh? probably a pretty damn boring one as well.

    My cat is nearly 9 years old, and he has been outside during the day and locked up at night his whole life. He has not so far been ripped to pieces by dogs, poisoned by baited rodents or bashed to death with a brick by an insane neighbour (what sort of neighbourhoods do some of you live in??)

    When he does finally die, from whatever cause, I will know that he's had a great life, rolling around in the garden in the sun and sharpening his claws on the trees.

    Yep, I agree, free country, which also means I'm allowed to have an opinion. And what I've stated is mine. I've replied the way I have because of your obviously caustic and really rather disrespectful attitude. You certainly won't make many friends here acting the way you are.

    My cats aren't bored either, because I made the effort to get them a nice cat tree, set up an annex for them, supply them with toys and actually bother to play with them. ;)

    And no, I won't settle down. Because I've been one of those poor b*****ds who's had to scrape someone else's dying cat off the road all because some moron couldn't be bothered keeping their cat in.

  16. The forum needs a little wanking emoticon sometimes.

    I agree Alyosha, I was looking for just that emoticon when I was writing about your post... :laugh:

    What a disgusting attitude you have.

    Nothing quite like a self righteous newbie.

    +1 :rolleyes:

    I hope you enjoy scraping your cat off the road chubbsie, or having it returned to you in pieces from a neighbour's yard who has dogs. That sure does sound like an awful lot of fun for kitty cat, doesn't it? Sure beats my cats' charmed, safe, happy indoor life! Better start letting them outside!

    Grow up and start having a serious think about your animal's welfare.

    You can have an outside cat and still contain it on your property - there is that option if you feel your cat needs to get outdoors.

    One way is with the Oscillot system which I posted earlier.

    I wouldn't waste your breath, amypie. :laugh: After all, why would people like this go to all that trouble, and spend all that money, on just a cat? :rolleyes:

  17. A family friend got a split lip when my BC head butted her - he had his mouth open at the time, and from memory I think she got 'toothed'.

    Unfortunately this story is full of bias from both sides - and it seems that both parties are over exaggerating what happened.

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