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Everything posted by bedazzledx2

  1. Look at it as an investment for your sanity I have gone through heaps of vacuums and I get really shirty when they don't work! The best thing about the Dyson is its brilliant engineering...everything comes apart easily if necessary for cleaning and the after sales service is fantastic. Worth every cent in my opinion. I would look for sales though and try to get the best price you can.
  2. Have a look at the web site here http://www.dyson.com.au/store/pets.asp
  3. So what type of training did you do before your dog was 18 months of age? Did you have your dog from a puppy or is he a rescue who came with issues?
  4. Agility training????.....what's that?????? :rofl: We were in good form for the drinkies though!!!! Go the obedience dogs!!!
  5. 3 dogs, 2 cats....Dyson Upright ball with the power head. Brilliant!!!
  6. Stunning work from the Snazman Caffy Very clever Obedience boys getting dusted off for the agility Well, I dusted off the agility dog for his 2nd go at CDX. We missed a sit in the Figure 8..the PA and Scoota doing UD in the next ring was just too much for Mr Happy. Here is his round..
  7. Congratulations Tassie When is your next one?
  8. Another vote for a proper dog trailer. Personally I would be looking at changing vehicles...isn't that what all mad dog people do????
  9. I do this with Brookie and I'm also teaching it to puppy Zac. Legal reward in the ring that comes in with you...yay! I was doing it last night in the UD ring between exercises - pushing Moo away with my leg - and yep he enjoyed the game.
  10. That'll come Mason...congratulations on his ring work
  11. I would be much more concerned about Parvo and wouldn't be bringing in a young puppy until he is fully vaccinated and even then I would be careful about exposing him. There are some nasty strains of Parvo around at the moment and it is more prevalent in summer.
  12. This issue came up last year when dogs with allergies were being fed an elimination diet where the only meat was camel. This was on veterinary advice from one of our major teaching hospitals and dogs were affected. The supplier no longer supplies camel. I did a bit of a check as I was concerned because I feed a large amount of goat, but the goats were being sourced from a different area. It also affects horses who graze on this particular weed. englishivy if you're concerned about feeding horse or other animal products to your dogs then don't feed 'steak' or generic 'meat and meat byproducts' If it doesn't state the animal it is coming from, ie goat, pork, chicken etc you could well be feeding horse without knowing it.
  13. Have to have a brag...Brookie won UD at the Western Classic last night! :D :D He also put in a nice round in UDX only missing a position in the PIM exercise so very pleased with that too Congratulations to Ptolomy with Scoota who came first NQ in UDX with Scoota and qualified second in UD :D and to Caffy who's Snazzy came second in Open :D Plenty of flowing last night!!!!
  14. Not is the sheepdog world it isn't A started pup or dog will cost you more but of course you will not get ANKC papers with it.
  15. Good luck everyone!!! I aim to have fun and hope that UDX doesn't go too pear shaped!!!
  16. Me too! Sad isn't it Yep! Don't be silly! We are a friendly bunch, probably talk a bit too much though! After trianing last night I was talking to RosieFT and Mirawee and Ozjen for ages, then RosieFT and I said we were going then I think we ended up gasbagging for another half an hour next to the cars RE puppy schools - Kyzer went to puppy school. And look at hime I think puppy schools can be good but I will never ever again go to one that is just a free for all with puppies getting smacked down all over the place, especially with smaller puppies. Most fo us are abit shy to start with Labrat, but our mutual love of dogs makes it easier to mix and then you can't shut us up. Thanks Ozjen You there Friday night??? Or Saturday..... As I don't have a life outside of the dogs, I'll probabaly be there all four nights.
  17. A bit of both but these days the competitive people are selecting for high drive dogs often going to the working sheepdog lines for agility. I have done so myself for obedience and agility with an extremely high drive working kelpie. This puppy would be a nightmare in an average suburban home but for me he is perfect! Agility has moved a long way in a relatively short time and is not the 'obedience with bumps' that it once was!!!! So are they high-drive dogs, or have they had the best brought out in them? It could be my tendency of lumping dogs into one of two categories, those who don't pause for long (high drive) and those who most people could live with quite comfortably (low drive). On reflection, this thread might be devoted to the lowest 15% or so? In which case I think it would be difficult to be competitive without a lot of patience because training sessions would be painfully short and infrequent.
  18. Whats the matter with you....get your hands into that raw BARF!!!! :) :rolleyes: Actually the raw mince is easier!!! My puppy got a few meals of BARF by way of hand feeding as I wanted to ensure soft mouth and taking food gently and respectfully of my fingers!!! I tend to use it in small containers as jackpots now though. My dogs are fed raw but I will use cheese and 4 legs as training treats along with their raw.
  19. That sounds more like a training issue rather than a drive issue! I would be looking for a good obedience class that uses a reward based system. Premack definately helps with this.
  20. Ditto The i click is a soft pathetic click. I got one free with a book from Karen Prior but I gave it away...the clicker not the book! Have a look here http://www.ozpetshop.com.au/product_info.p...roducts_id/1466 You don't have to explain to me about training in SA YOU can get volume controlled clickers - Caffy has one and it is pathetic click
  21. Now thats gotta be good value for money!!! Love the ears!!! :D
  22. an obedience dog in the making!!!
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