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  1. Dion is a pure beagle and he's gotten "cold tail". There was a bit of swelling and his tail just wasn't the same. After 3 days and his tail still hasn't improved, we brought him to the vet who said he might've injured it - maybe a door closed on it or someone pulled his tail - and gave him anti-biotics. She also cautioned us that his tail might have to be amputated (!!!!). Thankfully, he was fine within a few days.
  2. Is your GSD your only dog? Dion used to do that before we adopted Zac. He would take all day to eat his food (if he could... if not, he'll take 15minutes, which was our time limit for him). As you described, he'll take a mouthful and go elsewhere to eat it at a leisurely pace (usually just 5 steps away), and then come back for more. However, ever since we got Zac he became more guarded with his food bowl and wouldn't leave it alone.
  3. I knew there had to be a market for my upcoming business idea of opening a petstore online... ;)
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