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Snout Girl

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Everything posted by Snout Girl

  1. how about scones with MELTED blue cheese? *trots off to check pantry*
  2. I have no experience with littermates or the stafford breed, but in terms of getting 2 puppies at the same time I think you made the right choice by getting one and possibly another down the track. we got our 2 pups 6 weeks apart, somewhat naively, and it is bloody hard work! we love both our dogs and there is not one moment i regret getting them, but having 2 energetic, exciteable, playful and naughty pups at the same time was hard! training is hard, walks are done seperately to practice loose lead walking. things are starting to come together now, but there were times there that i thought we must have been crazy whilst not regretting having our 2 dogs, i wouldnt get 2 pups at the same time again. glad you have found a breeder you are happy with
  3. We had a rough time with Sally when she was desexed, she is a bit of a sooky la la but other than that we went with a new vet that had been recommended by a family friend rather than our regular vet as this one was closer. she was only at the vet for just over an hour before they called us to pick her up. she was so wonky still she couldnt even walk 2 steps. we werent given any pain meds or anti biotics. the wound seemed inflamed and we called 3 or 4 times and each time they said she was just being sooky and yto put cold tea on it or savlon and there was no need to come in. ended up taking her to our regualr vet and discovered she had developed vaginitis and it was so bad they almost had to open her up again. the guilt i felt was immeasureable. suffice to say, bert is being done at our regular vet. glad everyone's pups are doing well, fingers crossed for bert on monday!
  4. me to ;) me three ;) and sent it to over 300 people
  5. Armand Bailey Balou Bandit Bardigrub Baxter Benny Bert! Billy Brady Brock Brockie Brody Bud Bundy Caramel Carl Charlie x 2 Chip Coco Cooper Cowan x 2 Cuba Danny Darcy Dash Dean Declan Diesel Digger Douglas Dumas Dylan Elijah FlashBazil Frank Gandor Greedy Harrison Henry Hudson Ivan Jack Jasper JayDee Jethro Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kasper Kaos Kiba Kisho Kyzer Leroy Lestat Logan Luca Lukas MacKenzie Max Maxie Merry Milosh Minook Mistral Nammu Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Onslow Oz Payton Piikki Raffy Randy Reeve Riku Rocks Rove Rover Rupert Rusty Scout Shadow Spencer Sterling Storm Tazz Tey Dog Tirra Tusca Tye Ulf Walker Watson Willy Zedley Zephyr Zeus
  6. i've been reading the thread and sitting back and from an outsiders point of view, I feel there is a language barier happening. sometimes people whose second language is english dont express themselves the same as those who speak english as a first language. my father in law sometimes says things and we could take it offensively but one look at his face you just know he has not phrased it as we are used to or used the wrong terminology. i dont think the OP intentions are bad, or that he is saying he wont pay for a quality dog. i think there is a bit of confusion, just my opinion of course.
  7. You and me both sandra64, hope all goes well for you today, I am a wreck, Marlin goes in midday, poor girl cant understand why I wont give her anything to eat. Will post update this afternoon. Hugs to everyone and the babies getting desexed today Good luck to all of you,I hope all goes well,please keep us informed.I am really starting to get nervous and anctious now. when does wuggles go in?
  8. Do two small dogs equal one medium dog? For similar reasons to yours... a strange way of going jogging with the 2 tibbie girls has been found, at our place. You know how you pass those high-techie joggers who have weights on their arms? OK, we have a tibbie, under each arm. Who make grunting noises like the female tennis players giving their muscles all they've got. Except it's our muscles. I wish you luck.
  9. sending lots of healing vibes for your special girl bert had a similar thing happen when he was a wee boy of around 3 months, they thought he had pavo he had to spend the night in hospital, and on a drip as he was severely dehydrated. he came through it, and I'm sure your Tia will too
  10. Hi Puggawuggles! Coincidentally, Bert gets desexed next Monday! We'll have to share our experiences. The vet told us we wont need an elizabethan collar as pugs find it difficult to reach the stiches. we have one from when bert had an eye ulcer but we were told we wont need it. boys are easier than girls, i am told. we had a bit of drama with sally getting vaginitis when she was desexed so fingers crossed all runs smoothly this time! good luck with your little man!
