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  1. I'll try and hunt down some of that ziwipeak food this week, it sounds quite good. I'll post a few pics up in that retriever thread!
  2. Hi All, This is my first post on this site and I am hoping to get some info or guidance for some good food for our dog. We have a 16 month old male golden retriever, who is the best dog in the world, so loyal and friendly but we are having a nightmare of a time finding the right food for him. We have tried most of the common brands, Eukanuba, Hills Science, Canidae etc without luck, he either gets an upset tummy or gains weight on them. We have tried varying the amount we give him and adding in vegetables etc but I would like to find a solid food we can be confident in. He is a very active dog and gets a lot of exercise. Thanks for any help that you can provide. I'll post some pics of him soon. Ta Scott. P.S... we live in NZ, so the food must be available there.
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