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Everything posted by mackiemad

  1. Oh, I assumed it was the little straps for the back legs, not the bum. I cut them off anyway cos they're about as useless as tits on a bull! If it's round the bum I still think I'd whip it off...
  2. You should be able to stretch out the first one a bit give it looks like a wool and synthetic blend. I'd stuff a couple of jackets or something in it and let it sit stretching a bit for a a few days. Worth a try anyway if it's too late to take it back...
  3. I've paid $250 for the dog to go under and get his ear flushed with a quick dental check at the same time. He's 9 and a flop eared breed, and as one of his ear canals is smaller and hairier than the other flushing and really plucking it under anaesthetic every few years means we stay on top of any yeast issues (as well as plucking as much as we can when being groomed) And the 12 year old ginger tabby got a geriatric check up which was $90 inc blood and urine tests.
  4. Super exciting news jules - hopefully she continues improving and going from strength to strength :)
  5. You poor thing jules, you must be wrought with worry and fear xoxo Come on amber! Hopefully the tonne of antibiotics help and quickly
  6. Oh no. Sending all my positive thoughts and hoping she's going to be ok xoxo
  7. Canidae have a bison food but it also has lamb meal in it. Most kangaroo or duck kibbles will also have lamb or fish in them too in my experience. Ivory coat has a venison dry food to try. Otherwise prime has a cooked roll of crocodile or a raw crocodile barf type food too that might be worth a go.
  8. Canada and Europe do not have the same amount of delicate flora and fauna as Australia and New Zealand - to make a case for dogs in nps based on that is completely disregarding Australian ecosystems and the point of the nps. I'm in Melbourne and don't have an issue in taking my dog places. The only market I've been unable to take him to (and not convinced as to why) was Red Hill market. He's been on public transport, at demonstrations, hung out outside cafes, frolicked along beaches, wandered around markets and gone into stores with me.
  9. Prime has been around for a while and is in a lot of stores so I don't think it's going to fold if that's your worry. Another option is a frozen barf brand rabbit meat perhaps? I'm sure you've that though. It's so upsetting and frustrating to see them uncomfortable
  10. I feed the meals for mutts sardine dry to my dog that has a contact grass allergy - in combo with raw patties (rabbit, Dr b's barf brand) it's the diet he has done the best on. Though his second best is the black hawk lamb and rice. I'd try the VIP and go from there if it doesn't agree with her.
  11. Gillybob I'm so sorry. Anna was a beautiful soul and you gave her the best home, retirement and goodbye a dog could ever hope for <3
  12. Yay Benny! Gosh he looks like a happy little chap, so loved and he knows it :)
  13. She's 100% adorable! Jeeze they're beautiful :)
  14. I am quite taken with the term mortgageversary!
  15. You can put one in the wall rather than in a door. It's what my parents have done as their yard doors are very very expensive glass sliding double glazed doors. So they put a dog door in the wall just around the corner from the doors. Just bought the door and got a hire a hubby to install it, took about an hour. Edit: obviously you need to own the home for this to be even a remotely viable option but I'm pretty sure you've previously said you own your own home?
  16. Yay neko! So glad she's ok :) Waiting with bated breath for puppy pics
  17. I think, showdog, the OP was looking for confirmation it is ok to euth the old troublesome dog and just keep on going with the puppy. That sentence you've highlighted is what makes me think that. I wouldn't keep the puppy but if you are determined to keep both dogs you need a good behaviourist quickly so the puppy doesn't develop issues because of the older dog. It is totally doable to keep two dogs in the same home but separated, but it is a lifestyle adjustment for the whole family.
  18. If he had a flea on him he could still be itchy from the flea allergy dermatitis - have you tried a different flea preventative? Certain types work better for different areas in my experience. Down at coastal Melbourne where j work the sand fleas are pretty well immune to frontline, advantage bit respond really well to comfortis or revolution. Even if it is a contact allergy (like grass, my dog's allergic to Kikuyu) he can still itch for a good few days after coming in contact - so having not been on grass for a few days and still itching is possible. It sucks looking at them itch constantly. I give my boy a digestive supplement and omega oil both from Natural Animal Solutions which seem to really help him along with diet and controlling the environment.
  19. I can't believe he's a year old already! He's such a handsome little man that manages to bring cute, ragamuffin and suave into the one little package! Happy birthday ping!
  20. I used a big garbage bin with a twist lock lid. But I also have the big cereal containers from the supermarket - as they're easier to use on a daily basis. I have a bar fridge which has the raw defrosting and any oils, sardines etc in it.
  21. I have the outdoor hound roll up one in the back of my car (the floor of the boot was too hard for the delicate soul!). He likes it enough that he is happy to use that for his bed when we go away or for when he comes to work and generally likes stiff sides to a bed :) Easy to wash too
  22. I get up at 7 (or a little before) and head straight out for a 30min no stops walk (he can toilet in the first 2 mins and the last 2) then I get home about 6 and head straight out (unless hot then it's after dinner, closer to 9pm) to an off lead area where he can run/play/toilet/sniff and I can meander around. I actually find both of these walks necessary - the first one gets ms going and kick starts my brain and the evening one helps me switch off and slow down my brain. And the dog isn't complaining about to walks either :) I live inner eastern Melbourne in a safe suburb but I actually prefer streets without lights as I think I can see shadows better. I'm not too worried about safety but I do carry the lead in a way that could be a weapon mostly unconsciously. Edited to say that we do 15 mins training incorporated into the feeding ritual of an evening.
  23. This girl looks really sweet and like she just needs a human to bestow with love (it's hard to resist those big brown rotti eyes!) http://www.aaps.org.au/?project=tag-35904-rottweiler-female-7-years-roxy
  24. Oh kirty, there's nothing else to say but that it sucks. Rupert was clearly a special character and brought love everywhere he went
  25. The main walk is in the morning so we go out every day. Rain, hail or scorching heat. We have an afternoon potter that is at any time between 3:30 in winter to 8-9pm on the super hot days. It's more of a toilet and sniff experience as we don't have a backyard so he needs to be toileted before being locked in for the night. In winter we might have two potters in the arvo/evening.
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