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Everything posted by msn
Hi all, Benny's skin infection is in a very hard to reach area - under the right side of his mouth towards his neck. The doc has asked to wash it with the medicated shampoo once a day. But because it's hard to reach plus it's painful we found it very difficult to wash it yesterday. I had to hold him down while my friend tried to apply the shampoo, leave it on for ten mins, then wash it off without getting it into his ears or mouth. Benny was very uncomfortable and restless and kept moving to get away. Any tips on how to make him more relaxed given we're going to have to go this regularly in the coming days? Thanks again for all your advice and best wishes for my lovely Benny. MSN
Thanks Sky The vet has given him some drugs to take twice a day. Not sure though if they're pain killers or antibiotics for the infection. Hopefully he'll get better soon. I did notice some improvement in him today but only slight. At least he's on his way to recovery.
Hi everyone, Many thanks for your prompt responses and concerns for my lovely Benny. We took him to the vet and turns out that he has a skin infection right under his mouth. He has also sprained his back somehow. Doc's asked us to wash his infection with a medicated shampoo and he has given him some pills to ease the back. We've done as the doc instructed today but Benny doesn't seem to be better yet. I hope he feels better soon. It kills me to see him like that. Thanks again, Menka
Hi there, Since morning my lovely 2 year old Lhasa Apso is not moving or eating his favourite treat. He's just sitting down in one spot, not even lying down. he was fine during his morning walk today but before and after the walk he's been showing the above described symptoms. He was fine last night running around, walking, playing, eating, the usual. I'll take him to the vet as soon as I get home from work but just wanted to get your thoughts on what could possibly be wrong or not(?) Look forward to your thoughts... Thanks, MSN
Hi there, Since morning my lovely 2 year old Lhasa Apso is not moving or eating his favourite treat. He's just sitting down in one spot, not even lying down. he was fine during his morning walk today but before and after the walk he's been showing the above described symptoms. He was fine last night running around, walking, playing, eating, the usual. I'll take him to the vet as soon as I get home from work but just wanted to get your thoughts on what could possibly be wrong or not(?) Look forward to your thoughts... Thanks, MSN
Hi everyone, Thanks so much for your thoughts on my issue. I'm so pleased with the amount of responses and advise I have received. The key take away points are clearly that he doesn't like to be around too many dogs and I need to be more sensitive about this. Point noted. I did however want to bring a few more things to your attention: 1. Ever since Benny was young he never was eager to go down for a walk. For example when I take his leash in my hand to put around his neck, he runs and hides below the table or soemwhere I can't reach him. Eventually he walks out of the apartment nicely but he's never very enthusiastic about it. 2. When he's in the park, he's absolutely fine. Sometimes he plays around with other dogs but mostly he sticks around me and follows me around. 3.. Yesterday at the park he was absolutely fine. The same dogs he snapped at the day before were around but he didn't snap at anyone. They actually didn't all come to sniff him at once (which I think tipped him off the day before) and they kept their distance. Benny didn't seem to mind that at all. 3. This morning Benny's friend Channel (Shitzu) met us while we were going for a walk. Channel is quite a jumpy and excited dog but Benny didn't seem to mind her at all. In fact they even had a bit of a run around chasing each other and played around. Wierd!! Was it just that the past two days he was in a different 'don't disturb me' mood? So, is it up to me to judge what kind of mindset he's in? MN
I'll ask this again no he's absolutely fine
No he's absolutely fine as far as I know. It's not larger dogs he's snapping at, it's the smaller more bouncier (if you know what I mean) ones. When they are around him doing their own thing he's fine, but when they come near and start sniffing is when he gets aggressive.
He clearly doesn't enjoy meeting new dogs. The answer is very simple. Don't allow other dogs to crowd him. As you cannot rely on other dog owners to do the right thing and keep your dogs away from him, the easiest solution is not to take him to the dog park if there are other users. See my comment above. Not all dogs enjoy the company of strange dogs, particularly strange dogs a lot bigger than they are. Don't put him in this situation. No. You're putting him into a situation in which he is clearly uncomfortable and then punishing him for warning other dogs off. Did this behaviour start with growls and did you discipline him for that? Its possible that you've escalated the behaviour. So would I. Stay out of the dog park if there are other users. You can't force a dog to enjoy socialising and this sounds to me like a dog that doesn't want to. But he's NEVER had an issue socialising, so why now?
Hi there, My one and a half year old Lhasa Apso male dog (Benny) has been snapping at other dogs when they sniff him from the back or go close to his face. He is the sweetest most gentle dog at home. Very nice to people and kids but I don't know what's going on with him recently with other dogs? He's snapped at dogs in the past but these were one off occasions. Recently it's been happening continuously from the past 2 days. Everytime we go to the park and other dogs come around to say hello he growls and launches at them. He doesn't bite or anything but I don't want it to get to that. I've been able to control him but I just want to make sure I'm doing the right things. Also need your feedback on whether or not I can put a stop to this behaviour and how? When he gets into the growling stage I just pull him away from the collar, say no and take him away from the other dogs. Am I doing the right thing? Benny has been to puppy school and dog behavioural training classes and we never had any issues with him then. Plus, I take him to the dog park every evening and so far he's been just fine with socialising with the other dogs that come to the park. The snapping instances are just happenning very often now and with each and every dog who comes along to say hello. I worry what would happen if he pisses off a bigger/ more aggressive dog. I'd appreciate any advice you guys can provide on how I can better control this behaviour and if possible put an end to it. Thanks in advance MN
He is fine. playing around and jumping around normally. not pucking, drinking nromally and there is no blood in the stool. i thought it could have been the bacon once but it happened again when there was no bacon so I'm not sure what's triggering it?
