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Everything posted by Azzachazza

  1. Hi, just a quick question, does diarrhea usually cause bleeding. She has had it for 2 days now. The last few times she has been, has a bit of blood in it. Besides the blood though she is normally active.
  2. I think we worry a lot about what goes into their mouths. Thats understandable. I think though in hindsight we realise we didnt need to stress as much...but then when things like diarrhea happen, or bedding gets eaten, we start to worry all over again. The joys of bringing up a pup :D
  3. Hi all thanks for the replies. The only thing i changed in her diet was the wings. She may have eaten something in the garden. She like to chew on sticks. We also have an aloe vera plant that she could have chewed a piece off. But she is always supervised when in the yard. So its hard to tell, could have eaten a cockroach. Its difficult to be sure. Nala never had a problem with raw. Every dog is different i suppose :D
  4. Hi Everyone, Just a quick question in regards to feeding a 12 week old puppy raw chicken wings. Has anyone experienced their pup having diarrhea in the days following. Ive experienced this twice and wondered if it was simply coincidence. Could she be allergic, or could her stomach not be developed enough to handle the raw chicken. I was also thinking this batch of wings could have had a higher level of bacteria/salmonella than usual. Dont think this would be the case, just wondering what everyones opinions were. Thanks, Aaron
  5. Hi Nadz, My girls are both on Advocate from 8 weeks of age. No problems with either. You are covered from round, hook and whip worms, mange, mites and lice. As well as fleas and heartworm. You should be fine administering without a test "Advocate may be safely applied to heartworm infected dogs, therefor there is no absolute requirement for a heartworm test before commencing treatment." However they do recommend, further down in the pamphlet, testing just to be sure. In your case though, it would probably not be necessary, as Heartworm testing is usually performed on adult dogs as puppies do not require testing due to the fact that it could take up to six months after exposure for the heartworms to reach maturity and be detectable on a test. Its easy with one monthly application with Advocate, however dont forget Tapeworm eradication, which is not covered by advocate, once every 6 months. Also its a good idea to worm with a broad spectrum worming tablet (obtained from vet as per body weight) every couple of weeks, from 8-12 weeks of age. So presumming you are getting your pup at 8 weeks, you would be administering 2 doses, before it hits 3 months of age. But talk to your breeder and vet first, so that you can sync up your schedule to theirs. Regards, Aaron
  6. Yeah i have aloveen. Havent used it in a while though. Thought resi soothe leave in would be better by the sounds of the ingredients. But ill use aloveen if its just as good. Poor Nala. Just noticed the scabs today. She must have been biting the area. I wonder if there are any other things that can be massaged into the skin?
  7. Hi all, just wondering if these products are available in the western sydney area. The products are meant to target dry itchy skin. Nala's skin on her back towards her tail is very dry and scabby I have employed some of the tips from my previous post, in regards to fish oil, but i think she needs something topical too. Might head to vet and check her T4 levels...
  8. I have been trying to discipline the little one in regards to playing, though it is quite a challenge at this stage. What method would you recommend i use to teach her how to play? Oh yeah yeah and Ive dropped them a line and written an email, asking for recommendations for training centres in NSW :D Nope no blood. But Nala, the older dog, doesnt yelp, she just runs away with the rope in her mouth. So not sure if Minnie, the puppy, is learning any inhibitory cues
  9. Hi everyone, Is it acceptable playful behaviour, that my 12 week old puppy, is excitedly biting my 11 month old dog? She bites her on her legs, neck and face. The older dog doesnt seem to be hurt, although it does seem to be bothering her. Should i be stepping in and doing something, or will the puppy outgrow this play biting of the older dog. Could there be a chance that down the track, issues with aggression could arise?
  10. Hi all Just pondering the benefits of gelatin on ears standing straight up? My 3 month old dutch shepherd pup has one ear straight up and one half-pricked. Im not too worried and know that its best to give it time, however im interested in knowing everones opinion on the merits of adding gelatin to the puppies diet. Does it really help? If so how much and what type would u use? Thanx
  11. Thanks K9 and everyone else That makes sense to me now. One more thing, you say that with "good girl," she should sustain the behaviour. Is the behaviour im trying to sustain the looking at me? or the sitting and waiting for the release command? Also how do i sustain the required behaviour? For example would i repeat "good girl," as she is looking at me?
  12. Hi K9, i understand that consistency of a specific word, whatever that word may be is important. However i feel that i am doubling-up by teaching her both "yes" AND "good girl." Does one negate the other? For example; whenever she does what is ASKED of her i say "Good Girl" In the TOT training however when she looks to me, I say "Yes" My question then is should i be saying "good girl," when she looks at me in the TOT training? The reason being she is already familiar with "good girl," as meaning she has done something that is required of her. Or should i keep two separate words. That is, in her mind is she supposed to understand each phrase, "good girl" and "Yes"to mean something different?
  13. oh ok thanks. so does this then make sense...? "YES" = Acknowledgement that Nala looked to me in the training of TOT & Any other time Nala looks at me for drive fulfillment "Good Girl" = When Nala performs command asked of her, like sit, stay, come.
  14. Hi all, been reading through K9's thread on the TOT (triangle of temptation) and just wondering if owners here have used other words besides "yes" with success. Im about to try training her on the tie back, however Nala is used to the words "good girl" Would this be just as effective, or should i switch to yes? Thanks
  15. Thats a good idea. Might add some fish oil. What are your thoughts on raw fish? (sardines/mackerel)
  16. She is on Artemis fresh dry puppy at the moment. Gets plenty of raw bones too. (Chicken and lamb) Yeah her skin appears normal. Nope not lethargic, very hyperactive actually
  17. Hi DOL members Little Nala has been scratching for a while now. Her coat is really dull and dry. So too is her skin. Pictured below, she has a double coat. Because she is on advocate monthly, i hope it would be safe to rule out fleas/lice/ticks/mange. Checked and did not see any evidence of this. Nala is given a wash every couple of months. Not sure if its the right thing to do, but I've been trying to decrease frequency of baths cause of her problem. Wondering if someone here could help and recommend a good shampoo, or a topical application that i could brush into her coat... Thanks in advance
  18. oh ok thanks for that, will try and find some beef spine and some roo tails. Interesting, i never considered beef spine.
  19. Hi all To my understanding, large weight bearing bones (beef leg/thigh etc) do indeed last a long time, as their size, density and hardness, make them an ideal boredom busting option. However there have been many reports of teeth being worn down over time. I personally prefer lamb shanks, but Nala seems to be finished with them (bar a few small pieces) well within half an hour. My question to everyone is through experience, what has proven to be the bone that has lasted longest and yet been soft enough not to wear down their dog's teeth?
  20. Hi all, thanks for the replies, some ideas i never would have thought of
  21. Azzachazza

