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Posts posted by mr.mister

  1. Can someone explain the brain tumor thing? Is it common for a brain tumor to turn a dog vicious? Was this dog on death's door anyway? That wouldn't make the situation any nicer . . . but would cast a different light.

    As pointed out, this was a different dog.. but just generally, brain tumours can cause abnormal in dogs in the same way as they can with humans. They can affect a person's personality and 'temperament' in many different ways and cause aggressive outbursts etc. Though they don't always - changed behaviour patterns or out of character incidents can be a recognisable symptom though.

    It can also put an immense amount of pressure on the brain cavity, I would imagine.

    A friend of mine had a dog that attacked her out of the blue. He ended up having meningitis and would have been in agony for quite a while before the attack. He was given his wings.

  2. Another sad story that could have been prevented. Dog should have been on-lead near a playground, and parent shouldn't have 'assumed' that the dog was safe. Didn't even sound like she asked to pat it. I don't think I'd approach any off-lead dog if I had a child in-tow.


  3. I don't think that the breeder is obliged to give you the deposit back. They might have turned away another home that has now found a dog elsewhere.

    well i think not giving back $1500 would be very unfair. and as people have said above, fine I could always take the dog then and re-sell on the trading post....

    Charming. You asked the bloody question. Some will refund. Some will not. What do you think a deposit is for? You put a $40k deposit on a house and just change your mind, good luck getting that back.

    Agreeing with JulesP here! I'm not sure if you fully understand the purpose of a deposit...

    Still, if it were me and I found out about all this I would want my puppy back quick smart, so would happily pay back the deposit just so that my pup was back in safe hands. Reselling on Gumtree; what a thing to say. :mad:

  4. So sad :(

    Last year I pulled over to the side of the road to pick up a long neck turtle that was shuffling across, it had been raining so it was simply moving to another pond. A car was coming up behind as I pulled over so I pointed and waved so they would see it. They did, and they came from further across the road so that their wheels went straight over it. I was devastated, they were doing >100Ks/hr and the turtle stood no chance. I got back in my car and cried :cry:

    I can only hope that Karma does exist.

    wtf!? what is wrong with people!?

    Some humans are a complete waste of oxygen. :mad:

  5. Doesn't the judge signing the challenge certificate testify that the dog named on the certificate is, in their opinion of a good enough quality to carry the title of champion? That has GOT to mean something, they don't have to award challenges if the dogs aren't good enough. And there are heaps of Staffies being shown........they are a huge class even at quite small shows, so how would a poor quality dog get enough points for a title?

    I have seen a few judges in my short time in the show world place a dog that shouldn't have really got a look-in. I have never seen a dog be non-awarded either; I know it happens but obviously not that often. Who knows? :shrug:

  6. Sandra777 was just trying to point out that the bolded bits are the important aspects of a dog's show career. If a dog is titled but has only done so by being entered in a category with very low numbers, no specialty shows etc then that is not necessarily a good dog just because it is a Champion.

  7. The fact that a dog is a champion is really no reflection on it's actual quality.

    That's an interesting statement - just what is the point then of these competitions if the achievements and wins mean nothing, being no reflection on a dogs "actual quality"??

    Obviously you have very little experience with conformation showing.

    Attending dog shows is about comparing your dogs with another person's dogs through the use of a judge who (allegedly) knows something about the breed. I never said WINS meant nothing I said titles gained don't necessarily mean the dog is the bees knees.

    Me - I'd rather own and breed from dogs which are consistently placed under breed specialists in the best of company. Whether these wins and placings lead to a title is pretty much irrelevant to me.

    So me thinking that wins and achievements in the show ring leading to a dog attaining Championship status, indicates that a dog can't be completely woeful, automatically means that I have very little experience with conformation showing - nice.

    What I originally said was that there have been some blues titled so they can't all be completely woeful, not that they must be the bees knees or top quality - just not completely woeful. No need for judgements of my experience based on that statement.

    A dog can become a champion without necessarily being a great example of the breed, but simply by being shown often. A dog gets points when it places (showies, please correct me if i'm wrong!), and if there are only a few entries and a judge doesn't non-award a less than great dog, then that dog will get points that upon accumulating enough will lead to a champion title. As far as I know a grand champion title is harder to get and is a better indicator of how good a dog is (again correct me if I'm wrong).

  8. There are breeders who have been breeding for over 20 years who say they still learn something new every day. Don't claim to know it all - because no one does. As Rev Jo and Lappiemum have said, get in contact with a breeder and find a mentor. Give showing a shot - it can be lots of fun and you will also get a good idea of your boy's quality. I have two lovely mentors in my breed and I have had a lot of fun spending time with them and their dogs. I have learned a lot from them and am also happy to now have two good friends to boot. They know what I'm all about now, and when the time finally comes for me to find a good dog, they will be there to help and guide me, which I am very grateful for.

  9. Snook

    The guy was dressed very casually and had no visible paperwork on him at all. He certainly didn't sound as though he was asking in any kind of official capacity either.

    The one that came after my neighbour was dressed casual too. I dunno where the papers were. Some have had them inside a jacket pocket. It's usually just a few pages of A4 so easy to hide inside a jacket. I've never seen one in uniform or dressed in a business suit. Maybe that scares off the people they're looking for - like rattling off a full name wouldn't.

    I keep asking questions about why and what kind of documents... and then they have to tell you. At least they've all told me. Never mind I might not have been entirely honest with them but after Terminator "Are you Sarah Conner" who would be?

    But it could have been something else.

    This happened to me once too. Two guys rocked up on the front porch, and I noticed their car was just a plain silver sedan. They were looking for the previous tennants of my place but they did also mention that they were plain clothes policemen. I think maybe they do it so that if it's something unpleasant that the person doesn't attempt to do a runner straight away? :laugh:

  10. Hi there, guys.

    My next assignment in my Design course is to design an ad for a cause - and I've chosen pet shops and puppy farms. As well as designing the ad, I need to put together an essay with hard facts and statistics. So far in my internet searches I've found websites that explain why puppy farms are bad, but do not necessarily have any sources, cited facts or statistics. Are there any sites out there that supply no-frills information on the subject that is cited and reliable? If anybody has any links, it would be much appreciated.

    Thanks everyone. :)

  11. Cynthia,

    What is "tardac"? I have had some issues with desexing lately - I have never desexed my animals before, just practised good kenneling.

    The 18 month old I had desexed just before Xmas, has just climbed 2 fences and achieved a 10 minute tie with one of my 'on-season' bitches :laugh: And he is still humping the cat!!

    And the cat, I had desexed last year, is still coming 'on-season' and calling and the stray tomcat still keeps visiting and weeing on everything during the night. My cat has always been locked up from dusk-to-dawn. :thumbsup:

    If she is still calling then I would hazard a guess that some of the reproductive organs may have been missed during desexing - as if she's had everything taken out, it's impossible for her to come on call. That I know of, anyway. It sounds insane but I have heard a few stories of cats not being completely desexed and still calling/having interest in mating.

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