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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. Most will be imported from NZ. Breeders sent the bitches there to have their pups. Pups were docked there.
  2. Can we please not turn this into a p1$$ing contest?
  3. it may just be an old age thing Stitch, sorry not much help
  4. well you would know then all about how many cross breeds have a Goldie parent, so you can't blame ethical breeders from saying no. Full marks to you for being up front though. I can only suggest you contact a couple of the breeders who have dogs you like and suggest a sort of apprenticeship. Meet up at shows, chat, help them etc, build a solid relationship and see how you go. But your journey won't be quick and to be frank, if I had a breed used for crossbreeding very expensive dogs, usually from non health tested parents, hybrid vigor you know, then I would most likely say no as well. I am not saying breeding cross bred's is your aim, not at all, but I understand where the breeders are coming from. Have you not met any Goldie breeders worth their salt in your long career? Or are they the one's saying no?
  5. My first dog as a 20 yo was a German Shepherd X Cattle Dog but we did live on a horse stud farm so lots of exercise for the first 12 months. Honestly she was a dream dog so I wouldn't say your choices were bad but 40 years later I know I was so lucky with Brandy. Don't rely on what your teenagers may or may not do. Decide what you can commit to and go from there. I have had Goldies next door to me and boy could they bark! No dog is perfect but I'd be going a purebred from a registered breeder who can help guide you to what pup would suit you best and be available to help you with any problems that may crop up, or just listen to your brags on how you have the best pup ever!
  6. in Vic they are but must be contained by crate or chain. If chain it can't allow the dog to reach the side to prevent it falling off.
  7. depends on the breeder. Costs the same to rear them.
  8. Well I loved every minute of it. I thought it was very well done and showed just what working machines the dogs were. What I was surprised at was how they all were worked on cattle, not sheep. Cept for Lucifer who ended up with cattle after being too much for sheep. No pure cattle dogs in sight. Mainly Kelpies, with a few obvious cross breds.
  9. I always suggest seeing a vet with strange, new lumps. Better to be safe then sorry.
  10. I think it will be enough. Dogs in cars wear a harness and are clipped in. Depending on the size of the dog you could put a crate on the passenger side but it would have to fastened down somehow.
  11. Most sighthounds were bred to hunt, where do they fit in? Considering they make great household companions.
  12. I think Pekes are great little dogs. Pity they have a coat that needs grooming. My Mum, in the end, just got them clipped, but I always thought it took away a bit of what made them Pekingese.
  13. Yet my parents had 3 Pekes and the only surgery needed was when one stabbed his eye on a rose bush. But they did have a pug who they got as an older dog from a breeder who needed entropion surgery. Breeder should have attended to before rehoming. Some are sound, some are not.
  14. genetics is not a clear cut as that. Hypothetically after several generations yes you could consider the pups look all kelpie but a BC trait could still pop up, particularly if bred to a similar dog which appears pure but has another breed in it's background. That's why most of the folks here are generally very keen on a verified pedigree.
  15. no such thing as a stupid question each male and female dog that win get challenge points, of course depending on how many other eligible dogs they were shown against. You are correct that if you are the only one you get 6 points. Then the two challenge dogs go up against each other for BOB. If your bitch had beat a dog for BOB she would have got another point. If you are BOB all beaten dogs give you a point. If the male dog had beaten 10 other males to get the challenge your bitch also gets those points added to her BOB. You don't get challenge plus BOB points if you are the only entrant, to increase your points you need to beat others. BOB outranks challenge. That's why you got a BOB card, not a challenge. Not sure this is very clear, hopefully someone else comes along and gives a better explanation. But ask away if you have more questions. And congratulations on your girls first points! They are precious.
  16. The paps I've known are smart, energetic dogs. Fairly easy to groom yourself. I've never heard they are hard to house train. I wouldn't recommend taking such a small dog to a dog park. If your daughter want to do some training then she can be the one that grooms it and takes it for on leash walks. That way she'll have a good bond when it comes to training.
  17. I will watch it on catch up TV. Was watching the tennis.
  18. as you say LMO, heartache and hope. That video of the peke's really touched a spot deep inside as my parents had 3 boys over my early adulthood
  19. I think this was extensively discussed when it first happened, there were photo's and video's. Most agreed the RSPCA were, um, insert your word of choice here, and the BC's could have been saved.
  20. so sorry Katdogs and tdierkx and all who loved Jodie. She was obviously an amazing dog.
  21. I would just give small amounts of water so he can't guzzle. Most likely a tummy bug as Powerlegs said. If he's happy and playful I'd fast him for 24 hours ( just give water ) and then just some cooked chicken. I'm not a great believer in giving rice for an upset tummy. Of course if you are not happy with him it would be vet asap
  22. I've had multiple dogs together, multiple bitches together and mixed sexes together. Sometimes desexed, sometimes entire, sometimes both. All house pets. Only had one bitch that was a problem, large dog picking on a smaller bitch. She was adopted as an adult and was returned to the organisation I got her from after several months. German Shepherds and Greyhounds and one crossbreed mutt.
  23. sounds like a release of tension. Can you teach a release to an object, one of those treat holders? Something that fits in your pocket and you can drop it within your training area. Send him to find it, should use up some excitable energy, he gives it to you, you treat him and both walk off, no further release word. You could do it several times to help release that pent up energy and he never know when it's coming
  24. I only give my dogs their monthly heartworm every 6 weeks. Have done for years. I know there is/was someone here that only gave heartworm prevention at the change of each season. I haven't been quite that brave. I do usually stop giving it when the dog is 10 or 11 as normal old age wold take them out before heartworm would be a problem. It's not just the heartworm's life cycle but also the mosquito's that needs to be researched before making decision's like altering the time frame for giving the preventative. Warrior is 10 1/2, once Easter arrives he won't get another heartworm preventative. He'll be 11 1/2 before the next mosquito season. That's the oldest I've had a Greyhound live.
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