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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. Just been told by my greyhound man Ottens was found yesterday
  2. Don't forget there were other dogs killed the night before and Lektra Ice got loose as well.
  3. would be interesting to see what people would say if both pups were photoshopped the one colour
  4. I was alerted to this dog as well. I think the use of the words papers available confused people into thinking it was possibly show bred. Plus saying the papers would cost extra There were no show bred greys born on that dogs birthday. There might have been a litter born to racebred dogs also registered for showing but I doubt it. I do keep an eye on the Vic/NSW journals but don't have access to the other states. I did email the people 24 hours ago but have not heard back from them. Pav Lova is right. But thank you TakeTwo for caring.
  5. its a puppy first and foremost !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H so? it's a mutt puppy. Really who cares. I've had two mutts, one lived to 13 the other to 15, loved them as much as the papered dogs. People need to stop needing to put a breed or two onto their pet and accept it for what it is. A Mutt! Most dogs in Aus would be mutts, love them for what they are and stop trying to make them into something they're not. Sure you might have to give some sort of idea what the dog is on microchip papers and council registration but that's based on looks only. I had one of my mutts down as a beagle x foxie but only so people would have a rough idea of what she looked like if she ever got lost. Emma was a real Heinze variety, so what, she was loved and looked after and when people asked me what breed she was they were told, a MUTT!
  6. lol you won't get far with threats. It's been proven time and again that neuter pays for itself so stop with the big stick. It's nearly enough for me to say no way will I be going. Hate being threatened.
  7. Its a pity they closed so early. I know 3 people who entered and had there entries returned and the club lost about $250.00 in entries Bravo to the club, maybe people will stop being so selfish and actually adhere to the closing date which is clearly published.
  8. sorry about your horrible day and hope both dogs make a full recovery. Had you reported the previous attacks?
  9. they can close when they want. Only way to know is to ask them direct.
  10. X1 X 2 how about getting an ultrasound of her gut area while at the vets?
  11. mine hate livamol and won't eat anything that has had it added too and I wasn't giving anywhere near a tablespoon.
  12. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/188608-the-great-dane-thread-part-2/ http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/170794-great-dane/ some light reading to get you started :D
  13. no ticks here thank goodness. I use Valuheart monthly tabs for heartworm, given every 6 weeks. And worm them every few months with an all wormer. If I find any fleas, rarely, I use a spot on like advantage.
  14. Thanks Arcane, never thought to ring a vet. Will do so in the morning
  15. someone was talking about this recently to me and said their dogs were doing great on it. I haven't used it myself though.
  16. taking the dogs to Mt gambier for a week shortly. Do I need to take any tick precautions?
  17. Oh I am not a professional, I have wash and wear dogs :laugh: I know my limitations and dog grooming is one of them! What does your friend say about Border Collies maybe being suitable? Or an Aussie Shepherd? Medium size dogs with coat who are usually biddable and more willing to please their owner as a working dog rather then a terrier who is usually bred to be more independant? And once grown would love the workload you have in mind. eta I read some one recommended one of the spaniels, they are worth looking into as well. I have only ever owned German Shepherds and Greyhounds with one pound puppy thrown into the mix so can't really recommend a particular breed.
  18. Personally I think you are loking at too small a dog for what you want, up to 60 minutes jogging plus 2 hrs walking a day. As for the friends young GSD, a properly trained dog will not walk you, even a little dog can trip you up if not trained. Many people will say not to clip off a long coated or double coated dog as the coat can grow back incorrectly making maintenance harder. eta this does not refer to breeds tradionally clipped but breeds like the Tibetan Terrier Ask your Border Collie friend if you can tag along with them to some dog shows, wander around and check out all the breeds, yes the coated ones you do have to pick your timing but really most people should be fine after they have been in and judged. Your friend should be able to help you out there if she has a catalogue. Breeds are judged in their various groups in alaphabetical order.
  19. I too would suggest one dog to start with. Also you have picked a lot of heavily coated breeds that are a lot of work to maintain especially if you are out and about tramping around the countryside.
  20. agree with the others, stick to the plan outlined for your dog but have to comment on the above, If you were walking down the street with someone you had met only once before, would you not be a bit startled if the person (stanger) you were walking with suddenly threw their arm around your shoulders, or gave you a pat on the back side?
  21. so sorry Hesa, RIP Bear with all our beloved dogs who have gone before you to light the way
  22. Mine taught themselves to poo at the back of the yard, all of them have done so.
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