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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. That's hilarious and I don't even have a clue what he's trying say I think they are trying to say Snook has 12 different profiles and they have sent the info to head office. Which head office is any ones guess :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Haha thank's for the translations. It worries me that you can read moron :p worries me too
  2. That's hilarious and I don't even have a clue what he's trying say I think they are trying to say Snook has 12 different profiles and they have sent the info to head office. Which head office is any ones guess :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  3. An elderly greyhound outside in winter? Thankfully the Op is not considering that. +1. Totally agree Clyde. There is nothing wrong with a greyhound, including old ones, sleeping outside. Mine do so every night that I work, in minus degree temps and are perfectly fine. Good kennel, plenty of blankets and a couple of coats and all is well.
  4. She is plenty old enough to know how to behave and understand about consequences. She is an adult and has been for some time. I don't feel at all sorry for her.
  5. I would still leave space for her to get off the heated bed, you don't want her to cook.
  6. they did ask my neighbours either side of me. One said no but the other, who is a bit of a pain, and always stirring up sh!t and goes to council meetings etc gave me a glowing verbal reference and when the other neighbour said no they asked him to write it down! Mind you I already had three dogs and had had so for years, often 4, but the council letter to the neighbours read as if I wanted yet another one on top of the 3 I already had. They did not check with the neighbours behind me or across the road.
  7. I love all the ex-racers I've met, only seen just 2 show bred dogs from afar! Again, surprisingly one I haven't looked at as much. How much to show bred greys usually go for over there, out of curiosity? I guess it would be one I'd have to import? Are they being bred here at all to your knowledge? Is there any difference between the show and racing dogs, build and temperament wise? There was a litter born around 3 years ago but nothing since and I'm not sure if the person intends to breed again. My last litter were $1200. I don't see any difference in temperament but show greys are usually longer, taller, deeper in the chest. We need more people to keep the breed going in this part of the world but that applies to the beezers too.
  8. That's how I think they should be. Fair enough to be charged the initial application fee because they do an inspection, but then I think it should just be continuous, not paid annually as is the case here. I didn't even have an inspection unless they came one day when I wasn't home and peered over the fence. Permits were new in last year, they had them years and years ago and let it lapse so were getting them going again. Will be interesting to see what will happen when I want to change dog details, as in one died and I got another.
  9. I have a 3 dog permit, it cost nothing and carries over each year. Individual dogs are not noted on it.
  10. good tip in the breeders thread from Kirislin, try getting some straw bales to build some walls around the area, very insulating
  11. heat lamp and heated room ( well half the house really )and very big electricity bill!
  12. I wasn't suggesting the OP do this, just pointing out how choices might have to be made. Keep breeding and rehome your oldies, stop breeding and wait. Or keep breeding, keep your oldies and possibly get visited by authorities for animal hoarding etc.
  13. no reason you have to breed a 2nd litter from your adult bitch if you are going to keep a daughter. What is the arrangemnet with your sister? Do you have breeding rights with her pup for instance? Are you allowed to keep 3 or more dogs where you are? ie Mum and maybe 2 offspring, do you own Dad as well? Numbers can build up very quickly if you are not careful, could you rehome your oldies? Would you be prepared to not breed for several years while waiting for the oldies to pass on? All this and more needs to be taken into consideration.
  14. as for non shedding it does seem to depend on what you read with my last litter I had an enquiry for a pup from a school teacher, in fact she told me she was the principal of her school. Her research led her to believe greyhounds were non - low shedding. I just laughed and asked who told her that? It was something she read on the internet, one of those what breed would suit me. Needless to say she didn't get a pup from me ( for other reasons as well ). The really sad thing was she didn't believe me when I said they shed heaps, she practically said outright " I'm a principal and I know what I read ".
  15. This is my point about preferences. Some of us want to live with a dog that doesn't shed. I don't mind mud, leaves, etc... but hair around the house makes MY hair stand on end. What's so wrong about knowing what you want, why should we justify it? why pick on my post who asked you to justify anything I was responding to the OP.
  16. where was it said that Andrew called Caesar back? I read it as Caesar ran back when the other dog had a go at him.
  17. I could less about hair in the house and car. Much more important I get a dog/breed I want to live with. I can't ever see myself with a coated breed, too much work for me. I also have cats, so dog hair or cat hair, I don't care. :D
  18. Funny how both the NSW and Vic online consultations don't work very well. I had no problem with either
  19. Thank Dog for that, do they want to poison our babies? C5 and heartworm, how wicked and I said so in my submission. Huge overdose of chemicals and they want the breeder to refund the purchase price if a dog dies within 3 years if it is from something traceable to the breeder. Well cancer from overuse of chemicals could be one thing
  20. besides anything else lots of breeders only give their pups a C3 so nothing sinister there. It's all I do. Law in Victoria says kennel cough has to be given too. Link please
  21. Would cost a couple of thousand or more. Personally I can't see the point.
  22. besides anything else lots of breeders only give their pups a C3 so nothing sinister there. It's all I do.
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