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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. no risk of burning themselves. Yep had to move plenty of cats over the years from in front of the fire I did buy another couple for the kitties ;)
  2. this is very similar to what I have http://cgi.ebay.com.au/New-LARGE-HEATED-DO...=item3cb6ea3b58 the element is only small but there is a definite warm area that is larger then the actual element. I might have to get a couple more cause the animal's all love them
  3. They fit a greyhound on them, if they can get the cats off I have one in the loungeroom with a couple of polar fleece blankets on top and one in the laundry with a couple of ordinary blankets on it. Now it's turned cool they are on 24 hrs a day.
  4. I got a couple from ebay 3 or 4 years ago, still going strong. Similar have been sold at Aldi's and Sam's warehouse.
  5. Its actually Mr R. S. Bell (Vic) that is judging, not Mr R. Bell (Vic) They are different people. Thanks Entourage for clearing that up for people... I hadnt even realised that people would be confused... how silly of me... silly silly you LOL... Yes YES YES!!!!! Rub it in!!!!!!!!!! you need a smacking!
  6. and I will be with the above, Friday as well
  7. yes I have heard of people using a long down but not a stay as such. Just gently made to lie down again each time they get up, used to teach self control and settling. Start off in the commercial breaks and work up to an hour long TV program was how I have heard it taught. personally I found clicker training to go to your bed worked on my dogs.
  8. I am curious though now, do you recall how many was entered at last years show? entries overall were down about 50 each day,last year they had ozentries, this year they did not. Going back over some old catalogues, last weekends entires were in line with others, the ozentry weekend was the odd one out. But I think we will be using ozentries next year, definitly not confirmed at this stage though!
  9. Actually no I am not, I have no reason to be I was merely pointing out that listing the neuter entries of the first Victorian club to host the neuter class and stating you haven't seen new exhibitors is of no surprise as 1. It is still not widely known about especially in Victoria and 2. It's too far to expect new exhibitors to go for their first show, hence why I would say all neuters also had a few entire entries attached as well. I would say that OVCC, actually received more entries (and not just the extra 8/9 neuter entries either) for offering the class than if they hadn't as others had already posted that was the reason they went that far. It does seem OVCC did get more entries then we would have because of the neuter class but the club doesn't know that. ( I will tell them at our meeting on Sunday) and I travelled for well over 3 hours as a brand new exhibitor when Fern was 3 months and 1 day old for our very first show I certainly hope OVCC is not the only all breed club in Vic to ever hold the neuter class!
  10. true ? what do you mean ? Do you have real proof that this happened not just the word of someone who doesn't want to speak to anyone about it? Are you sure it is not just a story to cover the getting rid of a pup? yes this is what I meant
  11. You need to find out if it is true before going global with it.
  12. And that's fine Rebanne, but this was not filmed in Australia and has nothing to do with off-leash/on-lead dog areas in this country. true but my point was even very highly trained dogs, like these are, can and do get get distracted and it only takes a second for something to happen. I possibly wouldn't have even noticed if it hadn't been so hotly debated these last few days I also noticed how each dog that greeted him was rolled over, I found that very interesting, plus they all seemed to occupy the same position when behind the bike, well the fawn/red ones did, the black and tans was a bit hard to tell.
  13. sorry but your dog doesn't need to go everywhere with you and I don't feel you are respecting other peoples choices. Dog would be fine sleeping on an enclosed deck.
  14. No dog is. What this video is supposed to highlight is the fact that 'sleddogs' can be trained to be off-lead and can be totally dedicated to their owner. Go ahead and pick it to pieces, doesn't bother me, but for anyone to be less than impressed by what this 'team' have achieved through training, well, you would be in the minority I think. whatever but considering some of the hot topics lately which includes a poster thinking just because they think they have a perfectly controled dog leash laws are beneath them, a little mention of the dogs in the video that got distracted for a second is worth you accusing me of picking it to pieces.
  15. I noticed that, I also noticed a couple of dogs did get distracted so they are not fool proof. I thought it was great to a certain extent but I did wonder how many he has lost to traffic and I certainly couldn't help but feel for an unsuspecting walker, with or without a dog, faced with 16 loose dog barrelling down on top of you. As has been noted several times very recently in other threads, how is the other person to know those dogs are under pretty good control? So while I appreciated most of the video I also thought it had some poor bits.
  16. For me it's no doubt based on what I've seen in suburbia with little dogs on extenda leads who suddenly dart onto the road, and whenever I drive by one I'm really conscious it could happen right infront of me. I just dont like them and would never use one. incorrect use of equipment, not the equipment itself
  17. I have no problem with extander leads used properly. Have used one myself in the past. As it is with most things it all depends on the person actually operating the "whatever".
  18. I'm not sure how all these threads turn into ones about Dexter but I must admit he looked cute in my dog yard!
  19. don't scrimp on the tests, they are your best guide to getting a litter
  20. :p did you have nothing better to do thanks for the tip and the test I use cheap lino from the warehouse but I might add a tablecloth as well
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