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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. :D Grp 1 1 Grp 2 100 Grp 3 156 Grp 4 228 Grp 5 271 Grp 6 346 Grp 7 397 last no 450
  2. oh get over yourself, I've donated sashes in the past and have no idea who won them nor does it matter. I was just glad to help out where I could, same as sending the odd entry in to a show I have no intention of going to when a call goes out for more entries or the show might not run the following year ( usually agi shows way out in the country ). I do it for the sport not the recognition.
  3. this just to save me writing it all out again
  4. that's so cheap, pity I don't need anymore
  5. Great idea oakway. And another thought along a similar line, how about our state CCs offering free transfer from Mains Register to Mains Neuter Register for a period of time also.. I can't remember, but am pretty sure there is a cost involved in this? VCA charges to change over which is a bloody rip off. All they should need to do is sight the desexing certificate and enter it on the computer but no they want your original rego cert so they can print you out a new one and charge you for it.
  6. you should be aware that you may not be able to choose which puppy you get, the breeder might do that for you as they know each pups personality etc best and would have a good idea which one would be most suitable for you and your situation.
  7. my pups are nearly 4 months old and have been fed on about 5 different brands I often change brands around for the adults.
  8. I would agree with this. To only have 10 entries for a metro show is very disappointing, OVCC had about that many earlier in the year and we are a long way from being metro. And FWIW I have just signed off on the schedule for next year and yes class 18 is tagged on to the end, right after 11.
  9. isn't she a wonderful girl, very clever cookie Charlotte and 4 and 4, very well done :D
  10. My experience in GSD's have shown me there are good and bad breeders who may or may not be a member of their breed club. Ethics come from within and I don't believe you have to be a member of a breed club to have them.
  11. RuBIG in group 3 was an ESS not an Am Cocker. sorry, didn't see it myself was going by what I was told, will triple check next time
  12. At Kyabram today Brantarby Winter Crusade got baby of breed (greyhound) loved, owned and handled by Sarah Kennedy, a newcomer to our sport. Baby of grp 4 was the deerhound
  13. and oh so cute! heard the judge talking to the steward afterwards saying how much more settled he was in sweepy's Warrior was happy to lay down and relax
  14. I don't think a greyhound would be suitable so I'm glad they "creep you out" a bit :D I reckon a beagle might be good.
  15. excellent post I just counted off 62 showbred greys in Australia, being generous with numbers in a couple of cases where exact numbers aren't know. So at the very most there would only be 100 in the country, more likely 80. And I know most of those wouldn't have taken the survey, so adopted race bred greyhounds win hands down
  16. excellent news, now go enjoy your family holiday
  17. Anyone who'd say that many sighthounds aren't willing to take risks has never seen them after prey. And that includes a lot of pet owners in the burbs. There's a reason younger Greyhounds end up in GAP... injury is one and lack of desire to chase is another. Those who test well with cats and small dogs (if they haven't been socialised with them) will be those with lower prey drive. That's another factor that may affect the "boldness" quotient many pet Greyhound owners observed in their dogs. Actually you might be surprised to know that some big winners have tested ok with cats and small dogs.
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