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  1. Esky the Husky, how about "Ice" to match Esky? It doesn't start with F though
  2. We once lost a dog 50 kilometres from our home .He turned up at home a week later. He was a kelpie/border collie rescue dog. don't give up hope, some dogs are amazing at finding their way home. All the best and good luck.
  3. thanks eveyone for your great replies. I love how the bullmastiff is a lounge lizard but its hard to resist a rotti and their owners are so passionate! I love it! :D
  4. Hi ems999 Welcome to DOL. Now you know I will be biased in my answer. I would suggest talking with a few breeders and meeting their dogs. Also the obvious is that a Bull Mastiff is very different to a Rottweiler in many many ways. The age of your children does not overly concern me, I am not a fan of younger kids and dogs as younger kids take a lot of work for Mum and Dad let alone having a young pup to worry about. If you want to know more about the Rottweiler drop into the Rottweiler thread we are all very friendly in there. thank you for your reply could you tell me the ways they are different ?
  5. I have a bullmastiff at present and have absolutely fallen in love with the breed however I have always loved rottweilers and want to own one for my next dog. My question is should I stick with the bullmastiff that I know and love or go with my heart and get a rotti? I have 3 children aged 6,9 and 11 and live on half an acre. My dogs are inside and outside dogs and I walk half an hour a day and play ball games. I only work 2 days a week. I am prepared to train the dog of course. Is there anyone out there who could give me advice about whether a rottweiler would be suitable for my family? Thank you
  6. Hi Sunnyflower, I tried to post a pic of Daisy but I couldn't make it small enough . It kept saying it was too big and I am not great on the computer. My OH couldn't do it either. Will keep trying if you want but now you may not be getting her not sure if you still want to see a photo. Would you consider getting a purebred Bullmastiff? I would love one for my next dog but also have my heart set on a rotti. Have always wanted one but have since fallen for the bullmastiff. Good luck and if it doesn't work out there will be another Daisy out there.
  7. Ems How old is your Daisy??? You can attach photo's when you reply if you look just below in the attachments section on the right hand side it says Browse and then an upload.. I would LOVE to see photos of her?? I have tried to post a photo and failed but when OH gets home he will be able to sort it. By the way is that a Blue Heeler in the background of one of the photos? We also have a blue heeler. His name wouldn't be Milo would it?!!!
  8. Ems How old is your Daisy??? You can attach photo's when you reply if you look just below in the attachments section on the right hand side it says Browse and then an upload.. I would LOVE to see photos of her?? she is 14months old i will now try to post a photo. watch this space.
  9. Hi I couldnt believe it when i saw Daisy, I have a dog that looks identical to yours and her name is daisy too!!!! Mine is a bullmastiff x ridgeback. She is the most beautiful natured dog and very lazy. I think laziness comes from the bullmastiff but I am no Expert. Just thought it was a coincidence we had same name. I would post a photo but have no idea how to, sorry. Enjoy her she is divine!!
  10. thanks everyone for your replies. I am only new-ish here so its nice to feel welcome. And yes she probably is different when we aren't home.
  11. I own a female bull mastiff and i read that they were supposed to be good watch dogs. But mine is hopeless and just wriggles her body and wags her tail when we have unexpected visitors. My question is do they become more protective with maturity. She is now 13months old and a big sook. Not that I want a guard dog but a few barks here and there might be ok.
  12. this makes sense to me as my dog licks me constantly and she is quite submissive. Not what I expected in a bull mastiff!!
  13. HI i just wanted to say that i can understand you want a dog with less energy!! I have a gorgeous male purebred cattle dog and his early years sound a lot like what you experienced with your first dog. I thought all dogs were like this!! Then i got a purebred staffy and couldnt believe a dog could be so lazy!! Maybe you should think about one of these dogs. Very people oriented, sometimes too much, but a smoochy loveable companion. By the way the cattle dog is now 7yrs and has turned out to be the most loyal, gentle boy, although he still has energy to burn! Good Luck with your choice
  14. thank you for your advice i will try that.
  15. Hi I have a 10 month old dog and i was wondering if anyone would have any idea on how to stop her licking me, my family and anyone who greets her. I have been told once a licker always a licker and want to know is this true. She is a big dog and so you get quite a big sloppy kiss every time you pat her. ;) Any advice would be appreciated.
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