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Posts posted by jagersmum

  1. If they are able to get a referral to SASH - Dr Rita Singh is the cardiologist there and she is wonderful. She will be able to conduct scans and give a clear indication of prognosis. She looked after my 7 year old weimaraner with myxomatous mitral and tricuspid valve degeneration (MMVD and MTVD) with severe left sided cardiac enlargement, ventricular premature contractions and congestive heart failure. 


    Best wishes. 

  2. Hi Smiff,


    Great news that you have experienced improvements on Vetmedin - the symptoms you were experiencing are from lack of oxygen circulating so the fact you are enjoying improvements is fantastic. 


    Respiratory function is key - generally what will happen with heart failure is the lungs will fill with fluid - heavy breathing, coughing, then overflow into the abdomen giving the appearance of bloating - so I would suggest keeping a diary. Each night when shes asleep - not dream sleep, get out your timer and count her breathes for 15 seconds multiple by 4. A normal sleeping respiratory rate is < 30 per minute. Should it be consistently more than 40 call your vet and ask for advice. More than 60 take to the vet. 


    As you progress she may be prescribed Frusemide - a diuretic to remove fluid - she will need access to water and access to outdoors to wee. Once on a diuretic you may be prescribed Benazepril to support the kidneys since they will be working hard to expel the fluid.   


    Have you asked for a prognosis? Generally shorter in larger breeds but depends greatly on how damaged the heart is at this time. 


    My darling was still bouncy until his last week. He went off his food, which made giving tablets so much more painful, his digestive system began to shut down, diarrhea and vomiting, more lethargic, started to look bloated, slower to walk around, respiratory rate slightly increase, however still happy to see people, would eat McDonalds - if nothing else! - drinking lots of water. 


    He died peacefully at home during the night which was best case scenario. The photograph attached was taken the day before he passed. 


    Hope this helps in some way, I know its not easy. 



    - Ann 



  3. Hi there :)


    My boy Jager (7 year old weimaraner) was under care at SASH (Dr Rita Singh) for myxomatous mitral and tricuspid valve degeneration (MMVD and MTVD) with severe left sided cardiac enlargement, ventricular premature contractions and congestive heart failure.



    Frusemide 100 mg PO BID

    Benazepril 10 mg PO SID

    Pimobendan 10 mg PO BID (Vetmedin)

    Mexiletine 200 mg PO TID


    Vetmedin helps the heart contract better. 


    What would you like to know? What breed? How old? What symptoms are you experiencing?


    - Ann

  4. Only hang washing when you're home.

    Else have you looked at installing a fence around the clothes line? I can partition my backyard into sections on days I have to go out with washing on the line.

  5. Mmmm honest answer I wouldnt go.

    Too many meatheads at dog parks these days and we've been everywhere from Kirrawee, Liverpool, Minto, Castle Hill, Mosman etc.

    Our oldest was attacked twice (once still on lead when we walked through the gate) and I was very upset over it. I am their protector and I felt like I failed them.

    We cannot relax at dog parks just wondering when the next moron will enter the park and clear it out after attacking every single dog.

    We only socialise our pups at obedience and with friends. Ask your friends and neighbors for an afternoon to bring your pup over? On walks ask if you pup can sniff another when you pass - all these things would be safer in my opinion.

  6. Roo is a great meat, high in protein and very lean.

    As far as what you're feeding;

    Veggies should be raw and pureed (you can do this in a food processor or juicer)

    If you want to add oil, olive wont do any harm but Omega Oil or Flaxseed are better options. Canned sardines or mackeral are good too.

    Lamb is a good meat if you want something a little fattier now and then

    You can feed chicken drumsticks whole. Necks, frames and wings are good too

    Feeding meat only (no bone) can throw out the balance - epecially for a growing large breed puppy. A chunk of meat now and then wont hurt but feeding it on the bone is a much better option. They need the bones for calcium.

    Don't worry about weights/amounts etc. Pick a starting point (as you have with your 1200g per day) and if you find your dog is getting tubby feed less or if he looks too ribby feed more food or fattier meats :thumbsup:

    My dog is just under 40kgs, eats around 800g-1200g per day and the main component of his diet is roo :thumbsup:


  7. Hi all.

    I'm just looking for opinions on this diet, or advice from those who have fed similar perhaps. We're fairly new to this and want to do right by our 4 month old Lab.

    First off, amount. By my research/calculations, to err on the side of caution we're going with 3% of his approx grown weight of 40kg = 1.2 kg approx per day, over two meals.

    A typical day has:

    Maybe 400g kangaroo chunk (raw, fed in one whole chunk of meat)

    drizzle olive oil for fat

    chopped raw or leftover steamed veg - say, 20% of meal

    chunk of offal (grass fed lamb liver or kidneys - maybe 10% of meal)

    fed twice per day (breakie, dinner).

    At lunch time he will also have a chunk of raw meaty roo tail (bone) or a chicken drumstick (bone with meat fragments - not the whole thing!).

    Roo meat seems to be the best option for us to feed. Though even at $4.50 per/kilo, with him eating almost that every day it is very expensive.

    Any thoughts on roo as a main feed component?

    4 month old pup I would like to see a larger vegetable component.

    Id also like to see more bone and fat - kangaroo is very lean.

    Have you thought about egg or using flaxseed oil instead of olive oil and using a fattier cut?

    My two love kangaroo but when feeding i try to up fat in other ways to compensate.

    How much does the pup weigh?

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