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Everything posted by woodbyne
I totally agree they are definately not used to grass the one i have is the same however he is ok toiletting when we are there however he know has free run of the yard 100% of the time with my dogs. When they first arrived here all they wanted to do was walk on concrete. It certainly is long hard slog with these guys and sometimes i wonder if i did the right thing in taking them but otherwise they would have been put to sleep just don't know whats kinder for them. Nelson they boy i have is going really well except he still HATES the lead but he just has to get used to it. Its like having 8 week old puppies but they are fully grown....
I only knew about cherry eye after reading abouut it in a dogs nsw journal about 12 months ago of course i can't find that issue now but here is a link also use google images to see what it looks like http://pet-diseases.suite101.com/article.c...rry_eye_in_dogs it certainly looks like that to me but i'm not vet hence why i want the vet to look at them they boy is quite bad with the red lump covering most of his eye. Its actually a prolapsed tear duct can be fixed with surgery but i don't have that kind of money to spend on these poor kids different if they were my own and they had homes to go to and didn't have any temperament problems.... i honestly believe we can't save them all but we can save the really good ones
Ok so i went to visit the dogs. Two have what looks to me to be cherry eye when i get them i'll get teh vet to check so after reading about it i think those two will have to be put to sleep apparently it isn't painful but the look isn't good and its going to be hard enough to house two that look ok and i think i'll be better to concentrate on the other two. Dalmatian rescue is full at the moment but happy to advertise them. So looks like i'll take 2 in 2 weeks but if they are too stressed i think the kindest thing is to put them too sleep if really really bad. If they are ok with people we can work on the environmental side of things but can't have fear biters they didn't appear to be. Oh well i'll keep you posted
Hi Someone at work is desperate to get rid of her 4 dalmatians ok thats fine.. (well not fine but i can deal with that), financial and family reasons that i wont even go on about here will take way too long Issue is They are 18 months old 2 girls 2 boys from the SAME litter. Mother died having the pups and dad "ran away".... they are purebred of course no papers the parents don't have papers but look purebred but of course could never be 100% sure They have never been off their property never even had a collar on and have no manners at allthey are vaccinated they actually had the vet out to do that which i thought was strange considering the rest of the neglect but i'll also believe it if i see a vax certificate. I'm willing to take them and try and rehabilitate them i haven't seen them yet and my belief is that if they are aggressive to people,kids or dogs unfortunately i will have to have that one or all if they are all like that put to sleep. I honestly don't think it would be fair to pass on a dog like that to another family. I think if i try to retrain them i will have them desexed after a fair amount of training so i can check out their temperaments before going ot the expense of desexing 4 dogs my husband isn't too happy about that type of vet bill.... I'm in two minds go for it and try or forget it and just have them put to sleep. Has anyone tried rehabilitating dogs that are this messed up. To be honest they might not even be messed up but i'm just imagining them the boys can't go together or they will fight i have dog runs to keep them seperatley in but i'm not sure if i'm just wasting my time even considering this. Love to hear some opinions so i can make a decision i'm just so confused but also upset that the poor dogs have been neglected mentally they aren't starved or mistreated in a mean way just no socialisation or skills to help them intergrate into society Thanks
Thtas what i think will happen.... I was waiting for her to come in season so had entered a whole heap of shows and then bingo shes in just in time for the shows.... so i'm sure the same thing will happen. Murphys law. I'll fill you in tonight as i have to go from the vets race the dogs back home then off to work. Told them i have an appointment they already think i'm a mad dog person.....
Since my boy is whinging like CRAZZZY!!! The vet is pretty confident it will be the right time i think if i now wait for any type of test we might miss so its time to do AI. $45 for the consult and $33 for the AI. This isn't my usual vet as she is away and i don't like the locum she gets in but the friend of mine who breeds has recommended him and he has a pretty good reputation around town as a fertility specialist or as the vet nurse said on the phone hes the best wa.k.r in town and we don't pay for the AI unless he actually get some semen out and then we can test how fertile he is. Fingers and paws crossed for something. When we decided to do it i said i'm not going to stress about it let nature take its course if it doesn't happen its not meant to be but..... reality hits and a different story
Hello, YES i am a registered breeder this is a very wanted and planned mating taking over 2 years to ensure both dogs had had all health checks and were healthy and titled before even thinking of breeding. It is my first litter and i don't plan on breeding again until i want another puppy. I wont be breeding for the sake of it only when i know i have two dogs that i think will be match up nicely hence the time it has taken to arrange this and the decisons. The price of $300 was the price quoted from the vets as he doesn't stock prog tests as he said he doesn't have the need for them generally and there is only a shelf life on 6 months. You have to buy a whole kit that has 10 tests in it but as i'm definately not planning another litter in the near future so 10 tests in an over kill for me. I have owned showed and trialled pedigree dogs for over 20 years but this is the first time i felt i have had a bitch that it worthy of being bred from and my male is of equal value unfortunalte he is quite old so we are going in at 11am tommorrow to have an AI as she is so flirty with him being a maiden bitch he is an experienced stud others have used him but i haven't had a bitch taht i would breed from before for various reason but she keeps putting him off with her rough games...... I definately wouldn't say i'm a breeder however i don't think i should be flamed for only wanting to breed one litter i lready have a 6 people who want a pup. I'm only breeding quality and definately not quantity so i hope people don't look down on me for that.
