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Everything posted by bedazzledx2

  1. Not everyone is a diciple of CM WOW she has a degree, sorry but I prefer people who have knowledge from owning dogs like Cesar Milan. People saying but I have a piece of paper means nothiing to me, it's people who have grown up around dogs & learned their behaviours who I feel are more educated.
  2. I would be managing the situation. You may well be able to train it until a disaster happens and her prey drive is rewarded and you have a dead cat. When you are not around to supervise separate them for everyone's safety.
  3. Mmmmm not so sure of that. I know thats what we are always taught...that you are just re-inforcing their fear. Problem is they are in an emotional state in which there is no reasoning and definately no operant behaviour going on. I had a kelpie who was terrified of thunderstorms and I never 'mollycoddled' her. I did however, allow her to go under the bed where she felt safe and she would come out in her own time. Last night was a doozy and my Aussie, who is never scared, crept right up to my pillow (he normally sleeps at the foot of the bed) I put my arm around him and we both drifted off to sleep. I don't see the problem in that. If you mollycoddle them, that is just re-inforcing their fear, I think you are better off not giving into them, I make Kenny go & lie on the couch/his bed/my bed & stay there. Cuddling him & letting him stick his head under my armpit didn't stop him whining & panting, but eventually when he is lying down he goes to sleep, because he knows he's not allowed to get off said piece of furniture
  4. OMG!!!! I have had success in the past with the orange stuff you get at Bunnings to remove tar and bubble gum. Not sure how that would go with glue that's set hard. Whatever you end up using don't forget to wash the paws afterward with dog shampoo and rinse well. I think I would be having a chat to the vet.
  5. Exactly right RubyStar And if that was the attitude most of us carried around, most of our dogs wouldn't be doing more than one discipline! Our dogs are smart enough to learn different things and different disciplines So glad I wasn't around to train in times like those! Training is so much fun when you can throw as many different things at your dog as you both can handle, which is quite a few ;)
  6. Nah!!! Repeat after me..... Bad dress rehersal, terrific performance!!!!!
  7. Careful of your seekback signal. The rules require that you point to the track and some judges can get very 'thing' about it. You will lose points if they perceive that you are pointing to the article and I have known judges to take a heap of points off. Not worth it...I point to the ground directly in front of me so there is no question. Seekback I use FIND Scent I use FIND Gloves I use FETCH Dumbbell I use FETCH and even with only 2 commands sometimes I still bugger it up Stays for anything (recall, sits or downs) I use WAIT Ditto but in German. Anything involving nose I use seek/find and anything involving fetching is bring. I use the same hand signal for scent discrim and retrieves and seek back which is some sort of obscure wave of the hand in the direction I want the dog to go, I never really bothered with these hand signals as she's not usually watching me rather the track/dumbell/articles etc. For Gloves however I bend down slightly and point with a kind of outstretched arm and hand next to her head pointing to the glove I want her to get. If I were to use too many different commands I would get confused, I already struggle enough with bring and seek at times!
  8. Walk away!!!! That sort of attitude is so old fashioned. I got told 16 years ago not to confuse my kelpie with all that extra stuff....yep...scent and retrieves...as I would only confuse her as she was a novice dog. Funny thing is that she went on to get UD but the instructor never did put more than a CDX on her dog! These days I would be teaching a puppy scent! Not the finished product but the concept. This club sounds like they train from the dark ages!!!!
  9. Same commands here too. For the turns in gloves I use CLOSE for glove 1, BACK for 2 and HEEL for three. I don't worry too much if I stuff it up as they usually do what the sight picture says anyway! A friend uses HIGH and BAR for directed jumping which I might use for the next one if I remember!!!! Seekback I use FIND Scent I use FIND Gloves I use FETCH Dumbbell I use FETCH and even with only 2 commands sometimes I still bugger it up Stays for anything (recall, sits or downs) I use WAIT
  10. .....and then, just to keep you on your toes,.....they'll go over the wrong jump...or not go all the way to the box.....or....or....!!!!!!! There are many ways to fail a UD trial and I think I've experienced all of them!!!! Seita - We will let you read the book Deb and I have written called 101 ways to fail directed jumping Just wait until you bring a judge into the equation it changes everything The story for most going into UD - your first trial you know your dog can do everything so although you are scared you have put all the work in you need. Things go well for the first couple of exercises - there are a couple of minor hiccups - but you are still on a pass. You get to the signals exercise and your heart starts beating extra fast - only 2 more to get through + stays and you will get your first pass. Signals and they miss a position - hmm not done that before in a trial. Judge tells you to leave the dog - which you do you about turn and you give the signal for the down - the dog hesitates but does go down. You give the sit signal and it is like you have just signaled the Queen Mary to do a U turn, the dog looks at you like it has never seen that signal in its entire life - and there ends your first UD experience...... so close and yet so far.
