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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. A club has no idea someone entered or didn't enter a particular show because they did or didn't offer neuter class. Someone suggested earlier that notes to the shows you went to plus the ones you drove past might be the way to wake some committees up. I will certainly take it back to mine.
  2. I was just trying to give a clubs perspective. I was very very surprised to find out the OVCC was the very first all breeds club in Vic offering the class. It's 9 months since it's been available and a very small club is the first. I'm all for neuter classes as long as the standard of dog entering is up to scratch. I might have started showing years ago if neuter had been available way back then. But if neuter classes are to stay then both shows offering the class, and entries supporting it must grow, or it's doomed.
  3. Does it really matter if they are "clearly" pets? If it brings more people into the show ring who cares? It should be encouraged after all isn't show numbers dropping and there are clearly pets being shown entire as well..... Yes it does be it Neuter or an All Breeds Show - The judge has to sign a certificate that says "I am clearly of the opinion that this exhibit is of such outstanding merit as to be worthy to qualify for the title of 'Champion'" Then I guess it's up to the judge whether or not to award the dog isn't it? More than likely though unless the dog has a DQ fault they will award it and I would guess they would be lenient towards the neuters as majority are pets. The owners may then decide to want to compete in the entire classes (well if treated nice enough) and get a show quality puppy. Nice to know that fellow exhibitors still feel the need to bitch about the neuters as well :p Neuter classes are like a stepping stone for pet owners and should be encourage to exhibited their "pet". I have to say I disagree with this. I still think a neutered dog being exhibited should be good enough to be exhibited if entire. I think neuter classes are for people wanting to show but not wanting to keep an entire animal. And yes there are entire dogs being shown that shouldn't be. I also think all show dogs should be pets, mine are
  4. it is advised by VIC Dog to order your cards 3 months before your show, which I did. I will compare the sashes from your supplier and mine :p Always happy to find something cheaper as long as the quality it good.
  5. OVCC decided it was important to offer and we found a way to cover the costs. As for the costs of the sashes, we had good sashes and they were close to $10 a sash, then there was the prize as well.
  6. I have very rarely boarded my dogs but there is no way I would allow any of mine to play with unknown dogs with unknown people supervising. My dogs are boarded for safety not for socialisation and playtime.
  7. Try approaching the local vet clinics to sponsor a NIG sash. :p our costs were covered thanks itsmeg, but I will ask the vets next year as well, good idea. I suggest to all those screaming for neuter classes you put your money where your mouth is and start approaching clubs close to you with the offer to sponsor a sash. Some clubs can afford to cover the costs, others can't, and at this point in time there is a cost to a club to run the classes. I know you shouldn't have to donate but at this stage the classes aren't covering the costs. As I said previously, OVCC will run them again next year, it is acknowledged that it will take time to build entries up but if they don't the pin will be pulled. So offer to donate to clubs, join a club or two, write a few letters and push the point. The actual paperwork etc isn't hard, it's the costs to the clubs.
  8. thanks CC. Just trying to see if we can please more people but I know we won't please them all
  9. Ovens Valley are running neuter classes again next year but if the entries have not improved by then I will quite likely go home and cry. And one entry fee does not cover the cost of the BNIG sash plus prize that has to be provided. We were very lucky to have all BNIG sashes donated by either Doler's ( thanks Spikes Puppy, Dyzney, Bilbo Baggins) or club members. I donated the BIS sashes. So club members were not only giving of their time but of their cash as well. A couple of the groups did have 2 entries so yes the cost of sash and prize was covered, some had only one, cost was not covered, some had none so again cost was not covered. Sashes have to be ordered weeks before a show, can't wait until we see what entries we get. Sashes not used this year can be used next year. But if they hadn't been sponsored the club would have had to bear that cost and lost money on running the class. You don't lose money on the other BIG's or CIG's. I am only talking about BNIG sashes and prizes, not the BOB and Challenge ribbons.
  10. Thanks everyone. I thought it went pretty well also but I can't claim credit for the weather . Yeah there were a couple of bloopers, I reckon it wouldn't be a dog show without some but since it was my first time as secretary it could have been a lot worse! Got a few ideas spinning around in space, fine tune a couple of things, pre empt some others, improve a bit here and there. And 12 months to do it all in
  11. hmm, need to find out what % of entries has to be in prizes. so if it was only $5 per CIG because that met the % requirement would you still complain or expect the club to double it?
  12. apple crumble was to die for, should have waited for the scones fresh out of the oven!
  13. As I said on the day - That's because dog show people are full of shit. :eek: you weren't the only one who said that
  14. Couple of my dogs chase the birds, and catch them sometimes, all are fine with the cats.
  15. follow on form the prizes thread. How much cash? Would it depend on the size of the show? If you got $5 for a class in group would you be on a forum or email list somewhere saying what a lousy prize? Or is that reasonable? off the top of my head, this morning, my thoughts for a small country show were $5 class in group, $7.50 for RUBIG, $10 BIG $10 class in show, $15.00 for RUBIS, $20 for BIS I know there has to be a certain % of prizes in relation to entries, haven't looked it up yet. Cash also has to be balanced against a club being able to shop all year round for items on special. The value is still being met but the $ outlay, for the club, is less. I know NSW has just started a 3 tier system dependant on the entries for the last show a club ran. Makes it hard if you have a bumper entry one year and not the next. Thoughts?
  16. I wonder why you are so determined to get another dog? If it is for you so be it but don't get another just because you think your dog wants a friend. He's happy being an only dog by your account.
  17. maybe you could check out my edited post
  18. Group 2 ruig was lionsden express train he also went junior in show ok checked the actual judges sheet and they have swapped the numbers around 130 and 139, it was, as you said Lionsden Express Train, my apologies.
  19. I will bring up the issue of the water at our meeting next week. The toilets, hmm, I have a plan for that but won't know if it will work until tested next year!
  20. so what happens the 1% of the time she ignores you and what happens if it's one of those awful little dogs she hates? Neither you or your dog are as good as you think.
  21. I can control my dogs perfectly well while on lead but they are not allowed off lead in Victoria so very hard to train a really reliable recall. Plus I would be a fool to ignore their breed and what they were bred for.
  22. No way, the 2 shows I was show secretary for this weekend had an entry of 9 on Sat and 8 on Sunday. Some groups did not have a single entry. Lets crawl before we walk.
  23. that would be so me as well This is a totally different situation where your dog was actually set upon. And totally understandable you would be upset. yes and if Iwalked around the corner and saw yet another off lead dog, I possibly would confront them very aggressively. I am aware of my faults, and the faults of other people and other dogs, so tend to not walk my dogs around the streets. I go to the greyhound slipping track but not many people can do that.
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