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Everything posted by daisy79

  1. Hello there, my little pom Daisy had a similar paw pad injury a few months ago. She stepped on a huge piece of glass while we were out walking and totally split her large pad in half. She had surgery and they had to take part of the pad off and glue some mole skin to the area....this however fell off within days. Being a nurse, I was paranoid about infection so she was on antibiotics for a few weeks and I redressed and bandaged the foot everyday. Unfortunately the bandage made matters worse as she got a fungal infection between her toes from moisture build up from having the foot bandaged!! I was soooo worried as she is a very active little dog and in the end saw another vet at the practice who pretty much said bandaging it was making it worse and just to leave it open to heal. Well, from then on it really healed up within a few weeks!! So, in my opinion, as long as it doesn't have anything in the wound and it is not weeping etc then it will heal up pretty much on its own. I know how worrying it is though. Hope your furbaby gets better soon.
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