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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. I have a large breed so might be different but if both testicles aren't down by 12 weeks then that's it as far as I'm concerned. Do you know how to check for yourself? Sometimes they go up and down, stress can make them go up.
  2. Remove colour from the equation. Does the breeder health test, are the pups raised well, do the adults all have great temperaments? Have you seen the health test results? If so and you are happy then go ahead. You are aware there is potential to have a problem which is more then most puppy buyers are. But you could get a problem with any breed, any dog, any colour. Living creatures do tend to throw curve balls at us humans time and time again. Nothing is perfect.
  3. I wonder if she has some spay incontinence. Did the vet mention that possibility? Also sometimes accidents do happen and she is only young. you could try tightening up things and go back to basics with the house training. Has the weather changed? My girls are bad in cold/rainy weather and I have to be a bit more vigilant in getting them to pee outside. My boys are fine.
  4. can't help with info but sending best wishes for a full recovery
  5. go with what the vet suggested to start with, keep doing your research and when you have a better idea of things you will be able to make changes if you wish. I'm insulin dependant and would struggle if one of my dogs became diabetic.
  6. if it is a GSD you are wanting then I suggest you join your state club and ring/email the puppy officer. I wouldn't say 100% of members would do the right thing but most would, otherwise they get thrown out. Also, as the club can be political, there are very good breeders who are not members. But you want one that can show proof of their membership of an ANKC state body, proof of their dogs papers and health tests.
  7. The right dog is indeed worth the wait! Welcome back and I love her name - Muse, it's beautiful, as is she
  8. My pups/dogs do well on Optimum, it's one of several foods I feed. I mix them up all the time.
  9. Once you know what breed/s you may be interested in then DOL can help you. Health checks on parents are good to start with, if the breed has a website they will often have what health checks should be done. You would want to know how the pups are raised, inside or out, exposed to kids, other animals, diet etc
  10. Ethical breeders do indeed advertise on Gumtree etc.
  11. Ask your breeder if there is another food they would recommend or something else you could add to the food to stop the gas. Personally my dogs never did well on BH and all my pups are off puppy food by 12 weeks of age.
  12. I'd be leaving the group. Not all the oodles have issues and some are bred by responsible people. Not that I agree with them but no way would I be on an oodle group
  13. are there any dogs of this breed in the country?
  14. Another DOL legend gone Go get 'em Daisy
  15. My first greyhound, as she aged, developed a fear of storms. Her son could care less, her granddaughter has a mild fear that has developed as she ages and her great granddaughter has a mild fear from a young age. All raised the same and exposed to firework nights the same way. I would not say it is genetically inherited at all.
  16. My Greyhound Sam had no trouble eating with nil teeth. I did still give him raw chicken necks, which he usually swallowed whole while I hovered over him. It was for overall health that I still gave them to him, not for mouth health. He managed dry food fine.
  17. well no, but it's an easy thing to try and rule out. Puppy is sleeping at floor level and hot air rises. I heat my house overnight and my greyhounds all wear coats even though they are sleeping inside. ETA the weather has changed dramatically in Victoria this week.
  18. My cat was in his early teens when his problem occurred and Sam was a race bred greyhound and they seem prone to periodontal disease. None of my show bred greys have ever needed a cleaning and only one has had a tooth removed. So not all doom and gloom
  19. Dalmation's get kidney stones? don't they?. I would imagine he is too young to already have developed them but are you feeding the correct diet? I'm not a dally breeder so can't recall the correct names. Might be worth asking the breeder. I'd put a heavier coat on him inside at night for starters. It's good he is asking to go out. You've done a great job so far by the sounds of things so if he wants to go out when you get up overnight he possibly is thinking this is the right thing to do!
  20. yeah I did all mine myself with Parvac when we were going to be in an area which had a current outbreak of parvo.
  21. He had periodontal disease. Nothing kept it at bay. What decided me in the end was my cat. Poor Puddy needed some teeth out. No problem but he got periodontal disease and on his 3 rd dental in a matter of 6 weeks I said pull them all out. The vet did, the cat did fine. So, after talking to the vet, Sam got all his taken out as well. I just regret not doing it sooner.
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