Snout Girl
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Everything posted by Snout Girl
Hi all I have a brand new never used doggie life vest free to a reputable rescue. Good for water rehab. It's a paws aboard brand bright yellow in colour. It's very big so would suit large breeds. Happy to post at my expense . Cheers.
Free To Reputable Rescue
Snout Girl replied to Snout Girl's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
No worries mate pm me the best postage address :) -
Free To Reputable Rescue
Snout Girl replied to Snout Girl's topic in Dog Rescue (General Rescue Discussion)
Would you like both the lead and harness? Which rescue are you with? -
I have a brand new puppia harness size xs in camo and a excellent condition Ezy dog bungee lead in pink I would like to gift to rescue. Happy to pay postage to send if necessary.
List of dogs: Malcolm + Carrie - Shakur + Soka Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Daisy Celestina- Thor List of food: Malcolm - Sausages + bread/sauce Snout Girl- TBA Celestina- TBA
Anything other than coke or lemon works for me :) thanks mate
Always room for one more dwayna :) perhaps a green salad? Have a look at the suggestions list above and see Wat takes your fancy
Steph can I be cheeky and request something other than coke? :)
Celestica has pulled out
List of dogs: Malcolm + Carrie - Shakur + Soka Robbie (malcolms friend) - Tank Kirsty (carries friend) - Milo Nicole - Tahvo Simone + Meagan - Taavi Huey Miin- Ollie and Borris Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce April and Jo - Indy + Tango List of food: Malcolm + Carrie - chicken wings + bread/butter Robbie - TBA Kirsty - Pasta salad + coleslaw Nicole- TBA Simone and Meagan- TBA Huey Miin - brownies Snout Girl- Huge box of sausages I was forced to take home last Kepala as someone left them + something vego for bbq April and Jo- sweet potato salad
List of dogs: Malcolm + Carrie - Shakur + Soka Robbie (malcolms friend) - Tank Nicole - Tahvo Simone + Meagan - Taavi Huey Miin- Ollie and Borris Jen- Scooter Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce April and Jo- 2 dogs (names escape me!) Celestina: Thor List of food: Malcolm + Carrie - sausages + bread/butter Robbie- TBA Nicole- TBA Simone and Meagan- TBA Huey Miin- TBA Jen- TBA Snout Girl- Huge box of sausages I was forced to take home last Kepala as someone left them + something vego for bbq April and Jo- sweet potato salad Celestina: TBA
List of dogs: Malcolm + Carrie - Shakur + Soka Robbie (malcolms friend) - Tank Nicole - Tahvo Simone + Meagan - Taavi Huey Miin- Ollie and Borris Jen- Scooter Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce List of food: Malcolm + Carrie - sausages + bread/butter Robbie- TBA Nicole- TBA Simone and Meagan- TBA Huey Miin- TBA Jen- TBA Snout Girl- Huge box of sausages I was forced to take home last Kepala as someone left them + something vego for bbq
List of dogs Steph M- Gus and Rosie Snout Girl- Bert, Sally and Bruce Sara - Ollie, the cool pug x Malcolmus + Carrie - Soka + Shakur Pip1981- Dakota April and jo- 2 dogs Kimberley- Fleur List of food Steph M- Potato salad Snout Girl- vego bbq food, sausages Sara - Dips and crackers and sausages Malcolmus - chicken wings/drumettes Pip1981- bread, butter, soft drink and supplies April and jo- sweet potato salad Kimberley- cake
List of dogs Steph M- Gus and Rosie Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy List of food Steph M- TBA Snout Girl- vego bbq food, meatballs
If you're keen to come along, please add your name, your dog/s' name, and what you'd like to bring, to the list! Or, feel free to ask any questions. For those who haven't come along before, our DOL booking includes exclusive use of the Lagoon Pool (from 10am-1pm only), the main grassed run (with shade) and the newly built bbq pergola area in the run from 10am-3pm, and use of the other runs where available. A few of us also tend to hang around later than 2pm (Kepala are fine with that, there are always runs available). We will plan to have a BBQ for lunch, will post a suggestions list of what to bring For anyone who does want to come along, there a few things to know: 1. We are going to have fun and let the dogs have fun (this is a big one!) 2. If your dog is not so good with others, it is ok because there are other runs you can use 3. We want ALL the dogs to have fun, so no humping, fighting etc allowed. And as above there are other runs we can use. 4. The more the merrier 5. Not restricted to DOL members 6. $17.00 PER dog (Sorry, but there is no discount for bringing multiple dogs/puppies, its $17 a dog/puppy.) 7. We usually each bring something. Contact and Location Kepala Canine Country Club is located next door to Kepala Pet Resort. We are just off the Calder Hwy, directly opposite the Good Year Thunderdome. Refer to map below. Address: 55 Edwards Road, Diggers Rest. Melways map ref: 3, A1 http://www.kepala.com.au/country_club
List of dogs pip1981- Dakota nancylady- Oscar snout girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce, Daisy, Poppy Malcolmus + Carrie - Shakur + Soka jo and april: Indy and Tango Celestina: Thor List of food pip1981- tba nancylady- tba snout girl- meatballs and vegie patties Malcolmus - tba Jo and April: sweet potato salad Celestina: soft drink and a green salad
