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Everything posted by Rebanne

  1. Maybe her tummy is just adjusting to the different food?
  2. The more you learn the less you know, and be sparse with your thoughts. The less you know the more you need to learn, and run off at the mouth to prove it.
  3. I am confused why anyone would be confused that there are differences between the sexes. You should always be able to tell by a glance who is a dog and who is a bitch.
  4. I'm sure you have seen dogs at shows with no muscle tone, they are out there, but it's no one breed. Not every dog is worked to full fitness, and some not at all
  5. Is he fat or does he just look it, to you? You can't tell without laying hands on him.
  6. To answer Brandi, yes dogs look different at different ages. The black lab, to me looks like a mature dog, the yellow lab bitch looks like a young girl not fully mature. To others who have never been to a dog show, sorry but you are not exactly qualified to comment on how one dog fits the standard just by seeing one photo taken off the internet. No one can really tell what a dog can or cannot do unless they see and feel them in the flesh. Some can make a very good educated guess but that's not me where Law's are concerned
  7. My girl Fern and her daughter Paige, from her first litter, are very alike. They are not at all the same in colour, but under the skin they are practically twins. Fern has other offspring but I don't really see her in them at all, but Paige - it's like looking in a mirror for me.
  8. OT but there are plenty of superb dogs on limited and in pet homes. Limited and pet do not automatically mean substandard
  9. 4.4.4 Except as provided for in these Regulations any member selling, supplying or disposing of a dog to another person must supply to that person the signed registration certificate duly completed with the name and address of the person and the transfer date, within one calendar month of disposal unless Management Committee otherwise directs. A member shall not include any contractual provisions contrary to this regulation . 4.4.5 Any member who sells a registered dog without transfer of registration to the purchaser must obtain the agreement of the purchaser in writing that the dog will either not be transferred into the name of the purchaser or deregistered with the VCA. 4.4.6 A member shall not sell any dog which is not registered, nor use in connection with the sale or disposal of a dog, VCA, registration forms and/or documents in such a manner as to cause the purchaser to believe the dog being sold is registered with the VCA
  10. The receptionist gave the correct information but there are conditions to that regulation: buyer must agree in writing to not getting the papers transferred or dog must be deregistered. Dog/pup still needs to be registered though.
  11. you've been lied to. VCA members have to provide papers with all pups. And there is no valid reason to not supply papers. None whatsoever.
  12. Beautiful photo's My two have memory foam beds and they are fantastic
  13. can't reply on the poll but my answer is - whatever the rules are. If they are allowed in side, on the furniture then that's where they are, allowed inside but not on the furniture they are crated, not allowed inside they sleep in the car or trailer. Pretty easy really.
  14. what Staffyluv means is All Breeds Shows.
  15. Maybe you should introduce them both to each other Sandra. I am sure they will have a heap of fun with the booze and the cars :laugh: and then forget about getting a pup.
  16. I had a dog who was head banging, bashing the side of his cage. He was poisoned by an unknown substance was our best educated guess. Put into a coma for 24 hrs but didn't come out of it for another 24 hrs, was extremely weak for another 3 or so weeks before slowly coming back to his normal self. Lived another 9 years with no drama's. Sometimes you can only treat the symptoms and cross your fingers it all works out. It also depends where you live and what facilities are available and a good vet.
  17. Shedding and I heard they drool. Mine never drooled and as I said I didn't think they shed excessively
  18. no one has said to make a pet wait until a day off to be PTS if they were in pain etc. Some of us, me included, said, we would wait until we had time off to organise PTS, if we could. Sometimes our pets are just old and tired, waiting another day or two doesn't make any difference to them. All of my pets have been PTS, none have died in their sleep. All were PTS at the appropriate time, except for one who had 10 hrs of pain before I could get a vet to him. He is why I have always vowed to go too early rather then too late.
  19. Excellent news. I'll get Annie K to send a coat up for him.
  20. I never noticed excessive shedding from my GSD's and I had 5 over the years. To the OP, what is it you don't like about GSD's? Seeing as how you want a dog like a GSD but not a GSD.
  21. as much as I love my pets my answer would be no. If I am choosing to PTS and can pick the day I do so then I do it on days I am not working. If I don't get to choose the time and I am supposed to work then I use my sick leave or take leave without pay.
  22. There used to be a limit to what pounds could do with dogs in their care as they didn't own the dogs until after their impound time was up. I had a collie come in who had sticks intertwined in it's hair basically hobbling it's hinds legs together. I did cut out the sticks but could do no more until the dog was actually past it's impounded time. Instead of going of at pounds maybe you should direct your energies at the people that allowed the dog to get into such a state in the first place. Bloody hate pages, how ridiculous
  23. so you are going to breed her? Did you get her papers?
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