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Everything posted by Bustie

  1. Oh- ok. times must have changed since I was around obedience clubs- head collars were only recommended for handlers with some sort of physical lack of strength... or for those whose dogs were chronic forgers-and who had very low neck sensitivity.... that sort of thing ... there are a few clubs/training centres that are like that now...
  2. Looking at learning more about other equipment. Also a long hair BC and don't paticulaily want to use a correction chain, I do know about fur savers. Also the club i'm looking at joining uses them...
  3. I am hoping someone would be able to help me, I am thinking of using a halti on my Border Collie, and was curious about how you faze off the use of the Halti or do you have to continue using the halti forever. ;) I have used correction chains in the past and have been able to faze off to a flat collar. I have yet to find any info as to whether this is possible for the halti, and if so how to go about doing it....
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