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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. no it 12-13 all up and he is 17 all up oh ok, mis read it
  2. The dogs hip scores are below the average though so technically might fit the breeders criteria for a low score.
  3. Another vote for Vebo pet- the only style that has managed to keep my Houdini in the crate!! I just looked these crates up and for the size I need it would be $125, not at all expensive. Those cheaper crates are rubbish. I've seen a few at shows.
  4. yeah my greyhounds can get a bit nutso after being fed. I think animals in the wild gorge themselves so they can't move whereas domestic ones don't (usually).
  5. well the dry food my dogs do best on is good old Pal Pedigree. It was the only one all my dogs would eat and do well on. Even the one inclined to yeasty skin. Only other food they get regularly is raw minced chicken carcass's.
  6. Depends on who is doing what. I took all the entires and sent them off to someone else to do the catalogues etc which included the judges breeds and numbers. People started asking for a breed breakdown so I asked for an electronic copy of the catalogue, which I passed on to someone else, not involved with the show, who kindly wrote up the break down on DOL. Or they might have sent it back to me and I put it up, can't remember :laugh: I too like to see a breed break down though :D
  7. looks like a floating rib to me
  8. don't add your own dogs poop into the pile. Just return what belongs to him (or his dog)and he has no basis on which to complain about you to the council etc. Well he might complain but won't have a leg to stand on.
  9. Can someone please post the lay out of the rings.
  10. I live in town and don't have any numbers
  11. Sorry, maybe I havent't explained myself well...I was thinking of getting a pup from a pure-bred border collie and pure-bred labrador retriever...in that case, I meant it would be 50/50... it's still a mutt, go to a good rescue and get one from there if you are so dead set on buying a mutt
  12. Thanks Joan of Arc, I too am astounded at the Fauve entry, it's fantastic. When I first saw them there was only 8 in the country and that was only 5 years ago.
  13. yep will need to bring plenty of warm clothes for me and coats for the dogs
  14. First of all I would get both dogs tested at the vet for a UTI. Without seeing who is doing what you don't really know who the culprit is. Male dogs can pee pretty high if they want to. Try being a bit more proactive with the dogs. Take them outside regularly instead of waiting for them to maybe ask. If you don't want the dog on the couch do not give in. Nothing wrong with having the dogs on your bed or the furniture as long as they will get off when you want and wait for an invite to hop up.
  15. This is my marine ply kennel made in 1989. The pink is the original undercoat which I never got around to painting over. Still going strong. While the dividing fence is off centre it is evenly divided inside. The dividing fence is made out of the Bunnings compost bin pieces and has beem up around 5 years. Kennel and dividing fence are in a 3 by 4 meter yard
  16. Anyone got a breed breakdown? I've been told I have to pick up my numbers despite entering weeks and weeks ago via OzEntries and some people having their numbers posted out.
  17. I've got a huge kennel would have held 3 GSD's but I did, in the end, divide it. Dogs were happier. ETA and I had two doorways so lees chance of anything happening in a door way.
  18. Then you need to go out with her so you know she has gone and so you can praise her as well for doing so.
  19. You're feeding an overweight dog 4 times a day You need to cut back if you expect her to loose weight.
  20. greyhound coats come in that size and bigger
  21. Make her go out, put a coat on her if need be and you take an umbrella for yourself and be tough.
  22. I would be getting a health check, cold feet can be a sign of poor circulation which might mean heart problems. Your dog is now old and while I normally wouldn't put a coat on a GSD because they do have a double coat the coat can get thin on an old dog. So take him to the vet and buy him a coat and then you will have covered all bases.
  23. Probably depends a bit on the group. I think it makes sense in our group to move the Dachshunds together for example, and right behind the Dachshunds is often a Deerhound who will cover several Dachshund lengths in a single stride even if it's a slow mover. or, in my case, a greyhound!
  24. :laugh: mine stay outside in minus degree temps in winter. Couple of coats, snug kennels, plenty of blankies and they are fine. When I win tattslotto we can all stay home and inside. They are warmer in their kennels then if they were in the kitchen with the door open to the outside.
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