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Everything posted by alisha

  1. Hi all, I recently adopted a jack russell cross (I actually think she looks like a tenterfield terrier but the rescue is unsure of her breed) I attached some photos (she is the white and tan one). She is 4.5 months old. I noticed she scratches/bites/licks the base of her tail, paws and stomach but I couldn't find any fleas on her. I took her to the vet to be checked and they couldn't find fleas either and said she looks generally healthy. They said she may have a flea allergy though. I have put her on Revolution to help combat this (i put the solution on last week) and will take her back to the vet for another check up and a skin test in the next few weeks. Does anyone have any tips on dealing with a flea allergy? For example any products I should use in the garden and house to get rid of the possible flea environment? I am taking her to have a hydrobath on Saturday so hopefully that helps. Should I give her a weekly bath with Oatmeal shampoo?? Also, how long does revolution take to work? She was being a bit difficult when I was putting it on her so a lot of it got on her fur instead of skin. Next month I will put it on her when she is sleeping. Will the fact that some of the treatment went on her fur affect the effectiveness of Revolution? Thanks
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