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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. this thread has gone so far off topic it's not funny. The guide dog worker should be sacked. He was negligent in his duties and as a result of this caused the death of a dog. Fault lays firmly at his feet and I for one could care less how much he beats himself up over it.
  2. Why would a person complain about someone else doing it, if they think it's okay? Nope, I meant the opposite. There is no way I would ever tie my dogs up outside a supermarket. I think it's far too risky. But whether other people choose to take that risk is their business. As long as their dogs are not a problem for other people, and not suffering from heat etc, it's not for me to be a little dictator about it. agree
  3. Agree, poor dog and poor puppy raising family
  4. and this isn't just a problem with Vizslas....can also happen to GSP, Weis, etc even Pointers who have always had a full length tail.......I have had a bitch that broke her tail (last 3 joints) very badly, doing the same thing Of course it's not, I know of a Dalmatian who had to have part of it's tail amputated for the same reason happens to greyhounds as well
  5. The club is suppossed to keep all the paperwork from a show for 7 years I think. And why does the VCA not have a marked catalogue? All clubs have to send them in and again I would have thought they should keep them for at least 7 years.
  6. Surely there must be stewards' sheets or something? all of which have to be kept
  7. for the little girl and boy hope the remaining boy is ok
  8. Ever seen a greyhound with high drive? They're just as capable of the same thing and it's certainly not abnormal. Some dogs have higher prey drive than others and sometimes in breeds you wouldn't expect. In this case, if it was an amstaff, I would consider some amount of prey drive to be pretty normal. Get a dog with higher drive, allow it to self-reward that drive by letting it hurt other animals and you have the makings for a situation just like this. A dog with drive like that certainly shouldn't be out unmuzzled and offlead (I have a high drive dog myself and we have to be very careful) but high prey drive does not mean the dog is aggressive or abnormal- just that it needs to be managed more carefully. Edit, typo I've yet to own or foster a greyhound that would rip out the insides of another dog. A cat or bird yes, but a dog, no.
  9. And now you make me see RED, here you go suggesting the small dog was to blame. Read the article again. The black dog was offleash. It was a much bigger dog. This was an unprovoked attack - it sounds like it was so sudden that noone had time to do much, they didn't see it coming! It RIPPED THE INNARDS out of the smaller dog. What does it take to make you and people like you realise that this is abnormal? It is completely unacceptable and this owner should go to jail and pay an enormous fine, his dog should be euthanased. The owner did nothing at all to prevent this attack and I'd like to know how many other dogs and animals have been killed already by this large dog - you can put money on it that it's done it before. wow, so many posters suggesting i'm excusing an unprovoked attack. Read what i actually said and try again. I did not place blame on either dog, I simply stated I'd really like to know the full story, not just what the media has told us. Did this occur in an offleash dog area? Did the larger dog approach the smaller dog and the larger dog ended up reacting to the smaller dog acting aggressively? Was the small dog really on leash? Lots of questions which we probably will never know the answer to. What does it take to make people like me reaslie that this is abnormal? What does it take to make morons who own little yappy fluffballs to realise that it's not ok for their dog to aggressively approach other dogs? I didn't intend for my comment to suggest that a dog getting barked at was reason enough for the other dog to react in such a manner, however anyone who lives in the real world will see stupid owners of all sized dogs allow their uncontrolled dogs to act dominant or aggressively toward other dogs, the majority of those are little fluffy yap yaps. It doesn't take much for a large dog to rip a small dog apart! BTW, I'm absolutely sick of stupid owners(mostly owning little fluffball yap yaps) who allow their dogs to charge and carry on toward my dog. It may well be the case that this little dog was completely innocent and the larger dog(well it's owner at least) was completely at fault but I'd like to know the full story, not just what we're told by the media! what a jerk you are mymatejack
  10. There's theraputic and then there's snipping a bit of the dog's tail off to get a better set in the show ring, which is what the motion is about. that is not what the motion is about. It is about restricting what a person can do with a dog legally purchased and imported from another country. It is not illegal to own a docked dog in this country.
  11. I regularly fed chicken necks to my greyhound pups, they were great, sitting in a semi cirle around my feet as I fed them one by one using a pair of tongs :laugh: Little needle teeth! But I have fed them to big and small dogs including one dog with no teeth, he just swallowed them whole.
  12. I use aspirin. I have used it short term and long term (as in a couple of years).
  13. Just to be clear, I don't think the folks in SA intend to force anyone to desex dogs based on a temperament test. The wording they used at the conference was "strongly encourage" desexing. I honestly think it was more to do with mixed breeds than purebred dogs, and I got the impression the temperament test would be completely voluntary and a way to essentially be exempt from whatever measures were being applied to encourage desexing. I'm guessing those measures would revolve around registration fees, which is already being used as incentive to desex dogs. Painting this as a black and white picture just isn't accurate. I think it is pertinent to point out that one doesn't really get to decide how research gets used and how it doesn't. Once the research is done it can be applied to all sorts of things. It might add fuel to one fire and quench another all together. If it sounds like it could help pounds, it probably could. But we don't get to refuse people interested in using it as leverage to encourage desexing access to it. It's the nature of the beast. Personally, I think we can't shy away from research because we are scared how it might be used. It's the only way forward. Personally I can be concerned with how research involving my dogs is used. I am not going ahead with it if I believe it will be used to make people desex their dogs based on some sort of temperament test that I thought was being used to help dogs in pounds. How a dog behaves in a pound can be miles away from how they behave in a home, being walked around the street. People should not be penalised by higher rego fees or whatever just cause their dog doesn't pass some temperament test.
  14. This was on OzShow, something about there were already 4 votes against it so it couldn't be voted in? I will certainly remember who put the motion up and will not be voting for that person!
  15. Well I will now be seeking some anwsers from LaTrobe before I allow my dogs to be tested. I was all for helping pounds etc understand dogs/greyhounds better but I won't be party to any attempt to force people to desex their dogs just because they don't pass a temperament test.
  16. yes and that breeder made an example of, but no need to punish the good ones. The good ones who dock tails? the ones outlaying huge amounts of money to import fresh bloodlines, the ones who do actually have to dock a pup/dogs tail due to genuine problems. If there is any real proof that some people are breaking puppies tails just so they can be docked then they need to be punished.
  17. yes and that breeder made an example of, but no need to punish the good ones.
  18. I don't see the problem either. Disgusting that some people would actually break the tail on purpose. 3rd hand info
  19. up to 2 hrs a day of exercise is not that good for a 5 1/2 month old pup. And if nothing else it just make her fitter. Mental exercise is very tiring. Teach her tricks. Tricks include sit, come etc alongside high fives. Throw in some scent discrimination, retrieving, hide and seek items.
  20. I would be questioning why I needed so much ear cleaner for my dogs.
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