  11. Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Anastacia (Annie) Angel x 3 Anishinaabe April Arizona Asante sana Ashka Askari Astro Audrey Aura Ayla Baba Baci Bailey Becky Bella x2 Bit Blossom Bonny Bree Bridie Buffy Cally Cassie Cedar Chelsea Chloe x 2 Charlotte Cinta CJ Claire Claudia Clover Cleoparta Cleo Coco x2 Daisy Delilah Delta Dexta Durham Dyzney Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella Ellie Ellie Emily Emma Erin Fanta Finta Glitter Grace Griffin Gypsy x2 Harlow Hayley x2 Heddy Heidi Holly x 4 Honey Honour Imogen - Imy Jay Jay Jezebel Jodie Kara Karmen Katie Kayla Kenzie Kiesha Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey Layla Lea (lele) Lily Logan Lottie Lucy x3 Mable Marie Claudette Marlo Meg Merrique Mia Millie x2 Minnie Mischka Molly x2 Molly Coddle Mya Nala Narla Natasha Ness Nova Pearl Peggie Perri Pip Pixie Popcorn Porridge Reba Rommi Rosey Roxy Ruby x3 Sabrina Sally x 2 Sascha x 2 Satu Shae Shandy Sharnie Sheba Shine Sinta Skye Sophie x2 Springy Spook Stella Stimpy Storm Sue Tara Tayla Teegan Tess Tia Tilly x3 Tinny (tin tin) Tori Trixie Tully Vada Voodoo Winter Wilhelmina Xanthe Ziva Zoe
  12. i am in no way vet bashing, as i stated earlier 'they dont all suck, there are good and bad in every profession' and i have never said i dont value the work they do. i care for my dog and as a result want him to receive the vet care he needs, so in that respect i am not a 'consumer with a choice'. either i can neglect my dog or i can get him care. in my opinion there is no choice there. and yes, nothing will convince me $10 a minute is reasonable to pay for vet care. regarding education, would communication between different animal bodies (i.e. vets, breeder and canine councils, animal biologists etc) make information more readily avaiable? perhaps a centralised database that can be contributed to by all sorts of bodies that each have their area of speciality?
  13. Thanks so in 3yrs time I will automatically SUCK just because I graduated from vet. Well thanks alot. Yep I care about money because I own 5 dogs and would like to be able to afford to take them to agility and flyball, and be able to afford to rescue wildlife etc. How dare I as a so called animal lover dare to charge someone for a SERVICE. So why do vets suck- because you dont value them. You havent BOTHERED to go out and find a half decent vet (I dont deny that some vets are crap but guess what- you get to chose as a consumer wherer you go) and I can tell you there are some bloody awsome vets out there so why not DO something instead whinging and find one??? I will also point out that you have not included in your rant that you accept that not ALL vets suck. You said vets suck with no other qualification thus you HAVE indicated that all vets suck and really do find this QUITE offensive! I will leave it there because I would prob get banned from saying any more.............. whilst i do not agree that all vets 'suck' as i believe there are good and bad in every profession, i do disagree with the amount some charge. recently had to take bert to a dermatologist, was $170 for 1/2 hr consultation that didnt include any testing. she got some sticky tape samples of his paws and left the room for 2-3 mins to put them under a microscope and that cost $60. i understand they are specialists but i had to see a cardiac specialist and paid less than that (and i didnt have private health at the time). whilst you try and plan the funds for vet bills, it doesnt mean that they are always reasonable. if prices were a bit lower perhaps more people would seek vet care for their pets. Once again how do YOU come up with a reasonable fee? that $60 wasnt for the sticky tape or the 2-3 min of time- it was the 5YRS of training that the vet did undergrad to become a vet and then the X more number of yrs that they trained to become a specialist. For all you know they are still paying off debt to have done all this study. The $170 consult fee was for the microscope, and all the other technology that they would have had behind the scenes. So how are the fees not 'reasonable'?????????????????????????? A vet grad will be lucky to earn $35thousand in a year once they graduate!!!! It is the lowest payed white collar profession and yet you say it should be cheaper ON TOPIC after my little rant I agree that there are a lot of vets/vet students that dont actually keep up to date with what is going on in the dog world. Most dont know what flyball is, don’t understand agility and couldn’t tell you their local obedience club. But I guess you just need to look around and find a vet that is appropriate to your needs and stick with them. I cant tell you how to fix it but perhaps contacting the universities to see when they do animal handling and organising your own pets to go in. That way YOU can educate the vet students!! Another way might be to contact societies such as VETSoc (at Sydney uni) and organising to try and educate on different breeds during lunch each week...... That way when they graduate they will have had their ideas challenged and be able to think for themselves instead of just blindly believing what lecturers tell them. Well i know for sure that my cardiac specialist also spent many, many years training and also has a lot of expensive equipment and I was able to pay half of what it cost for my dog to see a dermatologist. the avergae graduating salary for a veteniary science student is $40,000- with other professions such as accounting, pharmacy and architecture being lower paid. there is no way that anyone can convince me that paying $296 in total for a half hour appointment is reasonable. that equates to $10 a minute. that to me is unreasonable
  14. whilst i do not agree that all vets 'suck' as i believe there are good and bad in every profession, i do disagree with the amount some charge. recently had to take bert to a dermatologist, was $170 for 1/2 hr consultation that didnt include any testing. she got some sticky tape samples of his paws and left the room for 2-3 mins to put them under a microscope and that cost $60. i understand they are specialists but i had to see a cardiac specialist and paid less than that (and i didnt have private health at the time). whilst you try and plan the funds for vet bills, it doesnt mean that they are always reasonable. if prices were a bit lower perhaps more people would seek vet care for their pets.