Hi Again Well it is now day 18 of her season. It must be slooooowly progressing. My boy is now interested and put them in the run together this morning and he tried getting on but she moves away all flirty come and get me and then he tries again and she rolls over. Her discharge is still a pinky colour so i think its not quite right yet will try again tonight and i'm going to ring the vets about an AI as he is old he can't really cope well with her flirting. I'm also going halves with a breeder in a progesterone tests as this will be my only litter and they last for only 6 months and there is 10 tests to a kit so at least we can see where we are up to. The progestrone tests are $300 each so glad i can go halves with someone she is hoping to breed her two bitches really soon so it works out well. Is it normal for the bitches to flirt and roll over on their backs lets hope tonight she doesn't act stupid.....
Hi Update Back from the vets i took both of them as they said they would do an AI but.... obviously my boy aint stupid cause shes not ready yet.... He just lay on the floor in the waiting room she was a bit antsy he would have gone to sleep...... so much for males coming from everywhere to mate with her... He said let them together in the morning and night each day and just wait and see.....
Tried agian this morning day 17 he is starting to lick her had a little flirt then both went on their merry ways. So i put them in the run together hoping he wouldn't then have to chase her nope he sniffed her licked her and went into his kennel grrr this is an exercise in frustration... patience patience..... just worried i'll miss the opportunity i guess you have to keep trying each day??? Thanks for the replies its the only thing keeping my hopes from totally deflating
Yes she is still bleeding which is why i half wasn't worried ok ..... yes i'm paranoid i wouldn't be so worried but i know if we miss this opportunity we wont get another. I'm waiting for the "straw colour" but its definately still blood shes been weeing alot more today almost cocking her leg. Today my boy was actually following her for a little while and also licked her so maybe tommorrow.... Thanks so much for telling me about your bitch being mated day 26 and still had puppies. Patience...patience... patience mmmm easer said than done
Ok now i'll stop thinking about it. I'll let you know how we go in the next few days. Our old mutt that we inherited who was entire until we fixed that i'm sure has sired many litters around our area isn't that interested in her either so i guess the boys just know. Normally when shes full on in he still tries to hump her she will even lay down so he can hop on but haven't seen that display yet. So more waiting... Thanks guys.
I had thought of going to the vet and doing that but as hes old anyway i think i'll just let nature take its course if its not meant to be its not meant to be she still has a blood discharge. I think i also noticed the split second she came in season as we were at a show and noticed the tiniest speck of discharge it then took a couple of days before she was obviously in and was bleeding more and swollen so i guess i'm answering my own questions as i write i think i just need to be patient....
He is 10 yrs old we were hoping for a last litter from him others have used him at stud but this is the first time i've had a bitch thats i feel is suitable to be bred from so i'm just hoping hes not past it.... He is sniffing the ground and licking where she wee'd but not interested in her... i'm not racing out to have him sperm tested i feel if its meant to be its meant to be just so funny all her other seasons i was paranoid about him getting to her made sure they weren't in the run next to each other so we didn't have any accidents and now hes just not interested...
My bitch is now on day 15 of her season and my boy just isn't interested yet. Is this normal or should i be worried. I was really hoping to mate them i know she cycles late but this is getting crazy....
