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Sue & Waldo

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Everything posted by Sue & Waldo

  1. Yes it does. I think it is $16 but not sure.
  2. There is a Rally competition on Saturday. I've entered Advanced. Sheer silliness. Our first time off-lead and I pick the pet expo to do it.
  3. Hi! Thanks for your input everyone. I tried a 35cm one on him and it was good in length but not so good around his neck and girth-although I could alter the straps if I needed to. I might see if I can look at some others-he is a "big" mini-schnauzer.
  4. Me thinks this project is doomed-my little darling just attacked my tape measure. It used to retract! I have arranged to try one this arvo-you meet lovely people in parks. Just have to keep tape measures away from him!
  5. Does anyone know where I can see some cooling coats in Sydney. I'd like to try them on Waldo as he seems to be between sizes. We are currently on holiday here from Melbourne.
  6. the gate number etc will be included with the gate passes and free entry tickets.
  7. This was just posted on the Rally forum. So who is in? Entries Close Friday, January 18, 2013   MELBOURNE PET & ANIMAL EXPO 2013 DOGS Victoria Obedience, Tracking and Endurance Committee With the Friends of Obedience DOUBLE RALLY OBEDIENCE TRIALS Saturday, February 2, 2013 Royal Showgrounds, Ascot Vale Entry Fee per Class: $10 Catalogue : $3.00 or online at www.vicdog.com Cheques payable to DOGS Victoria Separate entry form for each class, clearly marked as to Class and with Height Category where applicable IMPORTANT: All please enclose SSAE for return of admission pass Post entries to: Mrs N McIlroy, PO Box 1009, Pearcedale, 3912 Email: [email protected] - Phone: 5978 7504 Catalogue Secretary: Mrs M Widelock – email [email protected] Sorry, NO LATE ENTRIES due to short lead time The Committee reserves the right to substitute Judges if necessary Judges Trial 1 – Mr R Carlson – all classes Trial 2 – Mrs K Houlden - all classes Check-In: 10.00 – 10.15 am Judging: Trial 1 – 10.30 am, followed by Trial 2 Admission & Parking – Free to Exhibitors Family & Friends admission available to DOGS Victoria Members Gates open from 8.00 am Awards: First Place – Trophy and Rosette Second and Third Place - Sash Title Rosettes Qualifying Cards and Ribbons All Presentations at end of Judging for the Day 
  8. I am working hard on dumbbell and focused heeling without treats on me.
  9. I think the Council website has a link to the facebook page and this means that individuals can post directly.
  10. Facebook finds lost dogs in Knox Council 21 Dec 12 @ 07:00am by Zoe Lewis AN average of five lost animals a week are being reunited with their owners thanks to a Knox Council Facebook page. But the Lost Animals in Knox page isn't just helping local animals. Recently, a dog that went missing in Macclesfield was found in Kallista. And he was reunited with his relieved owner after his photo was posted on the Facebook page. Knox Council local laws project officer Debbie Williams said it wasn't just dogs and cats that went missing. "We've seen birds, rabbits, a macaw, even a ferret," she said. She said the page was used by the council for animals they couldn't identify. Knox Council strategic communications co-ordinator Paul Gallagher said another benefit of the page was that people could post photos of animals they had lost or found. "We've seen cases where animals are found within an hour, it's self-managing," Mr Gallagher said. The council also uses the page to give information targeted at pet owners, such as warnings ahead of storms or events that included fireworks. Mr Gallagher said when the page was first set up about two years ago it was a "brave call" as no other council in Victoria had done it before. Ms Williams said the page was getting more fans by the day and there had been a lot of positive community feedback. "It's come along in leaps and bounds." Details: facebook.com/lostanimalsinknox
  11. Well...with some degree of surprise that I feel almost confident to post this I would love to get RA & RE titles as well as CD and work toward CDX. Now I have put it down I better do some work! My big goal this year was to feel confident and enjoy the ring. Might have achieved that as I can't wait. (Just need to work consistently).
  12. Awesome job! I missed your runs as I was doing the check in. I would have loved to have seen it. It was a massive night. It was after 10pm when I left. A huge number of entries (202 I think) and a week night!
  13. Well done! Perhaps your girl is a shrinking violet :laugh:
  14. You are right about the ground and the sun. I am like a beetroot today in spite of hat and sunscreen.
  15. Awesome work Linda-well done. It was awesome to watch you working as s ateam with your dogs!
  16. Just back from Morwell. Waldo was entered in Novice Obedience and Rally. We have come back with our RN title! he was a little trooper in the heat this afternoon. He did his best to please but just wanted to lie in the shade! Two trials & 2 passes so I was over the moon. We also met Tassie and had a great natter. She should be in this thread! You will note that I am not bragging about Novice Obedience. He did have great fun though. For the 3rd time in a row in the ring he picked up the figure of 8 markers and presented them to me. Pity he doesn't do the same with the dumbbell.
  17. Oh, we are!! Would have one myself in a heartbeat in the future if they were a gundog Forget the gun dogs-thay are just wonderful dogs. So full of fun and personality.
  18. Here are the videos from Waldo's CCD final run. He scored 98/100.
  19. No way he will blow away-he is far to stocky and too busy chasing everything :laugh: Now how could you fault such a cutie as this! Even with a short beard. Just had a thought-we should enter him in Movember
  20. Oh yes we have battled with this. I hoped that as he grew out of his puppy coat his beard would become a little more wirey if you know what I mean. It hasn't. I now keep his beard shorter. Keeps it cleaner anyway! The main problem I have with the wind is the extra distraction level!
  21. Well done tsd & Ziggy! PS Wlado got a bit confused with jumping. He knocked the bar and tried to retrieve it.
  22. I would include class levels that I understood. Green class or level 1 or advanced could mean anything. I would also like to know the process of moving from one level to the next. If you were interested in competing in obedience or other dog sports what support is available. If you use bandanas to identify dogs that need extra distance I would like to read an explanation of this as I find that people don't grasp this-regardless of how many times it is explained. Well done for asking and not just re-designing what you already have.
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