  15. I hope not, as one of our dogs came to us with no microchip! (he is now, of course). and a friend just purchased a dog last weekend from a breeder (registered, etc) and it wasnt microchipped either. i thought it was just mandatory to have them microchipped before you registerd them with council? i could be wrong tho
  16. Whoops you sure have picked the wrong forum to ask on Why shouldnt they be able to ask a question about possibly taking a neighbours mixed breed pup? Arent we trrying to educate and encourage responsible choices? If so, this is a great forum to ask on
  17. Bert sort of walks like a crab with his legs slightly to the side Maybe just look at it like one of those idiosyncrises that makes each dog unique i dont know about tyson's waddle but boy, he is a cutie ;)
  18. Ever been attacked by a dog B&S? Or had your dog attacked by one? fortuntely no and no. i can understand possibly carrying a stick for protection but large poles and planks of wood? that get waved around at every opportunity? its madness it's not madness to the person with the phobia well the person threatening me and my dog with a plank of wood certainly didnt have a dog phobia, considering she had 2 of her own. sometimes its not about phobias or fears (in this case i cant say what the cause is, none of us can except the lady in question) its about humans who think everyone else should stay out of their way (or their dog's way) because the world belongs to them. i will get howled down for this, but often this is the case as i have said, in this instance none of us really know what is going on except the lady.
  19. I had a dog run up to me, cock their leg and pee on MY leg at a dog beach The owner watched them do it then casually called them away
  20. Yeah but she's walking in the direction I just came from. If I changed direction, I'd just be walking back the way I came, only ahead of her - how would I get to the park then? There's no side street I can walk down, which is why last time I walked up a drive way to be as far away as possible but it didn't work and she still freaked out. i know of someone she could walk with....however this woman favours a large plank of wood
  21. Ever been attacked by a dog B&S? Or had your dog attacked by one? fortuntely no and no. i can understand possibly carrying a stick for protection but large poles and planks of wood? that get waved around at every opportunity? its madness
  22. wow what is with all these weapon wielding psychos prowling around our neighbourhoods? it would not even occur to me to take a pole/plank of wood/machette/army canon etc on a dog walk what is the world coming to
  23. Hi Grumpette Thanks so much for your lovely offer. we are in the northern suburbs but a little far from where you are (30-40 mins). as i said, usually i do have company its just my parnter was tired last nigh. its always the way isnt it, murphys law and all that. OT would love to see pics of you baby
  24. have called local council, the girl was very nice, i gave a description of the woman and the dogs and the place it occurred and the time. she said that council do regular patrols along creek/bike paths that are notorious for off leash dogs. she has put it on record so if anyone else calls, it has already been noted. i usually do walk with my partner, but he was a bit tired last night so i went alone. it was only 7pm and still light so i thought i would be fine. OH has convinced me to walk again that way tonight, like many of you have said he belives i need 'to get back in the saddle' so to speak and it will do wonders for sally's confidence as well. he will be accompanying me, of course, with a camera and a very heavy torch 'just in case'. it was quite a wide area in which i spotted her (from the creek to the 2nd sighting is a bit of a hike) so door knocking may run into the hundreds so it may be diffcilut. nannas: there was no one around when the incident occured (naturally). we also didnt pass anyone along the creek except a group of teenagers but i'm pretty sure they turned off before they would of passed her. so no witnesses unfortunately. thanks for the suggestions tho i admit that i was worried when calling the police that she would make up some story, being older and obviously more frail than i, about me and my 'vicious' dog trying to attack her little darlings. as people have said, it would be my word against hers. for the record, i have nothign against small dogs, i own a pug myself, i dislike any dog that is off lead in an on lead area that bothers us, whether its a great dane or a chi.
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