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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. Acupuncture can be a good help too. My GSD had gold beads inserted into her acupuncture points which gave her constant pain relief. Zoe also had human joint food powder and for the last 3 years of her life 1 or 2 disprin a day. We practicually live at the chiropractor but it all helped her get to 11.
  2. Not so according to Billinghurst himself. I have lent out my copy of his original book so am quoting from memory. "Egg white does inhibit the uptake of Biotin. The good news is the yolk is full of the stuff so overrides the the egg white. Feed the whole egg and your fine." or words to that effect.
  3. I fed/feed Tatum a mixture of raw chicken parts, lamb bits, offal, tinned mackeral, beef heart, minced beef/chicken, eggs. I also bought one 4 kilo bag of supercoat puppy as she was used to that in her diet. Once it ran out that was it. She also got/gets small amounts of vegies - both cooked and raw, rice, pasta, fruit and left overs.
  4. Totally agree Louise. I will re read the book, it's been a couple of years since I last read it but I didn't think it was for me I have a Piper too, but mines a boy
  5. I've got this book too, haven't read it for a while, must re read again soon. How closely do you follow this book? I thought it a bit hard to do what was suggested. Goats milk for breakfast, burying the meat etc. How have you adapted it for more "modern" times? Would love to know.
  6. Darien it depends who you talk to or what you read. Some will say no commerical food while feeding raw, some say half and half is good, some say never cook, some say do. Your diet is not the diet I would feed but it appears to cover all bases. Even though I feed raw I also make up cooked stews in the winter time because I like too! I still think the best thing people who ask about BARF can do is for them to join the list at Yahoo, the big one, can't think of it's name. And keep reading. I no longer consider I feed BARF but more the Prey food model, different again, but I read as much as I could and made my choice. edited to add: my freezer played up yesterday so what have my dogs just got to eat? Some breadrolls and some hash browns! and there is more stuff for later.
  7. Opps, I knew my maths would turn around and bite me! Sorry. It certainly shouldn't be any more than this IMO.
  8. Hi Fin, IMO only, I think having half and half vegies/necks at the night meal is out of whack. Trying to add up all the amounts and it seems your boy's vegies count for nearly 1/3 of his meals. This is too high for my liking. When I fed ah la Billinghurst my dogs got a vegie meal every 3rd or 4th day, pups every 3rd or 4th meal. Often less. But if your pup is doing fine, and your breeder is happy, don't worry, Just add more meaty bones as the pup grows without upping the vegies too much. edited to add: try joining a barf list too. Lots of support.
  9. Rebanne


    12 years old today. RIP my sweet Zoe 27/01/93 - 3/2/04 My heart and soul dog
  10. I had the kennel cough seperate to the C3 and it cost $40 each dog.
  11. Had two dogs done with it before boarding them, no apparent problems.
  12. I personally don't use either product. I don't like using stuff that does everything in one hit. I prefer to spread my chemical usage, if needed, over time. I use a basic monthly heartworm, appropriate worming, and flea treatment as needed, which is not often at my place. Don't know why I don't have a flea problem but I don't
  13. Have you tried digetive enzymes? Not sure if they would help or not.
  14. Rewards are part and parcel of postive training. You can not train positively without giving the dog some sort of reward. You can however train negatively and give food as a treat. Plenty of the jerk and pull brigade think they are training positively because they also give out a bit of food occassionly. Postive training is way much more than offering a food reward, it's a lifestyle! And yes, our dogs are our guinea pigs. We improve with each and every one of them.
  15. I must be a dummy because I thought food rewards was positive training along with any thing else the dog values. If the dog is still reliant on food way off into the future than the food has not been used correctly. Same if it only performed if you had a toy in your hand, or continually told it what a good dog it was. You have to educate your dog to keep doing what you want it to do and if it does this, sometimes it will get a reward, sometimes it won't but the dog keeps working because it wants that reward, and sometimes you pay out! The dog never knows when you'll pay it so it keeps working.
  16. My greyhound lasted 3 weeks after being diagnosed with bone cancer. Sam was 8 and had a strong family history of it. I opted not to treat it except for painkillers. When the painkillers failed I had Sam put down. If it ever happens again I will have the dog put down straight away. When the pain killers failed, they failed in a big way. Just stopped working. I would never ever again put a dog through that. Many, many greyhounds have had this awful disease and a lot have survived for 12 months or more with good quality of life. Some dogs have chemo, some have amputation, some have both. And some, like my Sam, have none. It is a personal desicion and not an easy one. You can only do what you think is right for both of you. I wish your friend the best of luck, it will not be an easy time for him
  17. not on the prey diet they're not :rolleyes: Reasoning being if you feed grass fed animals to your dog, they get what they need from the meat of said prey. You are right though in this, my mistake; in the original book it is stated 2 or 3 vegie meal, in a 2-3 week span, 1 or 2 milk meal, grain meal in same time frame. Big difference from nowadays.
  18. You don't have to feed vegies. I don't, I just feed raw meaty bones, liver, hearts, tinned mackeral eggs etc. Only vegies, rice or pasta my dogs get nowadays are left overs from our plates. If you read the original book by Billinghurst, vegies were not fed every day. This is something that seems to have crept into the barf diet.
  19. But my dogs are fully immunised. My vet agrees. They just don't get yearly boosters nor do they get kennel cough. Kennel cough doesn't cover all the varieties that are out there, only a couple of strains, as far as I'm concerned it just like a flu shot. And some times vaccines fail. No one can guarentee their dog is 100% fully vaccinated against disease. Tatum is in a different boat all together because of her vaccine reaction but as she is not trialling etc I don't have to worry about it.
  20. And what gives you the right to judge other people? How would you like it if I came on here and said you are the one who is being irresponsible and you are poisoning your dog with all those mutliple vaccines and no doubt multiple chemical treatments. I seen dogs die from parvo but I do not believe yearly vaccines are needed. Neither does my vet. And a vet who most strongly believes in yearly vaccinations told me they had a lot of cats lately who have reacted badly to the vaccine. My daughter had her course of vaccinations as needed, she don't have have it repeated every damn year nor do my pets. Where do you get off being so self righteous you self opinionated *$@
  21. I only vaccinate my dogs every 3 years or so. I do not believe they need yearly vaccinations. I never do kennel cough except this year when they had to go into kennels. Then they had their C3 one month and the kennel cough a month later. Tatum had a severe reaction after her second C3, impossible to tell if it was straight vaccinoses (sp?) but she has since had a killed parvo vaccine ok and that's all she is having from now on. I'm not risking her again. BTW Tatum did not go into kennels, she stayed with a friend. Not that the kennel would take her anyway.
  22. I have used very good quality lavendar oil on hot spots and similar with very good results. It does not sting as I use it on any cuts or scapes I get. I have been bitten several times by feral cats and have never had any infections, due, I feel to the oil. My GSD's hot spots always cleared up quickly.
  23. I wasn't actually refering to you but the stupid vet! I agree 100% with what you said, bigger pieces are better. I don't know why you thought I was refering to your reply but I wasn't
  24. Raw. Dogs in the wild don't cook their meat, they eat it as they find/catch it. Their insides are designed to cope with raw meat, humans aren't. Comparing dogs to humans is just plain stupid. Two different species.
  25. He is telling you what he needs, very meaty raw bones. Actually lamb flaps are very fattening, try him with those. While I think a raw based diet is balanced you may not agree with me but I would worry about balance after he has a bit more weight on him. :rolleyes:
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