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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. That is a given, no choice on that one, although he did suggest that I rehome some of them, he was given a slice of my opinion on that one. ;) how many do you have?
  2. yeah keeping an eye on the vet wrap Annie, it's good stuff but can get very stiff. I did remove some at 4 am but the rest seems fine.
  3. Thanks Shellsboers, nothing left to stitch that I could see. The vets did mention maybe cleaning it up and stitching it but I assumed that was to make it look nice and neat, rather then the ragged edges it is now. I will ring and clairfy tomorrow. It was just after 6pm, they wanted to finish up, I am under an illness cloud myself, so I know I didn't take it all in. I will ask about some anti-inflammatories as well. I used a lot of elastoplast on her ear. Currently Fern is asleep on my bed.
  4. I got my greyhounds ones off ebay for about $15 each, waterproof top lined with flanelette
  5. It's not until something happens that you realise how lucky you have been in term of injuries etc to your dogs when you don't know the answer to a fairly basic question! Fern was in a scuffle tonight with one of the others resulting in a badly torn ear. The vet bandage lasted all of two hours. I am hopeful my attempt will last longer. The vets said to leave it, what they had done, on till Sat and take her back then to get the ear checked out. The ear is very hot and swollen and I am not so sure on leaving any bandage on for 48 hrs without checking on things underneath. I've used very sticky stuff over some non stick dressing on her actual ear then vet wrap in a rough figure 8 around the good ear to keep her hurt ear close so she can't do more damage to it by shaking. Any thoughts anyone? and Fern did get a shot of long acting antibiotics too.
  6. dry it or tan it? is there a difference? to me drying it, the pelt would end up really stiff but tanning it makes it supple
  7. whens this show on? I saw it once when it 1st started but might have another looksee
  8. and you can make them higher by joining them together with the black plastic tie thingees :D It's what I did to seperate my dog yard into two. Then you can take them home afterwards
  9. I don't actually have any photo's of my greys in the crate set up in my bedroom, but the 3 of them all love to sleep in there including Piper who was never crate trained as such.
  10. My dogs get lots of looks when we are out and about, people are always surprised how soft their coats are, even people who show other breeds had no idea a greyhounds coat could be so soft. When my friend and I used to have our coffee mornings, they always turned into huge meet and greet with many people wanting to know more. My greys lived in town with 3 cats, hers on a farm with cattle. We showed that greyhounds can and are adaptable. We handed out many, many cards for GAP. Of course most people knew they were greyhounds but had no idea they could be good pets. I am proud to say that my friend and I have educated a lot of people to the wonderfulness of greyhounds
  11. your kidding right how could you possibly know what the hare was thinking?
  12. Fern's mother 6 yo maiden with 10 yo FS - 13 pups, 11 surviving Fern 2 yo maiden with 18/20 yo FS - 2 pups Fern's sister 3 yo maiden FS at least 5 yo - 9 pups I think it was, 7 or 8 survivng
  13. so who is Brad really and why bring up a year old thread as your 1st post
  14. why not just take him out every few hrs? Mine can be inside for hrs and sound asleep when I suddenly decide it is time for them to go out and perform
  15. I've never had any trouble toilet training greyhounds, they are very clean dogs usually. Occasionally you will get one that takes a bit longer to get the idea but that is because of the dog itself, not the breed.
  16. Yeah, that's not going to work ... well you didn't say you wouldn't be able to get it in his mouth and that's the most common way to adminster it. It can be placed on his skin but it is not as effective.
  17. your own property often runs up to a public footpath, my dogs love sniffing the corner posts of my fence which other dogs have peed on. No way I would lock a pup up in the backyard for weeks waiting for the vacination to kick in. I always take them out to the front yard to get them used to different things passing by such as the garbage trucks. It's a calculated risk that each and every owner has to decide for themselves.
  18. half a dropper every few minutes to start with, then increase the time bewteen doses as he relaxes. Just squirt it direct into his mouth.
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