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  1. there's ecdt (as already mentioned) or alpha in boronia. www.alphadogtraining.com.au I have rung both and will be taking my doggy to check them both out. alpha say they have wednesday night classes year round.
  2. Haven, I realise they are not one and the same, and I don't want to wish to get into an argument with you, I'm fortunately not out of pocket, and I commiserate with all the people affected (including the employees - my family runs a small company and believe me I understand how things can go pear shaped so quickly having lost everything on one occassion), but having said that if both businesses have the same director (as stated on the news last night)if one company folds, the Directors run the risk of being liable - which puts other assets at risk (- again with the losing everything) these are questions that need to be asked. It's a shame that ADT hasn't come out with a press release or response. I'm sure if they did that 99% of people would understand given the GFC. It seems that the lack of contact is what is upsetting people (and understandably). Hopefully the employees are able to get in contact. I understand that they operate seperately and independently of each other. Obviously the NDTF is a National body and with its gov't recognition I would imagine that it's reputation is secure (and hopefully the business as they seem to be the peak body). If it makes you feel better, I know I am looking for a training establishment now with NDTF qualified trainers - if you can suggest somewhere in the Scoresby area Haven, I'd be thrilled to check them out. (I have a Greyhound). Again Haven, no offence meant, and apologies if you have taken any. Mooh. Midnight - goodluck with your course, I'm sure you're looking forward to having a shiny new cert on your wall. Maybe if you ring the NDTF they can email you an image of the cert. When I spoke with them yesterday they were more than helpful.
  3. hi, i don't know about their certs but where would you do your practical component now that ADT has gone? Good luck.
  4. Hey I don't want to start a debate but if the halti was working for you why aren't yo uallowed to continue to use it? I thought they were now a widely accepted training equipemnt?
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