When To Vaccinate Bitches Prior To Mating
woodbyne replied to woodbyne's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi Great thanks yes she has been done yearly i was just hoping she had enough immunity to pass onto her babies but was concerned about vacinating her so close to coming in season should be any day (well 3 days ago... but whos counting...) -
Hi My bitch is due in season anytime of course she is late this time as i'm hanging out to mate her. This will be my first litter after owning show /obedience/agility dogs for 20 years so i'm rather nervous. I'm wondering when the best time to vaccinate is. She is due for her yearly vaccinations in July so around the time she will be due providing she comes in in the next week or so as planned.... Do i do it before i mate her? I probably should ask my vet but figure that all the knowledgable people out here can answer me. Thanks
How about trying a saddlery might be chaeper than the online dog stores. Just use a lunge lead
Hi, My dog stayed at a friends place for a week while we were on holidays her dogs eat woolies brand dry and can food. I took my dogs food so she could stay well apparently she has taken a liking to the cheapie food (usually the other way around) and the amazing thing is this is my dog who has been allergic to a million types of food and guess what shes thriving on this crap food with the shiniest coat i have seen on her heaps of energy and not lumps.... so looks like i'm saving myself a packet on food. I would never have dared to even try that food on her shes been on it for 3 months now and looks fabulous even put on weight. Its so sad i almost feel embarrassed at teh check out with the can food in my trolley.... if it works i guess its ok. Of course i wouldn't reccommend every one with an allergic dog try it but just thought i'd share my little unusal story
Puppy Testing For Dog Sports
woodbyne replied to bedazzledx2's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
All my dogs i have picked because i simply fell in love with that pup. The only dog i have had issues with and i honestly think dogs can get ADHD and not from a lack of training she really has issues we did the vollhand tests she passed all those with flying colours and according to that test she woul dhave been the most suitable one for trialling never again will i use those tests i believe if you love the dog you can really do almost anything with them of cause it might be a struggle but you have to be attached to them. One dog we adopted her and i just didn't gel training as a team just didn't happen she then went to live with friends who were stoked to have a dog that was trained to come sit drop stay heel etc she just would never make it as a trial dog too nervy but is fantastic for them and they love her too bits so good result for us all. -
Our dog park has a fenced area for the dogs and next to it a fenced area for the kids so i can keep an eye on both and swap from "kid pen" to "dog pen" depending on which one has the most anti social characters in it... It has been known that the kids pen has the aggro ones in it and then we leave and the dogs miss out on a big run... We have been going since my daughter was 3 and son newborn in a pram in the dog pen with me. I would never allow my kids to walk around in the dog pen i don't want them to get knocked over and also don't want them to tread in dog poo which is a bit hard not to sometimes....
Hi Just after some ideas. Currently my husband and i are the sole instructors at our local dog club we have young kids and both have a young dog each which we both want to work with. Originally i said we would instruct every fortnight but NOT every week. Well for almost 2 years we are the only instructors that turn up each week and i'm tired..... I used to love taking classes and now i'm starting to really dread going which i know isn't good but if we don't do it there wont be a club. How do other small clubs get people to instruct i feel there is really only 2 others that have anywhere near the amount of experience to assist. How do you train an instructor who has never trialled and really only trained a dog for 2 years. We take our kids along each week they are fine but also have their own interests which are now starting to take presidence over the dog training. How do i get out of instructing or how can i rope more people to instruct. Ok while i'm having a whinge how do people ensure that members arrive on time what do you do if they arrive late haven't help get out equipment then waltz in and want their turn and 100% of your attention.... in the meantime our own dogs have gotten about 5mins of training then tied up.....
Couple Using Halti's On Thier 2 Malamutes
woodbyne replied to skip's topic in General Dog Discussion
Did the dogs seem worried if not i don't think its a big issue they are big dogs. At least they were out of their yards being exercised unlike most other dogs i see on a daily basis locked in there back yards. As for halits i have used one and promote their use on any dog that can't be walked on a collar surely walking in a halti is better than not walking at all. -
Couple Using Halti's On Thier 2 Malamutes
woodbyne replied to skip's topic in General Dog Discussion
Did the dogs seem worried if not i don't think its a big issue they are big dogs. At least they were out of their yards being exercised unlike most other dogs i see on a daily basis locked in there back yards. As for halits i have used one and promote their use on any dog that can't be walked on a collar surely walking in a halti is better than not walking at all. -
Picky Pups - Is It A Stage They Go Through?
woodbyne replied to Stitch's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
yes i have found the same thing i don't breed but just going from my own dogs experiences i wonder if it is when they are teething thats what i put it down to i just offer the food if they don't eat it take it away they soon learn mmm better eat up no one had had any ill effects from this but i have wondered if nayone elses pups have done the same thing.