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Everything posted by raineth

  1. Thanks for the info MRB. I'm now following you, TSD and Staffyluv.
  2. Em just drools pools of slobber on the floor in all her impulse control efforts. Digby was spectating so I had slobber coming at from all directions! She did good though. By the end I was able to drop treats from waist height :) so I'm happy with that.
  3. That is complete madness
  4. Just thought I'd let you know that I survived playing IYC. For a while there it looked as if drowning in a river of slobber was a distinct possibility for me.
  5. What????? Load of tosh. Think there is becoming a greater need for people to stand to fight this idiocy Mesocephalic I think, not brachycephalic. The term "cephalic" is actually an index used to measure head/skull measurement (width by length). Brachy is short, meso is medium. A Cav would be mesocephalic I believe although I am far from expert on how the measurements are determined. Of course, cavs are savage beasts..... death by licking is so painful from a cav They are not looking into it because they think brachycephalic is anything to do with being dangerous; they are looking into it because of the difficulties brachycephalic dogs can have in regards to breathing :)
  6. Thankyou so much for this information Kavik :) I must admit, I have decided to not expect a sit. I know this is not ideal, but she is doing the rest of the crate games levels 1-3 beautifully, and I just feel like I can't expect her to sit when she has to maintain a crouched position doing so. I don't have any competitive aspirations so I'm hoping this will be adequate for a pet dog. Yes I will look into an x-pen, great idea. If I get the xpen it will solve my sit problem and possibly the transport problem
  7. I feel really confused and frustrated by the crate games. From the looks of it, you get most of the value once you start to use the crate in other locations (there is a bit that mentions you should do crate games in the presence of every distraction that you would need to recall your dog under.) Well I can hardly get the crate out of our bedroom, let alone down to the local park. The crate doesn't even fit in the car. It fits in one of the cars, but once it's in, there is no room for the dog. I think at the very least there is no way I can expect her to sit without buying a new crate as she has to duck her head a bit as it reaches the roof of the crate. I wonder if I can get through some of the program at home, whether I could do the same by using a tie-out and a matt instead?
  8. :laugh: Love it! Sounds like a story out of James Herriot. I must say that I have often mentioned one of my cat's obsession with food and his intense affection - that he's more feral and over the top than any dog - the wonderful lady I board my kitties with nodded politely when I told her and said she had seen it all. I had an email within 24 hours of his first visit: "I was wrong." :laugh: My vet was also blown away when this cat's incredible aversiveness to needles was overcome with a liver treat immediately afterwards. The worst dog exaggerations I hear are when the owners tell me "the dog knew it was the wrong thing to do...." W're talking about Dizzy here right? :)
  9. Yep, Dane owners get this too :laugh:
  10. Hmmm I've just been looking at the crate games and I'm thinking I am going to have to do a lot of problem solving to get this to work with a Great Dane. Our crate is just not that manoeuvrable!
  11. Ooooo I like the look of those! Yes that's the one I have!
  12. That's exactly what I do too, but she still jumps it. However she is just that kind of creature, so I'm sure you'll be fine :)
  13. I don't have that one, but I have one from the natural pet store that's made to do the same thing. It does work well for one of my dogs but the other dog deliberately jumps over it, because jumping is fun, and so it hasn't completely solved the problem.
  14. TSD! Why haven't you taught that cat to pivot yet he's clearly keen to give it a go! Leah, I'm sure my other dog Digby would not be so keen on the collar-grab either, he is a very soft dog. Obviously I don't know... but I wonder if you could play a modified version of the game with Sarah where she just has to look at your OH? Anyway obviously better to ask on the recaller's forum before giving it a go. :) Can I ask what you did when Collie wouldn't go to your OH in that game? I honestly wasn't 100% sure what to do when Del didn't go to the right human. What we ended up doing was spreading out a bit more, and when she went to the wrong person the right person would go to her and take her by the leash.
  15. Three years is a long time in a kids life and he may not even want a dog in three years' time, he may have moved on to something else entirely :) I understand the allure though :)
  16. I got everyone to practice first. We said 'doggie' and grabbed imaginary collars and fed imaginary food :D That sounds really fun using barriers etc. I'll definitely be trying that out!
  17. Cats of Dol are saying they want to play too! How is everyone going with the call once game? I used the whole family, and at first Del thought on hearing her name it should be fine to just go to whoever (humans we're all the same right?) :laugh: She got it after a couple of turns though and had fun playing :)
  18. Bless 'em!! That's hysterical! They might be in for a few surprises over the coming months!
  19. I've seen two different ones recently but they are both pretty gorgeous :) very snugly looking :) The one from today, his right front paw is flat. So look for that and you'll now it's the one I'm talking about!
  20. He wins because he eats the competition That is pretty funny though in a head banging against the wall kind of way.
  21. Haha my dad is guilty of a bit of dog-related exaggeration too. He is convinced that Irish greyhounds are around 70 kilos and the size of Great Danes :laugh:
  22. I'm either doing the collar grab game wrong, or Del is totally fine with it. She seems to have no qualms about it at all. I can grab it and pull her toward me and she's like 'oh yeah, give me dat food!' TSD that must be hard when you have the cat sabotaging you! :laugh: I have such a cute picture in my head of that cat stealing the food :) so clever!
  23. My daughter and I we're just up the Main Street and we saw an Akita. While my daughter was giving him a pat, the owner informed us that he (the dog) was 70 kilograms and as he was only 18 months old he would probably eventually reach his sire's weight of 90 kilos! I just smiled and said 'that's pretty big for an Akita huh?' Which made the owner smile very proudly :laugh: Anyway it made me think of some of the other slightly outrageous things I've heard owners say. The other exaggerated story that sticks in my mind was from these two old codgers who we're telling me about their long-deceased Rottweiler who bit an intruder on the backside and his jaws could not be prised off the intruder's backside for two days!!! :laugh: Anyway... I'm sure everyone's heard some great ones, so please share... :)
  24. That is so sad, I am so sorry Farewell big dog
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