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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. Just put the coat on and walk away, he'll figure it out.
  2. whats the difference between this rosehip powder and any other besides the price?
  3. Heartworm is in Victoria. My neighbors dog had it and it isn't the only one I know of.
  4. sad for the rotty? what about the toddler????
  5. I looked that up, from what's been described to me, it sounds very much like what he's got. I've emailed his owners the page I read. there is a DNA test, a cheek swab is needed, but you have to send it to America. Costs $95. If this disease has now appeared in the race bred greyhound, well ......... I really don't want to think about it.
  6. it fits with greyhound neuropathy, so far only discovered in show bred, but they all came from the same stock at one stage. I hope its not as it's fatal.
  7. and the people who ignore the current laws, how will you get them to take notice of any new laws? It is already mandatory to register and microchip your dogs but that is not happening. So enforce those laws for starters.
  8. I haven't attended a dog training class in years, puppy or otherwise. Yes all the dickheads will be flocking to class so they can get full registration of their dogs - not!
  9. I would resent it. Why should I have to prove I can be a responsible owner just cause my breed of choice weighs over 25 kilos. I've seen 2 kilo fluffballs chase kids out onto a street. I would too, because chances are the person giving the course would get their knowledge from the back of a cereal box. exactly and then they would fail me cause I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut when they said something stupid which could lead to trouble.
  10. That's the problem, the idiots who have these types of dogs don't bother to regisiter them in the first place so it's just more rules, more restictions on the good owners. Start enforcing the laws already in place before adding in bloody more that still won't weed out the dickheads and only impact on people already doing the right thing!
  11. I would resent it. Why should I have to prove I can be a responsible owner just cause my breed of choice weighs over 25 kilos. I've seen 2 kilo fluffballs chase kids out onto a street.
  12. Group 6 is usually well supported. Try being in Grp 4 where there has only been one for nearly 18 months. Thankfully that is changing. Even if there is no competition at Group level there is at neuter in show. I have to say Fern continues to be shown to support the class, we are fully behind the concept, plus she loves it!
  13. Agree, though I do sit in a chair. Would never get up if I sat on the floor!
  14. I agree, I don't think the OP and husband should get another dog. Rehome these two and be done with dog ownership. Probably like many people these days, life is way too busy anyhow. I agree with this as well and with what Wobbly has said.
  15. there are no growth hormones used here
  16. Maybe her breeder doesn't know? And it's the owner who left in the pound.
  17. Bloody dogs shouldn't be out loose on the street at all. Stop trying to blame the jogger. Why do some people have so much trouble believing there are bad dogs out there that can and do attack innocent people?
  18. that's only for small dogs, for my breed it is 5 for a bitch
  19. I think you should contact his breeder. You need an export certificate, not just ordinary rego papers
  20. Me too and they only cost $10 each. Lovely soft webbing.
  21. yes you have to pay the club the dishonoured fee. Otherwise they can take it to the VCA.
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