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Everything posted by SBT101
Alyosha, your bubba's are gorgeous Jetpoint, hope she goes soon. We have 3 weeks to go here but I have already got everything ready. I have just started (2weeks ago) home school my youngest child so I knew that I needed to have my whelping supplies organised as wouldn't have time to do diddly squat hen we started school I went though it all again today, rearranged it all, yet again, have washed all bedding, so hopefully I am well organised ;) ;) I only have to sterilise a few things but will do that in the last week. Seeing as though our last litter didn't turn out as well as planned (didn't get any keepers) I am really looking forward to this one :D Will get some belly shots tomorrow.
Aww, they are just adorable
OMG 12 bubba's. Congratulations Alyosha. I think you are going to be slightly busy over the next few weeks Cynda is still being very picky with her food. I am still having to hand feed her her barf. But she will have vegemite sandwiches but herself Go figure. I bought her some beef mince today and then cooked it up and added eggs and some maet of a lamb shank that she hadn't eaten, and yep, she loved it. So looks like she wants her meals cooked from now on
Congratulations TashaBailey on your new arrivals and sorry for the one you lost Little one
All those belly photos, AWWWW :D Not long now Alyosha and Jetpoint, good luck with it all ;)
Here are a couple of photos, 5weeks She is not quite as big at same time on her last litter. I have used a different stud dog this time so dont know if that counts, but maybe a couple less this time which is fine by me :D
The rate we are going, this is going to be the longest 4weeks ever I am still having to hand feed Cynda every meal. At least she is eating I suppose, but far out.
I have the opposite problem. my almost 6 week preggo Dalmatian is eating everything (tried chomping on hubbies mobile phone. She has become a hoover!! At 6 weeks she already looks like huge! Does anyone know if you can get a chiropractor to adjust a bitchs back when in whelp? Is it safe? We had major dramalamas with Cynda's last litter. When the pups were about a week old, she starting this aweful shake with her head. It looked like she was nodding her head up and down really fast if you get my drift. Well, I absolutely shite myself, Sorry but I did, rang a friend, rang the vets (after hours) and rushed her in. Calcium levels were fine, and the vets wanted to do test after test, but I didn't. She still did it for a while bust was only when pups were feeding when she was laying down. So I would take her mind off it by fedding her something every time she would feed the pups. I rang a dog chiro (some 500kms away so couldn't go see him) and he told me to do this test and sure it enough, it was her neck. Her neck was out quite badly which was causing her pain and discomfort hence the reason for the head tremors. That is one thing I will never forget as first thoughts was Eclampsia (sp). So yes, I would go see the chiro and yes, just explain that she is in whelp.
I have heard alot of good reports about that Ferugreek stuff. I might have to go and get some next week. Cynda is starting to look swell Will be 5weeks tomorrow from first mating. SHe is eating although I have to hand feed her still. She happily sat at the table today while my son and I were doing some schoolwork and me handfeeding her 1,yes 1, biscuit at a time But then I managed a few more and all up, she would of had about a handful. Bloody bitches, gotta love'm :D
We have had 3 good meals of Barf today. Looks like Miss Cyndalu has got her appetite back, Thank God
:thumbsup: Yes, even though I had to hand feed Miss Cyndalu, she has eaten her BARF for brekky YAY
Awwwwww, she looks like one proud Mumma
Oh my Yarrowfell, you are going to be one busy Nanna Cynda had vegemite and cheese sandwiches last night. I wonder what she will order today
Ok, we have some progress. I have had to boil up a couple of chooks and some rice as little Miss Cyndalu is not eating hardly anything. All she has had today is vegemite toast. So far so good with the chicken and rice. Lets just see if she has some more of it tomorrow or she wants something else yet again
Missymoo, you have one gorgeous little family there Well done. I have got some of those collars too. I have made heaps, but have never had to use them as all pups have had different markings. Going to put them on this time as they look gorgeous
Oh my, way to go Missy I was told the other day that there have been some big litters this year. And Britt and Missy, you have just proved it right :D Hope all is going well for the both of you
Missymoo, hopr all goes smoothly We are having to resort to the good old nutrigel this morning. She is 4.5weeks and doesn't want to eat anything. But some nutrigel on the finger, then some in her brekky, and me hand feeding and coaxing her, we have had success
Congraulations Britt on your new arrivals
Congrats on the little girl
Yay, Congratulations on the boy, keep 'm coming :D
Haha, those girls are going to keep you waiting I just got one of my puppy pens (ordered 2) and my doppler. And yes, I tested it out on Cynda but didn't like my chances as she is only 4.5weeks
Good Luck Britt! Here's hoping all goes well for you and your girl
And the picky eating starts Cynda does not want her barf, nor her biscuits, nor chicken wings or necks, nor lanm flaps, she wans plain old donkey meat. Hand fed mind you Bought a couple of chooks today so will cook them up sor her tomorrow and she if she likes that. I know with her last litter, she would not eat the same thing twice so had to have a fridge full of everything. It is looking like i am going to have the to do the same thing this time too
Allerzeit, congratulations.. I know what you mean about numbers via ultrasounds With Cynda's last litter, they saw 4, and said that one didn't look right so could quite possible getting obsorberd (sp). Well she went on to have 7 And the one that they said was posible being obsorbed, i think might of been our little runty girl Atiri This time around we saw 3, so I am thinking around 6. The trouble with our vets is that they have the ridgy didge ultrasound machine but have yet to do the course on how to use the bloody thing. My vets told me that they need to do the course when Kimba was pregnant with Cynda, so nearly 3years ago and they still haven't done it.
Know how you feel Allerzeit. I have been doing this for the last month. Had the ultrasound booked for this coming Monday but couldn't wait so rebooked it for yesterday. Although Cynda has been showing for the last week, pink nipples, bit down in the dumps and ever so clingy, you just never know. Hope all gos well for the ultrasound :D