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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. Plenty on ebay Stan, login while your Mum's not watching :laugh: I usually make mine trot alongside the bike :D Greyt clip!
  2. I too would not send him anywhere but give him the peace he so deserves. Huge hugs to you both.
  3. You will know what to do and the time to do it. Huge hugs Kirislin
  4. http://www.crazysales.com.au/?q=dog+agility&fullysearch=yes&aid=85&gclid=CKatotysybwCFVdxvAodGjEA_Q found this cheap agility equipment. Might be fun for some :D
  5. being rude and personal again. Need another DOLiday do you?
  6. Totally agree. I don't care how much certain people keep prattling on about how good it is and what's the difference between a giraffe and a cow etc. It's a bloody big difference as far as I am concerned and think the whole thing is disgusting.
  7. I Google most inquires. Amazing what you can find out sometimes.
  8. no advice from me, I've never had to use a cone for any dog or cat.
  9. outside in your puppy proof yard. She needs to learn right from the start that outside is a good place, unless you are planning on locking her in the laundry when full grown! And plenty of time outside the crate when you are home. Not really fair to the pup to lock it up all night and a lot of the day. You just need to keep an eye on her. Devote time now for a great dog later.
  10. Haven't they heard of tying tubes????? Or separating the males from the females. Seems like they let him grow until he was big enough to provide a decent feed.
  11. exactly, they knew what his bloodlines would be before they allowed his parents to breed. I bet they would have kept him if he had been a she.
  12. my last litter of puppies had chicken necks for lunch from around 5 weeks of age. They learnt very quickly to sit around me in a semi circle and stay there as I handed them each a chicken neck, with tongs!, until they were all gone. I tried to video tape it but it was a bit hard on my own and didn't think of doing it until I was down to only 3 pups. It was much more impressive with 8 :laugh:
  13. God knows what you think of the horse exhibitors in long boots, tie or stocks, black jackets and velvet hats. No one is forced to "dress up" but some choose to dress to a higher standard to show respect for the judge and to showcase their dogs. To each their own. I'm certainly one of the suit brigade. If people think I look stupid or ridiculous, I'll still sleep at night. I also have quite a few suits and I enjoy dressing up for shows. I rest my case Well that's rude. HW you always look lovely in the ring. I have certain people blocked and don't see their posts but when copied and pasted, of course I can see them. Terribly rude. No great surprise. Oh, boo hoo hoo. It was a joke. Haredown doesn't seem particularly concerned. I rather think drawing an analogy between equestrian sportswear and dog show wear is a bit of a stretch. :laugh: :laugh: I think equestrians generally look wonderful - something I can't say about women running around in suits and trainers. As I said before, that is my opinion and not many agree. So?? when did you last show a dog? Or breed a litter? Seem to be free and easy with advice on matters it's clear you have no idea on.
  14. Hopefully Astro will pick up quicker now he is home
  15. Get a heartworm check, simple blood test, before giving your dog any heartwood preventative. I never go over 6 weeks between treatment and in the hotter months I do it every 4 weeks. I do not recommend the injection and prefer to give heartwood tablets on their own, not with all the other stuff added.
  16. I've only ever seen one vet who was aware of the dangers of ivermectin in Australian Shepherds. It's not very comforting! We didn't ever test for it, but we are pretty sure that is a problem with my boy (a BC). He threw up two months in a row immediately (within 24 hours) of receiving an ivermectin based product. We now use different products. It's very important to be aware! Definitely! I haven't tested mine but I avoid the products anyway to be safe. curious: why don't you test?
  17. I don't need blessings. I need some support which is what I thought this forum was here for. can't help you with the heat or the cranky husband. You sound pretty cranky yourself, maybe you should have a cool shower or something.
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