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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. are you feeding a grain free food? Because Golden's have been shown to have a problem with some ingredients put in dry food to replace the grains. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=golden+retriever+grain+free+heart+disease
  2. When you say the dog will be staying outside do you mean all the time or only while no one is home? Ethical breeders would have done health tests on the parents. There are a few health issues, a couple are fatal.
  3. My only experience with osteosarcoma was in a Greyhound and he was intermittently lame for about 3 weeks before I got him x-rayed. He was vet checked with nothing found at the beginning. Pain was more a problem from about 10 days after diagnosis. Not so much in the beginning
  4. yes those are better photo's and yes your girl could do with another couple of kilo's based on those pics. But she's not emaciated by any means. It's up to you how often you feed her but I'd only be feeding twice a day and about 10% more then "normal". Regular, good food should get her back to a good weight but as Perse said above some dogs never look a good weight. Would love to see a follow up pic in 4 weeks time, one from above like your last one. She's a lucky girl your Rosie.
  5. She may not be up with technology taking and sending pictures over the internet. You said in your opening post that you could go and look at the pups. Has that not happened?
  6. it's hard with brindle dogs to be able to see the ribs. You can think you see them then realise it's a stripe. I have a brindle and I have to run my hands over her sides. Of course no knowing what cross she is does not help. If she has a fair bit of hound in her the she will be slender with a good tuck up. From the photo's I think she looks ok and might be too heavy with another 4 kilos on her. Don't get locked on numbers but rather on what you can see and feel. Depending what you are feeding her, if she had previously been food deprived, then the weight will come. Go slow so her system can adjust to all this new stuff.
  7. I'd be taking her to the vet for a check.
  8. Yeah 16 months plus is the norm for my girls. Got a shock when the youngest came in at 12 months. Not unusual for my breed for them not to have a 1st season until close to 3
  9. If PRA is in the breed and there is a test for it then an ethical breeder will test. Ethical breeders will test for a problem if such a test exists. As to whether the ANKC requires such a test prior to registration is something else.
  10. how old is your dog? Have you noticed any signs of poor vision?
  11. QLD requires DNA for parentage. Some breeds are required to hip and elbow score their dogs. Some breed clubs may require DNA health testing.
  12. Ish I read the post that the bitch was still in the original breeders name and had not been transferred to the current owner. But I do think it is all a bit suss.
  13. No, the bitch has to be registered before being bred. You will not be able to show her but you can put her on the associate register once desexed and do sports with her.
  14. I had one Greyhound boy who allowed puppies way too much freedom. Eventually he'd tell them off but it was half hearted and the little buggers knew it! I had to protect him.
  15. there should be no liability if an 8 to 12 week old pup ends up not suitable for showing or breeding. You don't have a crystal ball. But that can be reflected in your contract. Every breeder, if they are honest, has kept a promising pup only for it to turn out a bit of an ugly duckling.
  16. You would only add calcium if it was pure meat with no bone. Do they only feed the mince, nothing else? ps do you have a dane club in your state? Maybe you could ask them
  17. Yes you are right. But maybe the breeder didn't know what it was. That is possible unfortunately.
  18. it is a hernia but so tiny not likely to cause any problems whatsoever. I doubt I'd even pay the extra to get it fixed. At that size it certainly can come and go. I had a litter (different breed) and 3 of the 4 girls had small hernia's, all gone by 4 months of age. I'd be taking your pup to the vet though for his post sale vet check.
  19. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&ei=qM9nX8S5KYzXz7sP6IK3-AQ&q=is+pulmonary+stenosis+hereditary+dogs&oq=is+pulmonary+stenosis+hereditary+dogs&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoECAAQRzoGCAAQFhAeOggIIRAWEB0QHlCzWVjnaGDzbWgAcAJ4AIAB3gGIAacHkgEFMC4zLjKYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEIwAEB&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjErf7C3PjrAhWM63MBHWjBDU8Q4dUDCAw&uact=5 I'd be asking my vet about it.
  20. In summer I often wore 3/4 length pants and a nice blouse. Never a jacket. I'm awful in the heat.
  21. It can be very hard to pick up pups on an ultrasound. If your dog is pregnant she may be only having one or two. But she is a large breed and was difficult to scan. You could rescan her in a weeks time or get a blood test done to see what her hormones levels are at or wait until the xray. And I would xray just so you know what you are actually dealing with. One pup often doesn't trigger labour. My first litter was only 2 pups. Greyhound. Now there is nowhere to hide anything on a Greyhound and I took weekly photos and yes you can see a slight change in shape and weight as time went by but being obvious? Didn't happen until at least 7 weeks and even then most people would have thought she was just getting a bit fat. Not every mating produces pups. Cross your fingers, hope like hell and xray at the correct time.
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