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Everything posted by bedazzledx2

  1. You can, but I prefer the roo or goat when you can get it. The only problem I have with pet mince from a butcher is that its the off cuts which if you look at it is loaded with fat! I prefer my guys to get the fat I can see on their bones, chicken, goat or lamb. There is a terrific butcher outside Coles in Midland WA which has a whole section of 'interesting' cuts which are fantastic for dog food. Chicken feet...$3 per kilo, lamb tongues, beef cheeks, pigs ears (fresh), pigs feet etc. Its all human grade as they cater for different nationalities but its very reasonabley priced so lots of people use it for dog food.
  2. Absolutely agree!!! This is really scary...kinda smacks of PETA. Bolded to say, are they for real? This statement makes me suspect that they have never seen a happy working dog, seeing as they seem to find the idea so incredible. Have they never left the university grounds to see how dogs are actually used in real life? The dogs I have seen working out in the real world (SAR, farm dogs, customs dogs, police dogs) all absolutely loved their jobs. Most dog jobs employ instincts & drives that the dogs like, even need, to have satisfied. The dogs that don't have the drive to do the job or earn the reward simply don't get used. After all, why on earth would you want to rely on a team-mate who would rather not be there?
  3. I can say that when I'm judging my criteria for heelwork is graduated from fairly simple in CCD to harder in Novice. Open (and eventually UD when I go for that) is much tougher. I don't think you need to kill it in the lower classes so long as the dog shows it can do fast normal and slow and every position. The Royal round is fairly typical duration with some variations of course between judges. Mind you, if your QLD dogs can perform the every position in every pace type heelwork then they will be well prepared for the tougher stuff later on. Different thoughts on that...you should see the UK and US starter patterns....much smaller rings and much much much less heelwork with a couple of positions and in the US the figure 8 is a separate exercise. I quite like that for the lower classes actually. We had a VIC judge for UD/Open/Novice and his heel pattern was nothing like your QLD ones Eg. fast pace in Open was just one short straight line, no positions at all! But then again, his heel pattern was identical in Novice to his Open one, so he didn't adjust the "difficulty" on the level he was judging. So it looks like it's only QLD judges, not just WA judges who do a "short" heeling pattern. You guys need to move! Yeah I trialled under a judge from the ACT on Saturday night and his heel pattern was a lot shorter than our QLD ones... it's interesting and I guess I'll find out why all the QLD judges have such long patterns when I go through my judges training!
  4. I've uploaded video of Ptolomy's Cider in CCD at the Perth Royal. I had to do it in three vids as I had problems with the movie making program. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/user/bedazzledx2?fe...u/2/wTZUBlU-Pa4
  5. I panicked when my BC got a whole tub of margerine....shouldn't have worried....he puked it all up ON THE CARPET IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM!!!! I still have the stain 18 months later!!!! Horrible dog!!!!
  6. Sounds like you've done a great job on your own...well done!!! Sorry I'm in WA so can't help you with Melbourne clubs but this is a great way to train a reliable recall. http://www.shirleychong.com/keepers/Lesson6.html I first used it with a really naughty kelpie who would only recall when she was ready...grrrr!!! I have used this method on every dog since and it really works if you put the effort in. BTW I can also recommend Shirley's method for retrieves.
  7. Just got home after a long day and we have a longer one tomorrow with the Agility and Jumping. Scoota won Open on 196 with Brookie 2nd on 195 and Beans 3rd (not sure of her score) Brookie was 2nd in UD as well. Ptolomy's new kid Cider put in an outstanding round to win on perfect points in CCD Very well deserved and just lovely to watch. She is going to be the star of the future!!!! ;)
