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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. And you weren't putting your own ego first? You were a first class.......long before you moved to Sydney and greyhounds suffered because of you. No real apology here, just trying to blame someone else for your behaviour.
  2. Does Troy know you are back? Have you apologised to him yet?
  3. I hope you are staying away from greyhounds.
  4. I meant in relation to the comment - Because he's going to an Australian home he needs to be desexed. Maybe you should re read my post and not isolate that comment but read it all in it's context.
  5. I don't see how there should be any difference if an agreement was signed and the dog was released in good faith. Rare breed or not, I don't like that the topic hasn't been addressed if the dog is available for rehoming entire. If he'd come out under rescue there would be a Dol meltdown about dogs being rehomed entire. While I was encouraging not to desex in case the breeder could help find a breeding home for this boy, if he is going to a home in Australia and the breed is not recognised here then yes he well and truly should be desexed.
  6. No! A greyhound would not be a good fit, they like room to move, they don't like to run for 45 minutes.
  7. you can't run a pup for 45 minutes a day. I would not sell you a pup in your situation, sorry.
  8. I would hesitate to desex him yet. He could be a very valuable stud in the right hands. I wouldn't do anything until I had heard from his breeder. And being a stud dog does not mean he would not be very much loved etc.
  9. doesn't matter, they may be able to put you in touch with someone who really knows the breed, are you prepared to export him?
  10. Go straight to your local paper and local member
  11. you mean the unknown pup of an unknown breed with an unknown problem? But apparently, locally, lots of people are talking about the breeder and what they should or shouldn't do.
  12. I feel sory for the poor breeder. If you are only going on what you heard, which is reasonably detailed i.e. pup had 2nd, more indepth health check, prior to transport; then you can bet plenty of others have heard it and lots of people are talking about this breeder, which doesn't seem deserved.
  13. Happy Birthday Stan :birthday: :birthday:
  14. cause I am sick of breeder bashing which this is another one of. And if they do own this dog then they are liars which I also can't abide.
  15. You know I am going to call you on this. I believe this is your pup. You bought it from another state and it was flown? to you. It now has something and you are trying to see if the transport could have caused damage (HD?) "Owner" chose to buy a pup and get it transported, by car, rail, plane. Only "owners" word that pup has been correctly cared for since. Strange first post if pup is not yours and there have been plenty of stories about "what if" where it turned out the poster was talking about their very own dog.
  16. non-heritable condition, responsibility stops when pup leaves breeder. Whether breeder chooses to help out in some way, up to individual. I sold a pup once and saw photo's a week later. He looked like a walking skeleton. Buyer, who had been advised on all things to do with feeding growing large breed pup, was only feeding pup twice a day. Should I have been held responsible for any later issues? To get it so thin in a week would/could have upset poor pups whole system. Buyers have to take responsibility for how the pups turn out as well. 14 months down the track for trauma - what a laugh. Heart murmur months later, you know shit happens when you are dealing with a live being. You can do all the tests in the world, be as careful as you can be, both buyer and seller but you can't beat Mother Nature if she throws you a curve ball.
  17. lets not get sidetracked with others. Lets start letter writing to the local papers.
  18. Mine never left the backyard (for a walk) and there were wandering male dogs in the street but I never had a moments trouble. No front gate either to keep them out.
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