List of dogs pip1981- Dakota nancylady- Oscar snout girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce, Daisy, Poppy List of food pip1981- tba nancylady- tba snout girl- tba
Not to be a Grinch, but could you check your diaries before RSVP'ing please as we have had a number of 'no shows' in the past few months which has affected numbers. Of course emergencies occur but if you RSVP please let us know if something occurs as we have to face the wrath of Kepala if we have low numbers due to people not showing up. Thanks :)
If you're keen to come along, please add your name, your dog/s' name, and what you'd like to bring, to the list! Or, feel free to ask any questions. For those who haven't come along before, our DOL booking includes exclusive use of the Lagoon Pool (from 10am-1pm only), the main grassed run (with shade) and the newly built bbq pergola area in the run from 10am-3pm, and use of the other runs where available. A few of us also tend to hang around later than 2pm (Kepala are fine with that, there are always runs available). We will plan to have a BBQ for lunch, will post a suggestions list of what to bring For anyone who does want to come along, there a few things to know: 1. We are going to have fun and let the dogs have fun (this is a big one!) 2. If your dog is not so good with others, it is ok because there are other runs you can use 3. We want ALL the dogs to have fun, so no humping, fighting etc allowed. And as above there are other runs we can use. 4. The more the merrier 5. Not restricted to DOL members 6. $17.00 PER dog (Sorry, but there is no discount for bringing multiple dogs/puppies, its $17 a dog/puppy.) 7. We usually each bring something. Contact and Location Kepala Canine Country Club is located next door to Kepala Pet Resort. We are just off the Calder Hwy, directly opposite the Good Year Thunderdome. Refer to map below. Address: 55 Edwards Road, Diggers Rest. Melways map ref: 3, A1 http://www.kepala.com.au/country_club We will be having a doggy Kris Kringle on the day. Everyone needs to bring a doggy gift to the value of $10 for each dog that they bring. All gifts will be added to Santa's sack and each dog will receive a pressie on the day!
List of dogs Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy (and an OH) List of food Snout Girl- Something vego, meatballs, tomato sauce
I'm baaaaaaaaack! If you're keen to come along, please add your name, your dog/s' name, and what you'd like to bring, to the list! Or, feel free to ask any questions. For those who haven't come along before, our DOL booking includes exclusive use of the Lagoon Pool (from 10am-1pm only), the main grassed run (with shade) and the newly built bbq pergola area in the run from 10am-3pm, and use of the other runs where available. A few of us also tend to hang around later than 2pm (Kepala are fine with that, there are always runs available). We will plan to have a BBQ for lunch, will post a suggestions list of what to bring For anyone who does want to come along, there a few things to know: 1. We are going to have fun and let the dogs have fun (this is a big one!) 2. If your dog is not so good with others, it is ok because there are other runs you can use 3. We want ALL the dogs to have fun, so no humping, fighting etc allowed. And as above there are other runs we can use. 4. The more the merrier 5. Not restricted to DOL members 6. $17.00 PER dog (Sorry, but there is no discount for bringing multiple dogs/puppies, its $17 a dog/puppy.) 7. We usually each bring something. Contact and Location Kepala Canine Country Club is located next door to Kepala Pet Resort. We are just off the Calder Hwy, directly opposite the Good Year Thunderdome. Refer to map below. Address: 55 Edwards Road, Diggers Rest. Melways map ref: 3, A1 http://www.kepala.com.au/country_club
Very sorry to hear steph. Thinking of you and your family. Don't worry about money all is fine. Take care.
Not long now! List of Dogs Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy Steph M - Gus and Rosie pip 1981- Dakota (and human baby Elliot- maybe Daddy Ed and big brother Jeremy) Terri - Didi deadsheep - Bronson, Cassie, Kane and maybe Hannibal Malcolmus - Shakur + Soka Catherine- Oscar Jo's friend Sarah- Amber List of Food Snout Girl- something vego for bbq, meatballs, pasta salad Steph M - Potato Salad and Sausages. pip1981- crunchy noodle salad, soft drink (I can bring my supplies bag if that helps SG?) Terri - Bread + something of the cake/slice/sweet variety deadsheep - chicken skewers for bbq Malcolmus - bread/rolls/marg Catherine- ???? Sarah- TBA
List of Dogs Snout Girl- Bert, Sally, Bruce and Poppy List of Food Snout Girl- something vego for bbq, meatballs, pasta salad
The last few Kepala meets we have ended up with stacks of unopened bags of chips and snacks so I thought it would be better if people used the list below as a guide so we get a bigger variety and less wastage? Let me know what you think Below is a list of suggested BBQ foods Sausages Hamburgers Veg. burgers/veg. option Chicken Leafy salad Pasta salad Potato salad Coleslaw Bread/bread rolls and butter/margarine- sweets a sweets b snack (chips) x