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Everything posted by mochi

  1. I went and looked at the Renbury list and lost it at the husky
  2. Thanks for the links and info everyone I'm still trying to understand the concepts and join the dots but I am finding it fascinating. The first video Kavik linked was amazing! I will be following this topic closely to find out more. Thanks again, it's all very enlightening.
  3. Could someone please point me to where could I find more information about 'drive'? Any books or websites anyone could kindly recommend? I don't hear about it much in person (I don't have friends or colleagues who are in this kind of area) but have seen it mentioned on the internet. My dog is dog aggressive, trainer said it's because she wasn't socialised before we got her as an adult, and on walks she expresses the body language dee lee mentioned - freezing, ears pricked. I am not sure if what she's doing is drive, I'm quite confused about it, but I would like to read more so I can understand her better.
  4. Oh my gosh, you've brought me to tears! That was a beautiful ode and I am glad the two of you have each other.
  5. Yes! I was feeding Artemis Fresh Mix and have since switched to BH. I thought my dog was doing really well on Artemis (coat was soft and glossy) but BH has the same effect with the added bonus of... poop that is much less stinky. Also, I think she likes the taste of BH better.
  6. That's so ridiculous! When I was a kid, I had a pet chicken and it ran over to the neighbour's backyard one day. Their little maltese mauled her and when I came home from school, she was dead. The council never found out about it so that was that... Maybe the lady and her neighbour should say the maltese-shih tzu did it.
  7. Just wanted to register to say that was really beautiful, seems like you both had a wonderful mutual appreciation of each other. I'm very sorry.
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