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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. yes I would like to see lure coursing as well. One of the FB groups are discussing their 900 yard course, it's held in a paddock with multiple turns, not quite the same as chasing a live bunny but the closest that can happen.
  2. racing is not what greyhounds were originally bred to do, they were bred to hunt and yes some still do so, race and show bred. Not all greyhounds live in backyards plenty live on farms where there are rabbits, hares etc. eta to fix my spelling - again! Yes, I know originally they were hunting dogs, but they've been bred for racing now for many years and many generations. I've always had trouble accepting show bred greyhounds as the pinnacle of perfection in the breed, I feel a succesful racing dog that is sound would be the better expample, but I think I'm alone with this opinion so I stay away from showing. they have been bred for 100 years for racing and how many 100's of years before that for hunting? Plenty of showbred dogs have multiple titles in coursing overseas. Could a modern day racing dog do what greyhounds were supposed to do originally, maybe some could but to say a successful racing dog is what a greyhound should be just makes me shake my head. Not all show bred dogs could pull down game either but at least their not discarded out of hand. I can trace my showbred dogs pedigree's further back then I could trace my racebred one. All on the same database.
  3. racing is not what greyhounds were originally bred to do, they were bred to hunt and yes some still do so, race and show bred. Not all greyhounds live in backyards plenty live on farms where there are rabbits, hares etc. eta to fix my spelling - again!
  4. my german shepherds always followed me, often getting up as soon as I thought of moving, to me it's failry normal. The panting could be becuase she is stressed, new home, new people, new rules. Sleeping under the table could be cause she thinks it's a safe spot for her, does she have somewhere else like a crate that she can retreat to? Her weight should have no bearing on her being an ex show dog. She is 10 months old, not fully mature yet, you don't want a fat GSD by any means, lean is good. Re her poos, she is stressed, she could be doing more then normal. worry about it in a couple of weeks time unless they are really runny. Yes take her to the vet for a wellness check. Pet insurance can be done now, you don't need her papers. Exercise sounds good. Training wise, you need to teach her what you want, she doesn't come already knowing it, as her previuos home might have had different expectations. And we would like pictures please :)
  5. Yes and mainly cause no one had any figures yet. OVCC being the first all breeds club in the state to offer the class. I have written a long reply in the other Neuter class thread with break down of costs etc. There is no need for anyone to have to donate, neuters pay for themselves. It's why I knocked back donations this year, there is no need.
  6. If you charge $10 entry fee you have to pay $2.50 to the VCA for the dog surcharge and, I think, $3.50 on sash and prize (35% of entry must be spent on such), 40 cents for a challenge cert or BOB. So a total of $6.40 leaving a profit of $3.60. The sash and trophy of course is only for the Group and In Show winner. So for 7 Group Winners and 1 In Show Winner you need to spend $27.50 in sash/prizes. The profit is bigger on those that don't make it through to Group or In Show. They just get their card and maybe a first place ribbon which costs 30 cents to buy. So for them it's $2.50 VCA levy, 40 cents for the card and 30 cents for a place ribbon = $3.20 leaving a profit of $ $6.80. If you really want to nit pick you could then break down the judges costs etc but you would still make a profit per dog per show. After all no club can afford to make a loss, they have to make money to keep going. I've got sashes here from my clubs last shows where, in Grp 4, 2 age classes weren't represented. There is In Show sash that is still kicking around. Lost money there but no one is suggesting those classes be dropped. This year the trend has turned to not putting Grps on the sashes unless you pay extra so those sashes can be kept and used the following year, Neuter sashes will be no different. Cards can be used the next year if not used this time around. Neuters more then pay for themselves. My club did have sponsors for our first neuter shows last year but we were the very first all breeds club to offer the class and no one had done the figures etc. This year I have knocked back sponsorship, but not entries of people who know they are not coming but still want to support the club :D Neuters more then pay for themselves.
  7. it's your Mother's house but you blame her for leaving her own telephone cord down? Do you have any idea how much aquariums cost and how fragile they can be? I'd be threatening your dog too. You knew Lucy was destructive, you should have bought a crate for her before she went to your Mum's so Lucy could have been better managed.
  8. They do run and play, the coats are "wrapped" to protect them. I have seen photo's of poodles in full show coat swimming in the sea. Once they got home the were washed and dried. Dogs in full coat do have fun and games.
  9. I think the neuter class has been here for long enough for people not to have to pay clubs to hold the class. If the clubs can't see they get increased entries by offering the class then more fools them. For how long are people going to keep giving clubs money to hold the neuter class? Sooner or later it has to stand on its own. I've donated in the past and no doubt will do so in the future but I actually prefer to support the smaller clubs in the country with a donation, neuter class or not. No good having neuter class if the amount of shows they can be offered at decreases.
  10. if the dogs were being hunted they wouldn't have so much coat, the brush would strip it out. It's because they are kept as pets/show dogs that they get the coats.
  11. So are they now hard to scan? That would be a big problem unless the operator was dilgent and went along the whole dog up,down and across. Not a problem if the scanner does it properly but a problem with my boy as it may affect his movement which is why I will most likely get it removed. My bitch's has moved down to her shoulder as well, moved after 4 years, but it's not in a position to cause a problem. If either were to get lost I would be saying microchip is on right shoulder. I see, thanks Reb. As small as a grain of rice, but in the wrong place could be very irritating. They are a bit bigger then a grain of rice. I thought Fern had got a splinter under her skin at first.
  12. So are they now hard to scan? That would be a big problem unless the operator was dilgent and went along the whole dog up,down and across. Not a problem if the scanner does it properly but a problem with my boy as it may affect his movement which is why I will most likely get it removed. My bitch's has moved down to her shoulder as well, moved after 4 years, but it's not in a position to cause a problem. If either were to get lost I would be saying microchip is on right shoulder.
  13. Half of my last litter has moved and all before they were 5 months of age.
  14. yes and my pups had moved within weeks down behind his right shoulder, will most likely have to get it removed.
  15. Hah, I like the bit on page 105 in regards to a working dog: yes I can see myself spending quite a few hours reading it. I've looked at all the pictures, now to the reading bit.
  16. it's always exciting when one of your breed does well
  17. here's an interesting book on breed of dogs, you do need java script to be able to see it. Some very interesting pictures from years ago. http://www.archive.org/stream/newbookofdogcomp00leigrich#page/n7/mode/2up
  18. You can clearly see my white greyhounds pink skin go red when they have a play session which goes for a while. Must look at their eyes next time.
  19. I got an eye complaint from the hot and dusty conditions at the Canberra Royal this year.
  20. so they are basicaly suggesting ethical breeders put up the price of their pups to cover the licence fee and people will still buy them cause there aren't many other options.
  21. Plenty of other dogs were not examined at all. Only 15 targeted breeds were to be examined and only the BOB winners, so only 15 dogs in total. All the rest were not going to be vet examined.
  22. what does it mean then? That they went to an eye specialist and got a certificate for doing so I guess. If they said they have clear and current eye certificates then that's a different matter but either I've missed it (quite possible!) or everyone is just saying the dog has an eye certificate. Too me they are different things. The Bulldog and the Clumber had current clear eye certs.
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