Hi all, I have a 10 month old Lhasa Apso. Since the past week every alternate day he’s been pooping in the house after meals (He has a spot in the balcony where he poops if it’s in between his morning and evening walks, so that’s good). His poop at this time is very watery and mucusy. Not sure what’s causing this as we’ve been feeding him his usual Purina Proplan with boiled chicken or maybe some bacon. This has happened every other day since the past week and now I’m getting worried. Mind you his poop is absolutely normal when he goes for his walks in the morning and evening. It's just this in between strange thing that's happening. First I thought maybe it’s just something he’s eaten but now, I’m really not sure. Any ideas on what this could be? I’ll be taking him to the vet soon but just thought I’d check to see if I can get any useful suggestions before I get a 100$ bill in my hand! Thanks much!
Thanks all! His poo seemed fine this morning and he's behaving normal too. So I'm guessing there's no need to worry. I'll watch him closely though just to be sure :p Cheers
Hi all, Our 6month old Lhasa Apso swallowed a pebble. We found it in his poop after he ate dinner (plain roast chicken). The pebble was round and smooth. His poop was very gooey/mucusy. But he pooped all right twice before that and now he's behaving active and normal around the house. Is he ok? Do wee need to take him to the vet immediately? Thanks
Hi all, Just wondering, where does your puppy sleep? I've heard many people and some friends say that they let their puppies/ dogs sleep in their beds. In fact my puppy school trainer said she lets her dog sleep on her bed but her puppy sleeps in another room. When can you allow your puppy to sleep in your room/ bed? Is this even OK? Look forward to your thoughts MSN
Hi PrincessZelda, Looks like we are exactly in the same boat! I'm a first time dog owner too and feel exactly the same way! Everyone warned me but I didn't realise what they were trying to say till I got Benny home!! Me and my hubby don't have a child yet either and yes, I'm terrified of what that will be! But at least now I know that I'm not ready for that yet. But you know what, no matter how much the work and how totally different my life is now I CANNOT imagine my life without Benny. He's become a part of me and I love him like crazy. I'm sure you'll get there too Hang in there Cheers MSN
Hi there! My 5 month old Lhasa Apso, Benny, who is overall a sweetheart - a very calm and gentle dog, the other day did something that I wasn't happy about. After we returned from his morning walk I gave him a pig ear as a reward for doing his business outside. Then I realised that I had left his harness on so I went to take it off him and he growled and tried to bite me. It's VERY UNUSUAL of Benny to behave like that. I want to nip this problem in the budd so it doesn't get worse. What can I do to show him that I own the pig ear and can take it away from him whenever I please? Any inputs appreciated! Thanks guys! MN
THANKS GUYS!! Does anyone know of a good yet easy on the pocket groomer around Surry Hills (Sydney)??
thanks poodlefan. i'll look for a groomer who can do that for benny in terms of his walks - we just take him out so he can do his business. it's not more than a 15 minute trip
thanks poodlefan. i'll look for a groomer who can do that for benny in terms of his walks - we just take him out so he can do his business. it's not more than a 15 minute trip
Hi Bobchic, No I haven't noticed any difference in him. He's been plyful, eating and as much as I recall drinking well too. I phoned the breeder and she said he probably didn't have enough water so maybe that's why. She said I should monitor him for the next 2 to 3 days and if this continues then go to the vet. Do you concur? thanks
Hi all, My 4 month old Lhasa Apso puppy, Benny, is constipated. When I took him for his morning walk today he was trying very hard to poop but he couldn't do it. He was making noises and getting really frustrated. I tried to feed him after we got back but no luck. he just kept trying hard to poop even in the house which he never does. Then, this is going to sound disgusting, but I lifted his tail and found the poo stuck there. So I gave him an ass shower and took out his stuck poo. He's feeling a lot better now and has even had his food. I'm just wondering what may have have caused this and what I can do to prevent it from happening again? Do I need to take Benny to the vet right away? Is there any home remedy I can feed him? We feed him half a cup of Proplan puppy food twice a day and then of course there are his pork or chicken liver treats. We walk him thrice a day. Any help will be muchly appreciated! Cheers MN
That's awesome, thanks harlosmummy! I'll let you know how I go
Thanks Chiara and Harlosmummy. I'm going to get some grass somehow from somewhere and try that. I'm quite excited, I think it will work! Wish me luck! I'm just unsure of where to get the grass from... The ones in the pet store are bloody expensive - like 300 to 500$ !! the home loo or something they call it. I'll try to get just normal false grass fingers crossed
Thanks Chiara and Harlosmummy. I'm going to get some grass somehow from somewhere and try that. I'm quite excited, I think it will work! Wish me luck! I'm just unsure of where to get the grass from... The ones int he pet store are bloody expensive - like 300 to 500$ !! the home loo or something they call it. I might try to get just normal false grass fingers crossed