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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. Thanks for that freundhund, I've found 10 ! near me ranging from 35 k's to 90 k's, never know when it might come in handy
  2. Yep... They're blue. Ta, just got to try and work out how many I'll need.
  3. are the BOB and challenge certificates different for neuters? I need to order cards in soon
  4. maybe cause the surrounding area's were flooded or unde rthreat of being flooded and people had more important things to do such as save houses etc Geez Louise, these decisions aren't made lightly, get a grip, it's only a dog show
  5. is the cujo kennel big enough? cause you could buy a pop up gazebo to put over it. I use one in my dog run, well anchored, it never moves. When the roof gives out I put a tarp over the frame in winter, shade cloth in summer works well
  6. The only way to do it is to lease your bitch to a breeder who already has a prefix. Preferably that would be the breeder who trusted you enough to sell you a main registered bitch. Does your breeder know of your plans? I would be ropable if a bitch I bred was leased to someone else without my input being asked.
  7. mine all went up, I cancelled Piper's. In 2 years I had never made a claim for him, his excess was $200 and he is coming up 11. Still got the other 2 insured though.
  8. Ovens Valley at Myrtleford will have them at their shows on April 2 and 3rd.
  9. I had a bitch spayed at 3 yrs. Couple years later I found a pea size lump next to a teat. Had it removed, but not tested, she never had any more. Currently have a 4 1/2 yo entire bitch no lumps. I keep an eye on all my dogs, anybody gets a lump, it's spotted pretty quick and attended too.
  10. Here in Victoria we have a lure coursing area at KCC Park and it is advertised on the Dogs Victoria website. but they are still only fun runs, no titles on offer. Competitive coursing, different sorts, all behind a lure, are huge overseas. Can get different titles from different orgs.
  11. I find the bigger diameter much better for the greys. Just got in a heap of 1/2 inch bands from My Tool Store at a great price. The smaller ones just didn't do it.
  12. It's a load of you know what. Skimming the surface. Throwing a bone to the animal libbers etc
  13. the greyhound, whippet and italian greyhound are all the same
  14. Not sure on prices but would have to be DNA tested before registration with microchipping already done for ID purposes.
  15. Camelot method was developed in America. Only method used for racing greyhounds AFAIK. Not sure exactly what the method is or how it differs from any others? What happens if you get no pups from either of them? Is there a free return? My dilemma would be not just the stud fee lost but also all the costs getting the FS here, which could happen anyway in a single sire implant. Lots of things to think about.
  16. unbelievable I know what I would be telling them and what they could do with their C5's Good luck with your search
  17. and don't forget to mention that you can take a dog out, to anywhere, and at the beginning of the day there is no sign of illness but a few hrs down the track, wham you have a sick dog on your hands. You don't even have to take the dog out, wake up in the morning to a fit and well dog, by 4pm you are at the vet.
  18. Ah, ok, thank you, that makes sense. So it's entirely do-able then, anyway, to conduct the tests at other events, it has just been seen to be no need for the tests at other events. An ET has 20 entries per judge, most I have seen had 2 judges so that = 40 dogs An average conformation show, in my neck of the woods, would start at 400 entries and upwards.
  19. Am I in the wrong thread? I thought this one was about registered breeders. nah, it's whatever Annie99 wants it to be about
  20. I know more than one dog that is good with cats but has killed a possum ( or two )
  21. The puppy farmers are only going to give them glossy websites, not photos to the realities of puppy farms. Ok maybe i worded it wrong, I meant that there is a lot of websites out there telling the public about the evils of puppy farms, and information that the public can use when looking for a pup so they don't end up with a puppy farm pup.. I don't think you worded it poorly Miss Molly, I'd sugest most people reading this knew what you meant. There is plenty of info out there if the general public cared to know, or wanted to know, many don't.
  22. logic says the early exhibtions won't have many entires so very doable, what happens when entries get into the 100's, the 1000's? MDBA might decide then to go the same route as the ANKC and stop the vetting, or they may not. Entries might be limited to whatever number the vet/s can handle comfortably. Also depends on what form these exhibtions will take, will have to wait and see.
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