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Sue & Waldo

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Everything posted by Sue & Waldo

  1. Great will check it out I wonder if it would be toooo ambitious to get a set (about to enter CCD) LOL
  2. Well done everyone-I am SO KEEN to get back into the ring! Wlado is dong SO WELL though it shouldn't be too long.
  3. Waldo steals socks and underwear but leaves them in the middle of the family room and also dish cloths which he destroys. He brings small rocks inside and leaves them around-never chews them just figures they should be in the kitchen and not in the garden.
  4. I like that-thanks for the idea. Sure is a wealth of info here.
  5. Thanks but it has been a while since I was a size 12
  6. Yeah but with training a mini schnauzer pup I would realy look like a try hard :laugh:
  7. Thanks for that-the ones I have seen made me look like a commando or something worse. LOL I can never work out the sizes!
  8. I am wanting to get a training vest - pockets, lightweight but not too military looking. Does anyone know where I can get one? I would prefer not to get one on-line so I can try it on so somewhere in the Melbourne area would be preferable. On-line links are welcome though. Thanks in advance!
  9. I have looked at the web site but was after recommendations or otherwise. They are affiliated with the VCA.
  10. I am wondering if anyone knows anything about the Northcote Dog Obedience Club in Melbourne. I am particularly interested in Rally O and Obedience recommendations.
  11. Well I did not go to Uta's but it was great. So much to take in! I have tried a couple of things and Waldo has responded so well. She showed us a clip of teaching a puppy to identify articles in tracking so I tried it last night. Waldo really grasped it quickly. Tried it again today and he is dropping right next to them and on the last go he dropped without a command. For me one of the things is that I gained confidence as a handler and did not feel a nuffie asking questions.
  12. Iam going too. I am looking forward to it. Anyone else going?
  13. Along way from Mitcham Melbourne-note to self-check location before you reply. Having said that our friends in Sydney trained there and were pleased with the training they got. they wanted a polite pet that comes, doesn't jump, etc and were pleased with the result.
  14. Do you mean the dogs vic club or the training school with a similar name?
  15. are you sure you want a wet slobbery ball in your hand :laugh:
  16. 10 am at 5 Uniting Lane, Bulla. It is also called the Calabrian Club. thanks-i had a terrible feeling that it was at 9am. do you have a finishing time?
  17. I am going to the seminar tomorrow at Bulla but can't find the times and details I carefully wrote down Does anyone have them thanks
  18. Oh Jules I am so sorry Not much else I can say
  19. Try here http://www.casualfurniture.com.au/pvc_tube.htm or here http://www.wetearth.com.au/Cross-PVC
  20. Take a rolled up piece of newspaper and hit myself until I work out what I should have done
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