  8. Congratulations Seita and Ella!!!! Good luck for the next one! Where was the missed sit?
  9. Lovely smooth runs Congratulations and good luck for the Grand Prix
  10. Oh well...get it out of your system now rather than tomorrow!!! If you want to use your pass you'd have to get there before 8.30 but as your doing Open you'll be there for 8 anyway. Make sure you stick it on your windscreen. See you tomorrow! Thanks for that. I have Amy (hopefully still!) coming with me to be my helper. Still waiting for her to sms me back to confirm the plans The permit says you can use it for entry between 6-8.30am, and 4-6pm. Vetting for UDX/UD/Open is 8am while Novice/CCD vetting is 12pm so does that mean those with afternoon only dogs still need to get there before 8.30am because of the passes? I've got both girls in so I will have to be there at 8am anyway. I'm planning on getting there between 7.30-8am. I've had an (alcohol induced :D) upset tummy all day so the plus side is I haven't felt nervous all day, just sick to the stomach!
  11. No its only to get you into the grounds so that you can unload your gear and then you have to go find parking outside. Depending on the amount of gear you have, you may find it easier to park and carry your stuff in but make sure you ok it with the man at the gate first if you're making 2 trips. We'll be there early for UD so parking won't be such an issue but if you come late I'm not sure if that pass will get you through the grounds. Mine is packed in the car so I haven't read if there are times on it...better check! I can always look after Ruby for you if you don't have a helper and need to make another trip. What time were you thinking of getting there?
  12. The retrieving people teach this with flags. Dog goes out in a straight line turns and sits and is redirected on hand signal. Someone who does competition retrieving could help you with this. I taught it years ago as a trick with my BC and three boxes....go out to a PVC Box like UD obedience and re-direct to another one...I guess its all the same concept...you fade the target.
  13. Well! Hurry up!!!! Details please....where is he from. how old? I love Kelpies, had an old bitch for 16 years and she ruled the household!
  14. You got it in one mirawee!!!!! Despite all efforts the timing means that we have no options for the 2011 Classic. That will probably change for 2012 but that may be too late for some handler/dogs teams given people had planned on entering certain classes at their dog's stage in training/trialling. Sad that we were not consulted but there you go... Perhaps we could think about a celebration event for the performance dogs at another time of year?
  15. He is seriously cute!!!! let me know how you get on re size...I haven't worked it out yet either!!!!
  16. This is lumping big time Not with mindy... She is a guide dog puppy. With my future pet dogs, yes.
  17. ???? The obedience sub committee offered to take it on and many have put up their hands to help. It was taken off without consultation.
  18. At the AGM I asked if it was true that the obedience trial had been removed from the Classic as there had been rumors going around. I was told by the then president that it had been decided at the May GC meeting to can the obedience. Many of us were shocked and dismayed and wrote to have the decision recinded. They have just had a meeting and it has now been decided to retain the qualifying trial but we have lost the Challenge ;) :rofl: For the showies, this is our equivalent to the Contest of Winners. We gather scores throughout the year to qualify as only the top ten dogs in each class can qualify and it has the added prestige of being judged by eastern states judges. The May decision basically spelled the death of one of the trials due to the time frames of GC meetings and contracts have already been sent out. Beware people...it can happen to any of us. How would the show people like to lose the Contest of Winners and not be told about it until it is too late??? This is what has happened to us and nearly did to agility also. This is all public information so I am not talking out of school BTW...just really really mad :(
  19. Absolutely!!! I'll even cheer you on ;) So we will be good ambassadors for the Aussie Shepherds then will we?
  20. This is lovely! Art is truly in the brain so its no surprise that talented people can use whatever is available to them to create great works!
  21. I'm slack!!!! I don't train agility as much as I should. I put in a good deal of foundation training which means he got his titles fairly easily but to be honest I haven't done much agility for a while. We do a few comps and will always enter the big ones and country trials. I'm entered in Masters and Games at the Royal with no training....help!!!! :rolleyes: bedazzled do you go to agility training or is Brookie just a natural?
  22. Are you planning on doing competition obedience or agility?
  23. Aarrhhhh!!!! Stop it now!!!! once established you may not be able to and OCD can be a very serious disorder.
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