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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. sprinkle a few drops of a nice smelling oil, the good stuff not the cheapo ones.
  2. The OP never said it was aggression Over exuberance to the point of scaring a puppy is not acceptable, nor is aggression. over exuberance that scares another dog, or person, is not acceptable.
  3. If the other dog persists you do whatever it takes to get rid of it. It is your job to protect your puppy from the rude dogs. It is not the other dog’s right to terrorise yours, whether from over exuberance or aggression. It is interesting that your pup immediately retreated from this dog. The pup was obviously uncomfortable straight away with the other dogs approach. It is not necessary for your dog’s development to love every dog it meets or even like them.
  4. your breeder should provide you with a vaccination certificate which will say when the next one is needed. I vaccinate my pups at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and then 15 months. I only do a C3 unless I know they will be going into kennels. It would be a good idea to take your pup to the vet asap for a general health check. I worm every 3 months after the 12 week worming. I give heartworm preventive every 6 weeks. I never give a pill/tablet that does everything every month. I consider it too many chemicals going into their body and they might not all be needed. Every one will have a different opinion! Good luck with your new friend.
  5. trick training, work her brain, it is more tiring then physical work.
  6. we all have different ideas Trish and no one is right and no one is wrong. Fern has had a summer litter and a winter litter, both in the loungeroom, cats came and went as they pleased, other dogs were restricted for a couple of days, Miller for a bit longer, maybe 5 or 6. The summer litter I had the air con full bore and a fan blowing across the top of the box and frozen bottles of water for the pups to sleep on.
  7. I would disagree with this, plenty of greyhounds have been bred from that can't run, after all they are the 5th cousin twice removed from the current top dog! ;) Why they can't run is often not investigated.
  8. so they can get points then, I thought they couldn't or have I got it all wrong can't get points!!! then they aren't equal to the other dogs
  9. so they can get points then, I thought they couldn't or have I got it all wrong
  10. if you have had everything explained to you and you know the risks and possible outcomes, both good and bad, then you do what you think is right for both you and your dog.
  11. Thanks I have done a bit more googling as I was curious.
  12. all breeders are different and will offer different things. Is this a disease that can be tested for before breeding? If so and the tests were not done then I would be very, very angry with both the breeder for not doing them and for me not knowing they should be done. And my gut reaction would be to sue the socks off her and the two vets that missed it. If this is a disease that can't be tested for then my reaction is different. As both buyer and seller. But as a breeder, if the disease is one that can't be tested, for I would refund your money and yes, also suggest your PTS the pup. And would consider what I would do about my vet who missed it. But I know very little about PDA except for what a quick google look told me so I have no idea on testing and how hard or easy it would be to pick up. What I do know is I would cry with you.
  13. give the breeder a break, she too has to digest all this infomation, it's devastating news all round for everyone.
  14. I've had several judges give me advice etc one made me do the triangle again with the lead held differently and it wasn't just in the first few months either, I'm afraid my lack of handling skills still shine on, even now
  15. actually I have to say I wouldn't be impressed with being woken up at 7 am by dogs barking and while I would never even threaten to bait someones dogs because of it I can sort of understand someone finally losing their cool. I live opposite a small park and if that suddenly got turned into a dog park I would be objecting very strongly. Not condoning this guy's threats in any way but I do have some sympathy for residents that live next to dog parks and have to put up with the noise from them.
  16. NO! why should the greyhounds suffer just because they are so obliging.
  17. Brantarby Winter Warrior goes into minor class at Christmas time
  18. just be aware the paperwork inside the box says the safe use of comfortis in breeding males has not be evaluated, as well as consult your vet if using on pregnant or lactating dogs and in dogs with pre exisitng epilepsy.
  19. Eric got baby of breed (greyhound) today at Wodonga
  20. me too, in fact my pups were outside day and night from around the 4 week mark, at night in the puppy yard, during the day they had half the back yard. My dogs are all outside on the nights I work no matter what the weather.
  21. Lots of dogs don't go any further. One run a round the ring and that's it. Clubs still have to pay for the same things as other classes, the only exception being a challenge certificate. Still got to pay for judges, stewards, place ribbons, etc etc I've had my babies judged recently by some lovely judges and all treated the job seriously and were great with the pups. Most took their time, well over their time to judge, the babies and critique them! I was thrilled to bits and am happy to pay full fee for quality judging. But no way should they be ever part of a challenge line up. Baby puppy is a way for them to gain experience in the ring, where often the only reward the person gets is the satisfaction that the baby at least moved! To have a baby squirming and maybe getting sour in the line up is not a good move and would not make you popular with the other exhibitors.
  22. your son will get over it if you support him. Accidents do happen but you need to stop freaking out about it and show your son by your actions that the world is not going to stop just because your dog broke his leg. Life goes on no matter what and here is a good chance to help teach your son some valuable lessons. As for the boxer pup, ask the breeder to hold onto it for another couple of weeks, pay her board then bring the pup home and manage both dogs. You will have to manage both dogs anyway because of the difference in size but a couple of weeks grace would be beneficial for your little guy.
  23. what a sweet hubby you have, a wonderful memorial to Benson
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