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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. Most breeders choose the registered name for the dog but no harm in asking when the time comes. I had a cat called Biscuit, he was a pale ginger tabby, his two colours were like cooked and uncooked biscuit dough
  2. glad your boy is home and hope everything continues smoothly
  3. nice to hear as I have sent them an email re finding a stud for Ferny girl
  4. oh yeah plenty of sprays if you want I usually don't bother though. I have about 50 mls, out of 250, left of a evening primrose oil spray I think it is. Had it for about 3 years so that says how much I use it. Smells nice
  5. Hi Yacket's Mum, no there are no patterns brushed into their coats. No boot polish either that I know off. All I do for my greys is trim the hair on the tuck. Good food and a bath the day before is all that is needed. I usually leave their whiskers on but did trim them for the Royal this year. I use a snake chain on Fern and Miller had a thin parachute cord, both with bling leads! They can't be shown on their nice sighthound collars. So where are you getting the puppy from? ETA I pretty much taught myself with online help from ReadySteadyGo/ReadySetGo ( Warley ) because even though I had taught many a dog to stand in obedience I couldn't get my head around the stack. So if you can get show lessons with someone positive I am sure it will be a big benefit to you.
  6. yes and the occasional accident in the house as well.
  7. depends how you are cleaning her. I would only lightly dab a piece of tissue paper. You can do 3 things: persist with the pants, throw extra bedding around the place or let nature be nature. My girl sleeps on my bed with me, season or no season. The washing machine does get a bit of extra use at that time
  8. My Mum is 82 and says she wants another dog when her eldery pug passes. I have told she is not to go to the local shelter and get one. I will find her one, an older dog, via here. If she went to the shelter she would end up with a young 'un.
  9. I've entered but will see how I am feeling on the day.
  10. careful aussielover or your name may end up on that list of nawty DOLer's that gets pm'ed to all the newcomers.
  11. Grp 1 1-81 Grp 2 82-127 Grp 3 128-200 Grp 4 201-242 Grp 5 243-305 Grp 6 306-355 Grp 7 356-393
  12. yes! I was hoping it was Oliver. go the greys!! ps thanks gsdzrul
  13. I haven't been able to find out which grey either!
  14. I "think" there is a company making dog (and cat) food that resells the same food to different people/companies who then market it under their own brand name. Note the "think" because it is confusing
  15. Is the exported Nature's Gift different to the supermarket Nature's Gift? that is my belief Where did that belief stem from, Rebanne? I mean, was it something you read somewhere and is there a link to where we might read this up as well, please? And do you happen to know in what way the Export NG is different from the NG sold here? Is it just the treatment process it needs to go through to satisfy export laws? Or are you saying the recipe is different? http://www.apfe.com.au/ngadult.html
  16. I just throw some extra sheets or polar fleece balnkets on my bed and wash them every couple of days.
  17. Is the exported Nature's Gift different to the supermarket Nature's Gift? that is my belief
  18. My understading is it is identical to Nature's Gift that is exported
  19. IMO if the pup has a sound, solid temperament to start with getting it after 8 weeks does not make a lot of difference.
  20. Porridge is good to put weight on. That and Bonnie working dog formula is the only thing that put on and kept weight on Fern.
  21. so Black Hawk pet food is re badged Nature's Gift?
  22. but no apology for the name calling which is agiasnt forum rules which you would know having been here for several years. Just because I am curious what was your previous user ID? Your current one has you being a member for less then 2. i have no previous ID. Now you are investigating me?? And I have never been so accused in any thread so have never had to defend myself like this. no, you kept saying several years and your time of joining is less then 2 so I thought you must have had another ID. People forget their password, computer problems etc and get new login details, that's all I was refering too
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