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Everything posted by border_collie_bella

  1. Well I had my first day of sheep herding at Erskine Park today and loved it!! Bella was a little scared of the sheep at first but that passed as soon as she realised she could chase them! She didn't want to leave because she was having so much fun lol. It was $28 to join plus a $5 joining fee. Before paying the money, they asked me take Bella to the sheep to make sure she was interested before I joined the club. Cost per Sunday is $3 for the first dog and $2 for each additional dog. During daylight saving it starts at 8am and I think it finishes around 4pm (unless it gets too hot as they would then close earlier). It is located right down the end of the road (go past the show grounds, follow the dirt road round to the right and then it swings left and you should see sheep pens on your left. The brick building on the left is where you sign up and pay the fees. Can't wait for next week! Might even start to go on Saturdays as well if I have some spare time.
  2. Hey, I too am interested in herding at Erskine Park. This has been the most informative thread I can find on the internet in regards to times and pricing etc! Thanks to all that have provided this information!! I have a couple of questions... My 7 month old pup comes back when called 90% of the time. The other 10% is when there is a bird, or a bike, or skateboard etc that she wants to chase. I'm a little scared that she may find the sheep more interesting instead of listening to me when called! Is this going to be a major problem? Should I wait until she is a little more mature? My other question is, can beginners come along any day? Do we just turn up on Sunday morning and sign up? Thanks again for all the info! Might see you all on Sunday 11th Oct!
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