  11. Sometimes I think its my fingers....ouch!!!!! :D Whole sardines are good and you can throw them and not get bit!!!! :p
  12. Onya Alex!!!! Woo hoo, Alex won MA and MJ, 2nd in OA and 6th in OJ
  13. If you teach him a hand touch you can have a simple non aggressive way to get him to follow directions. Very simple...present the palm of you hand to him a few centimeters from his nose. Be ready to mark, either with a clicker or a verbal "yes" and treat immediately. Mark his very first movement towards your hand...he need not touch it at this stage. Then progressively mark and treat a stronger touch. Select the best touches to mark and treat and then move your hand so that he has to shift to touch it. You now have a way of getting him to follow your hand. Very useful exercise and is one of the basics.
  14. There is only one solution....Train it! Until you put in a proper training program in place keep your dog on a long line (this is management not training) Aiden has given you excellent advice. I also use Shirley Chong's methods and highly recommend it. Lol! Thanks for all these great suggestions. Now it's time to try them out!
  15. Until you can sort out whats causing the problem I wouldn't be asking her to wait for her dinner. I would also feed her whole meal from you as rewards for very small behaviours. You'll get a lot of training in and it'll teach her to focus on you. If she goes a bit hungry it means that she should be extra hungry the next day. Don't make a big deal of it but don't reward her when she's squirming.
  16. Woo Hoo!!!! She'll have that Ch title before you know it!!! I'll raise a glass to celebrate for you
  17. Unfortunately at the moment you do. I would hope (but not holding my breath) that the next rule change will see UDX being made available for all to compete in but right now you can't until you have UD (not O Ch though) What about UDX when you have your OC? I'm guessing the UDX is there to stay as that one too is optional. If what Seita says about CCD is true, perhaps I will skip CCD with Millie and go straight to Novice. I don't like that it could be there to stay! Seems a bit silly. Edit: Your quote from the blue book says about highest titles AFTER the name, so wouldn't that mean you keep UD (or UDX) as well as the OC? Yes UDX stays there cos you don't need to have UD or OC to compete in it. And I believe that UD stays after the name once you get OC but this one I'm not 100% sure on. I know that I won't be doing CCD with my next dog but only because I can't see the point of doing the class for an experienced trialler, I did it with Ella cos I'd been out of the trial ring for about 5 years and I hadn't trained a young dog in like 8 years so I was out of practice. I really don't give a stuff what the pedigree name says and really who cares if it says CCD next to UD?? It just says that you did CCD at the start instead of skipping straight to CD.
  18. From the blue book....page 5 "Only the Highest Obedience Title awarded to the dog will be used after the name of the dog." So you lose any and all of the preceding titles including UD after attaining O Ch. Thank goodness!!! Its bad enough with all the agility titles let alone superseded obedience titles! Really?? I haven't seen anyone do this though Not sure many people who have a UD or OC title would want CCD displayed there though for some reason Yep, I don't like that it's still there and I know it'll look weird when I add the UD or OC to my dog's name but on her pedigree the CCD is still there despite her now having a CDX as well. I presume it'll stay there now. You can obviously choose not to write it on websites etc but it'll still be there on the official pedigree.
  19. Yes I thought that when I watched the video. Could it be your footwork? Nice work all round though It was the sit before the recall... He usually does a crooked sit when he presents and we've been working really hard on that and he got it! But unfortunately he was too far in front when we halted before the recall. Oh well!
  20. He gave me a quallie in Masters Strat Pairs so its now cemented in!!!! Yep I guess I'll have another go!!!!! No mention of the extinction burst Bedazzled???? HUGE congratulations to Amypie for a 1st place + title in novice jumping - she got a standing ovation from her cheer squad :D One bar Freddie redeemed himself today with a clear round in masters jumping - but then teamed with the incredibly consistent Mr Alex in what can only described as a bloody disaster in masters strat pairs It had Caffy and I squirming and the judging laughing loudly as she once owned a toller and could relate to everything we were feeling Caffy - let me know if you ever want me as a pairs partner again - I promise to do better next time ;) Thankfully team toller of Jaffa and Beans surprised us all by going clear and in time in masters strat pairs for their first and probably their only pass ever Finals day tomorrow - best of luck to everybody.
  21. Ummm....are you talking about group stays in the ring? As a judge I wouldn't allow that. Much better to practice with a small group away from the ring and then you can return and reward at your leasure.
  22. Well done with Beans and Lexi :D Brookie and Scooter are the founding members of the "one bar freddie club" any more members?!!???
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