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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. Rebanne

    Dew Claws

    I would get them removed. Agree with the vet in this case.
  2. Did Fern have the same issue? I have seen Peter in the past with another dog but as far as my research suggests there isn't anything manipulative you can do with these conditions? She's currently seeing Blair @ Quakers Hill who does Chiro & Laser. Fern had/has some pretty bad back stuff going on but is not actually diagnosed with anything. You did say presumed for your girl and that she has also had chiro. Fern had acupuncture etc too but Peter was the one to get her fairly mobile and pain free and now Keith ( the one he found for us ) is keeping up the good work.
  3. as a bitch owner importing semen I would want all the breeding units from one collection IF I was paying for the tests/collection etc. I would pay a stud fee for use of those breeding units on one bitch. If first bitch had pups and there were left over breeding units and I wanted to use them on another bitch I would pay another stud fee. If the first bitch missed once I would expect to be able to go again at no cost. If she missed twice and I wanted to use another bitch I would pay another stud fee. As the owner of the stud dog exporting I would have the buyer paying all costs for the collection/testing etc and they would get all untils from that collection with payment of one stud fee. I would treat them as I want to be treated in the above scenario. If collection/health tests etc were all done then I would expect to pay a stud fee and part costs. If the collection yielded 6 units and I bought 3 I would expect to only pay half those costs.
  4. try Peter Schofield. I went all the way up to see him with Fern and one treatment with him saw Fern 90% improved. Peter then went to the trouble to source someone a bit closer to home for me that he thought would do a good job. Travelling to Sydney every few weeks was not really feasible and Fern does require frequent treatment.
  5. I feed lamb flaps as an extra to put weight on. If I fed them as an ordinary meal that would be all they got for the day. I feed my dogs twice a day, minced chicken carcass one meal and dry the other. If I was feeding once a day they would get one or the other. If using lamb flaps they would get them 2 or 3 times a week and dry for the rest and add in eggs or sardines as I thought of them.
  6. Greyhounds came up at 17th in my go at the pet selector. Of the first 16 the Rhodesian Ridgeback came in 3rd and the Saluki at 11th. None of the others have any chance at all of coming to live with me and those 2 would be a very distant possiblity.
  7. I wouldn't have sent a pup over unless both testicles were down and documented by the vet in the pre flight vet check. If I was 100% sure they were there before he went over I would counsel waiting but only a week or two. I would then pay for an ultrasound to see where they are. If they didn't come down I would refund the purchase price upon proof of desexing. Wouldn't be inclined to refund airfare etc but would depend on what agreement you had. ETA I would also pay for the desexing. But as you can see by my edit, these things require time to think about.
  8. That's a bit harsh mymatejack, I constantly exercise both my dogs - but the girl has severe HD and has had a femoral head ostectomy which means no running on the kind of surfaces that would wear her nails down naturally. She goes to hydrotherapy every week, swims down at the beach at least a couple of times a week and she walks/ runs on soft grass for at least a few miles over the course of an hours walk daily without fail. Add in some training sessions and she is hardly under exercised.There are lots of reasons for having to cut nails other than lack of exercise. What about the front dew claws as well?They don't wear down and have to be cut/filed. Don't justify what you do Coogie to someone like mymatejack who appears to know diddleysquat
  9. I have bought cheaper ones but they don't last, so far this has been fantastic, love the battery capacity http://www.mytoolstore.com.au/products/Dremel-Stylus-7.2v-Cordless.html
  10. I put grills in the back windows, a windscreen shade thing up and have been known to throw a silver side over the car while it is parked for the day. Dogs are very last thing in. Air con is on by that stage as well. In the morning it is rarely that hot but I tie them inside and have windows and the back wide open until I get them out. I also have a tow bar I can tie them to.
  11. I was going to say the same thing, who cares what it looks like, as long as it works. My shoulders are stuffed as well but I can still cope with a trolley to wheel my gear in. The reaching behind in my case would be much worse. Maybe ask someone you know for a go on pushing a fully laden trolley to see how you go. You usually set up all your gear before you bring the dogs over as well.
  12. Happy Birthday Renae, looking good sweety!
  13. Greyt photo's! I went a few years ago to the Waterloo Cup meet at Benalla racecourse, had a fantastic time
  14. I like your idea of a pen around the doorway into the garage so he can choose whether to be inside or out when you are not home. I would put something a bit more solid at your gates though cause, if it was my place, I would give my pup the run of the whole yard when I was at home.
  15. I use a monthly tablet for heartworm only but the brand I use has Ivermectin. I do intestinal worming seperately and any flea stuff on a different day again. I also do not start giving heartworm prevention until the pup is at least 5 months old.
  16. get your breeder to organise the free 6 week insurance with PetPlan
  17. how do you know it had issues? it jumped down to see the approaching dog, your dog was going to see the newcomer, both doing doggy things
  18. The dog was put down because the owner failed to: a) microchip b) register the dog with Council c) claim it after 7 days I agree with mita. If the above were the reasons the dog got put down, why wasn't the other dog put down at the same time? Maybe the other dog was chipped or registered, or they were trying to locate the owners? Someone has said the other dog wasn't theirs, it was apparently at their house but belongs to someone else. Regardless, the dog wasn't put down because it was un-microchipped, unregistered, and not claimed within 7 days. It was put down because the pound decided they did not like the look of it and, instead of giving it a chance to either a) go home or b) find a new home, they killed it. Telling owners they are irresponsible and have let their dog down is one thing - but letting pounds get away with needlessly killing is another. If the lazy arsed owners could have bothered the dog could have gone home. And how do we know what it's temperament was like? The owners said it was lovely but who could believe them.
  19. What did the owner say the vet told them to give? I have read the vet said to give 0.5, I have read the owner gave 2 but what was said between vet and owner?
  20. was put down because of it's stupid owners. They are the ones at fault here.
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