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Everything posted by SBT101

  1. Good luck from here too Sandra, cant wait for piccy's :D
  2. Know what you mean although Kimba has gone the opposite. Only wants 'dry' at the moment and it has to be nice and quiet for her to eat which is kinda hard when you have 3 kids :D Mananged to get to eat bout cup of dry this morning, hand fed of course, but least she is eating. Cynda on the other hand is eating her barf again which is good. @ weeks to go, cant wait
  3. Oh yep, can see it now, Holy cow :D
  4. Good luck mate and fingers crossed here too
  5. Lyndsay, glad Ruby is doing ok Hope everything goes well for Holly!
  6. Lappiemum, hard to see how big she actually is cause all that hair :D Here are some photos taken today of our little 'baloon like' Kimba. She still isn't eating very much, and has to be hand fed, and when she does it, she acts as though she is so hungry. Maybe she just isn't finding anywhere to put it. What she gonna be like next week ;) The rash that she got from the shave at the vet has healed alright but she still has a split at the base of one of her nipples that I am trying to heal before puppies come. Is getting better but slowly...
  7. We have 2 weeks to go for Kimba and Cynda has 4 weeks. Cynda is now back to eating :D still hand fed though least she is eating. Will get some photos shortly. 5weeks now 5 weeks
  8. She is a little 'big' isn't she...Just saw how spread eagle her back legs are in that photo, Lyndsay, hope all goes well for your Holly...
  9. Here is a photo taken of Kimba. She is now 6.5weeks and swelling by the day :rolleyes:
  10. Cynda is now getting bit tempremental towards Kimba Hackels up every time she sees her. I am going to have fun aren't I,NOT.
  11. and a couple more.. Come to mama I'm gonna get you Cyn... Oh yea,, So who is getting who hey, hey Who says you need soap..... I only have eyes for you... Lets twist again, like we did last summer, Sorry bout the overload..
  12. Love the photos everyone. Here are some of my favourites... Up and Over... The one she didn't make... The gang We've got it... My son and Kimba... Cheeeeeese.. Full stretch Where's the brakes
  13. OMG, talk about hilarious. I bought some powdered goats milk a little while ago so I can have on hand if need be. Well I just decided that I would give the girls a little drink. So made them up some, only bout 1cup between them, added an egg, and then gave it to them. And the look, they must of sniffed it as I was putting it down as they slowly stepped back and would not go anywhere near it Then gave it to Ody, and he had a little drink then nope, he screwed his face up and stepped back, so then I put it down for the cats, and they wont even drink it So I had a little taste and now I know why :p yuk
  14. I have admired these dogs for quite a while. I think they are gorgeous. Best of luck with them. Would love to see one in the flesh one day
  15. Oh wow Lyndsay, so sorry... :p Glad mum is OK.. RIP little ones
  16. I have mine all ready but seeing as though I have 2 girls due 2weeks apart and only 1 whelping room, I might have to make some changes Thought they would be ok as mother and daughter but Cynda(daughter) is a bit of a, how should I put it, 'dominent little bitch' so might just have to put them at each end of the room with little old me in the middle.. Might make things alot calmer me thinks :p
  17. :p These bitches are getting to used to be hand fed and now sit there looking at me with that 'Well you gonna feed me or not' look They have got me rapted around their little finger I say.......
  18. Thankyou and yes it will be a very busy christmas ;) We did see another puppy that didn't look right and is possible being obsorbed ;) I nearly cried on the spot, the poor little darling. I am currently waiting for the vet to ring back so I can possible take Cynda back in and get her progestrone levels checked. She has been quite herself for a while but I was putting it down to hormonal changes. Here are the scans from today...Aren't they just gorgeous
  19. Fingers crossed here to Lyndsay.....
  20. :D ;) Cynda is now confirmed pregnant. We clearly saw at least 3 puppies. I am so rapt :D
  21. We had a good day yesterday...Cynda had 4 good meals including her BARF :D Then for supper she had some biscuits.....I have to fast her for today's ultrasound so am happy that she ate quite alot yesterday...
  22. And I was silly enough to breed both my girls at the same time I remember Kimba's first litter. This huge 'big,long,black looking sack(found out it was the placenta :p ) and I didn't know what it was but then Kimba cleaned it up, well That was the most gross thing I have ever wittnessed and think I just made it to the toilet in time
  23. 2pm west oz time. But i will be pleased to see 1 bub in there. They are not to good when it comes to 'numbers' lettleown sexes My friend bred her mastiff and the vet said maybe 2, well she had 11, another friend was told 1,possible 2, she went on to have 5. So as long as she feels/sees 1, I will be happy and let the actual number be a suprise
  24. We have progress Vegemite sandwiches for brekky again. Yep, the same brekky meal 2 days in a row and not whats on the menu Even Ody was waiting in line for his share. Cynda goes for her 'check-up' tomorrow. We are going to try for an ultrasound so Cyn is going to be in for plenty of 'belly rubs'
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