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Snout Girl

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Everything posted by Snout Girl

  1. Altona dog beach is a lot bigger and nicer- just FYI Brighton tends to get very crowded
  2. No Kepala for me this month :D Am working at a charity function for Heart Kids all day Really enjoyed last month too, oh well
  3. just waiting for this thread to go Poof!
  4. we have been past 2 or 3 times (didnt get out, just shined the torch on the den) and havent seen the dog since
  5. aaaww your photos are awesome! you have a natural talent I love the shaking dogs, and of course the jungle pug shots
  6. Whatever the majority decides is fine with me- you would probably struggle during December to pick a date that suits everyone as there are so many functions and everyone is so busy. december is just one of those months.
  7. we'll be attending the DDO in December, so wont be able to attend if the date stays the same, but am happy to go along with the majority
  8. Nope, Snout Girl, I live in Mt Waverley. Lordy! that's bad news. No one has been interested in stalking me for years ;) Every day when I drive home from work I pass a couple walking the most adorable rottie and cavalier together. so someone else loves your taste in dog breeds!
  9. I'm sure my OH would be more than happy to help
  10. It would be waaayy out of character for a Cavalier to bite. They love people, particularly children. I walk my Cavs past the local kindergarten and often it's when the morning kinder is over and Mums are picking up their kids. All the kids run over to my dogs, the Mums know their kids are not at risk of being bitten. All the little kids know my dogs names. The kindergarten is fenced in but the car park and surrounding lawn and plant area out front isn't. Gotta say I think it's cruel to tie out a Cavalier. They're such gentle, sweet dogs. I'd be telling the owners their dog is getting loose. Cavaliers have zero road sense and the little dog will get hit by a car. Totally OT, but CavnRott you dont happen to live in the western suburbs of melbourne do you? (Taylors Hill area?) Not stalking you I promise!
  11. Anyone for pug cuddles??? We're in! DOLers and Dogs- pip1981- Dakota and Tika MavericksMission ~ Maverick & Hector Pointees - April, Alexis and Shaun. Lucycharzie - Charlotte Evolving - Alera and Bobby Kirst_goldens and John - Decided ill bring Lunaberger again and try again to bring Mo Mo the greyhound next month Misha&Milo-Misha, Milo and Flash ( no one has met flash yet) spitzbaby - Kairu Groupfive - Flash Hannah - Beethoven the labby boy Canine Friend - Dexter Sharon and Sax Keroppiyo - Buffy Dobesrock - Acheron + 1 Snout Girl- Bert and Sally (and OH) List of DOLers and food pip1981- marinated chicken wings, toss salad, soft drink (cups, plates, cutlery & condiments) MavericksMission ~ Potato Salad and something else Pointees - fairy bread and pigs ears. Lucycharzie - a couple salads Evolving - Sausages. Kirst - Drinks and a cake... im thinking cheesecake... hrmm Misha&Milo- snags, tomato suace, rissoles and whatever else i think of spitzbaby & 2 friends - homemade brownies (I think for now) Groupfive - Pasta Salad and COKE!!!!!! Hannah - Chippies Canine Friend - hamburgers and bread Sharon D - Tai chicken burgers Keroppiyo - Fruit salad Dobesrock - Softdrink and plastic cups & something else (not sure yet) Snout Girl- something vegetarian- vegie burgers and a salad?
  12. OT, but Ready Set Go, owning a black stafford is on my wishlist. when the time is right look out for an email, I think your dogs are just devine
  13. would it be possible to find out how the dog is with other dogs including smaller dogs? and kids?
  14. I know that the cats owners where there, as one opened the cage and got his cat out whilst we were there. while we were there they also replaced all the newspaper in the dog cages. there was some information about rescues and how you can help pet rescue at the pal stand. not saying I agree with the set up, just saying it wasnt all bad
  15. Haha touche! At least I know we can enter and exit Kepala without incident!
  16. I'm 99.9% sure we can make it this month just as long as no more sudden communions come up and it will be warm enough for pug swimming!
  17. aaawww wat a gorgeous chunka lunka girl! Happy birthday!
  18. Whilst I respect the job rescues do, sometimes they can be their own worst enemy. I know of a situation where 4 phone messages (over a 2-3 week period) and countless emails were left for a rescue and no response. person gave up because they didnt want to look like a stalker. being a full time worker and volunteer myself (not dogs) I understand how time is limited, but believe common courtesy means inquiries should be answered within a week.
  19. This wasnt Brighton beach was it. The kite surfers last summer were doing my head in. One guy had his strings all laid out on the sand and there are dogs running everywhere. It was a week end so really busy. It takes me nearly an hour to get there as well. I for one would not be letting my kids eat or paddle in the water at a dog beach. I just dont think its healthy. Especially when there is a human beach right next to it. nah mate, was altona dog beach. maybe they migrated over to brighton after they had copped a spray from me they kicked sand at bert so i gave them a mouthful.
  20. to be honest this gives me the sh!ts also. we have to drive almost 40 mins to a dog beach, its only a tiny alcove of a huge stretch of beach. last summer we had kite surfers there getting peeved at the dogs barking at their flapping kites and even kicked sand up at a few of them. if they had of walked less than 500m away there is a no dogs beach where they can kite surf dog free and then there are the families that set up their picnic and get annoyed if any dog gets within a stones throw of them. i know people have the right to use whatever beach they please (they constantly remind us of that if we have the nerve to say to them 'it is a dog beach') but common sense must prevail. in the anti dog society we live, us dog lovers have precious little off lead areas without having to contend with the non dog people who want to use the tiny space and get annoyed by all things dog. rant over bring on this summer!
  21. aaaaw what a sweetheart! ETA I love the big boofa too!
  22. I'm sorry I completely disagree with this shocking generalisation. My dogs definently get more than one hour of my time a day- they are walked twice a day, do obedience training every day, go to obedience school and have started agility. they are inside with us 15 of 24 hours a day being part of the family. just because someone doesnt work full time doesnt mean they spend 24/7 with their dogs. each person should be taken on merit, not their working status. in this day and age of rising costs everywhere it is a reality that a lot of households have both adults working. if we exclude these families from adoption you will be excluding a large pool of the population and making it harder to find the perfect home as your choices are so limited. having a blanket 'no full time workers' policy is self destructive in my opinion.
  23. I have to say I disagree with this. It depends on the individual situation. Both my OH and I work full time and bought 2 puppies into our family. Both are happy, well adjusted dogs, never had a neighbour complaint, garden is still in tact, no behavioural problems. why? because we spend quality time exercising/training our dogs and wen we arent here, they have plenty to occupy them (toys, kongs etc). I dont think a blanket statement like that is fair. Just my opinion, of course ;)
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