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Everything posted by Bella44

  1. Thank you huski, I am trying to locate a behaviourist in perth, as he needs help ASAP, so this behaviour doesnt become a habit, mind you hes already been doing it for a few weeks, and Kathy has certainly been recommended to me, so I will be contacting her. I think he is beyond my capabilities without professional help and a very firm game plan to work from every day
  2. Wow dogmad, thank you so much for all your great advice. Will def check that website out. You are absolutely right he does need a lot of time to get over his past experiences, and I think neutering will certainly help a lot, after the 2 months for hormones to subside. He is a gorgeous dog and in our house, we never give up on a dog, no matter what we have to deal with. Luckily I have no children . So am able to take on dogs that no one else would, mind you I might have bitten off more than I can chew this time. Still, I have heaps and heaps of patience, and am dedicated enough to train continuously. I just wish I could figure out if he is protecting himself, or me??
  3. I recently rescued a dog who was on death row at the local pound, to go with my other 2 rescue dogs. Hes a terrier cross and Ive since discovered he has been allowed to live practically wild, in a yard, with practically no socialisation. He is 2 yrs old and not yet neutered. He was in shocking condition, flea infested, stick fast fleas and worm infested, with malnutrition, obviously. Weve managed to sort out all of these, but are left with huge behavioural problems. Climbs all over furniture, poos and wees indoors, and tries constantly to scavenge from bins, despite 3 small regular meals a day (hes on a protein build up diet, to improve his health so can be neutered) But worse than all of this, he goes berserk when ever visitors come to the house, barking growling and lunging! Even baring his teeth and growling once. He also exhibits this behaviour sometimes with my dad, when my dad stands up and moves about. Its getting to the stage where he has to be shut away when visitors come, which I really dont like doing! Taking him for a walk is a total nightmare, he barks at every person, every adult, child and other dog. Once a dog came up to us who wasnt on the lead (great owner eh?) and he just went absolutely bezerk, it was all I could do to hold him back, he just went crazy. On the good side, he gets on well with my other 2 dogs, both of whom are very laid back thank god, and hes good when hes asleep!!!!!!!, apart from that Ive really got my work cut out, any advice anyone??
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