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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. So pleased you are not going to overload your babies immune system with such stuff as heartworm injection. Nor with over doing the vaccinations!
  2. I caught the last few minutes of it on TV, will certainly be trying to watch it online
  3. Couple of points here - some of these animals were rescue animals - some hadn't spent their whole lives here - none of us know whether they came from a situation that caused the problem and the footage was clearly edited to a point where you wouldn't know if its a problem anyway . The TV footage taken later with the dogs in their day areas showed no dogs pacing or spinning and how do they run around a show ring if they are so severely mentally damaged- best to let the system be the judge I think. Ok. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. But if those kennels are their regular kennels then they need to be fixed IMHO. Why? What do your kennels look like?
  4. Jed,what I saw were dogs that were circling, and I interpreted to dogs being confined in 'small' spaces for extended lengths of time. I saw in some cases, faeces on what looked like newspaper and it seemed to be not just an overnight use but again perhaps several days worth. I saw sadness in the faces on some of those dogs. My way of thinking is if you can't look after your charges, then cut down on the amount of dogs kept. You have to give them the best of everything, including of yourself. I may be wrong, but it really upset me looking at those faces. To me it looked like they were looking for some kind affection. you're kidding right? How can you possibly tell that from a video shot by spotlight with dogs woken up by trespassers? If they had any expression it was WTF is going on.
  5. http://HelmreichPhotographyAustralia.com/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/97279612@N02/sets/72157635030431273/
  6. The only thing he won't be able to do is get a bitch in pup. All the other things can still possibly happen. Wait until he is fully mature then desex him.
  7. There's plenty of video's on YouTube :laugh:
  8. people can only comment on what YOU post so excuse them for not being mindreaders. The whole story is necessary if you want accurate feedback. No good getting narky when the feedback is not what YOU want to hear when YOU can't be bothered giving the whole story. How many posts did it take for you to say that the neighbours dogs have a histroy of this behaviour, it certainly wasn't in your OP and yet you knew about it yesterday. and if you were my neighbour and started blowing an air horn, you could expect a visit from the council.
  9. No need to be so rude. Your dog is the one trying to rip off the palings so that IS your problem. Make sure your dog can't get to the fence to do so. Dogs can't fence fight by themselves so own up to the fact your dog is happy to get into it just as much as the others.
  10. Mine's on about 4 and I use the same sort of on/off method
  11. I would include an area for metal crates inside. My dogs are fine in soft crates in new places but some wouldn't be. Better to put down some lino for the metal crates then replace the couch eaten during the night :D
  12. I had an adopted adult greyhound who despite 3 wormings and no fleas still shocked the life out of me when he tried to pass a tapeworm. It happens.
  13. forget the dog, I'll eat that. don't forget the dollop of honey!
  14. just email the VCA and ask, they will happily give you the info
  15. could be several things, sore throat from illness or a scratch from something going down the wrong way, could be he still has some hair that needs to come out. Or even a light dose of kennel cough. I'd be going to the vet cause dogs don't normally try to vomit multiple times a day. If it was KC question the vet closely if they want to put him on anitbiotics. They are usually not needed.
  16. either push back his evening meal or give him a bedtime snack like a hard biscuit.
  17. give her porridge in the morning. Soak it over night in milk, pour some hot water on it in the morning, yummy!
  18. As a breeder I love to hear as much as I can. Most breeders do. Email's are great for updates ss thry can be read whenever.
  19. Tickets, numbers etc should be soon for Adelaide Royal. Melb Royal sends them out about 3 or 4 weeks prior. I am bringing my greyhound boy over on Wednesday 11th. Will be our first Adelaide Royal
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