    Toys! :)

    Hi all, just wondering if anyone has suggestions for cheap alternatives to expensive puppy "boredom busting" toys? Petbarn etc have some safe interesting choices, but usually are expensive. My little 9 week old pup, needs something to keep her occupied and mentally worked during the day. Thought ide ask, as im sure many have invented their own ways to keep pups challenged when away...
  22. Hi all, just wondering if i were to choose a completely raw diet for my pup, would i need any supplements/vitamins to be added. She is 8 weeks old and she was weened off mums milk, but recently wont touch the dry food. She doesnt mind mince and yoghurt and luvs raw chicken. I am certain though there will be crucial minerals and vitamins that she will be missing out on to grow. Any advice would be greaty appreciated Thanks
  23. It wouldnt hurt soaking the food, or mixing with something else to see if pup will eat it. However i dont think you really need to soak it unless your pup is just starting on dry or the vet recommends this specific method. What kind of food did pup first start of on? Go ahead and try Artemis. Done a lot of research on dry food, and Artemis seemed the way to go for me. Read up on it, mine has the medium/large breed puppy formula and luvs it
  24. hi all. thanx for the suggestions, will take all into account. Was lucky to pick her up from my girlfriend and will surely have pics up when she arrives
  25. Hi all. A bit stressed out as i will be adopting a little dutch shepherd soon, but cant seem to find a solution as to where to put her. The problem is i already have a 10 month old kelpie (who lives in the backyard) who is hypo to say the least! I dont wanna leave her alone with the kelpie as i dont think it would be safe. I can just imagine them playing. Dont want the little girl to get hurt. I was thinking maybe to have a sectioned off area, a crate, or leaving the pup inside untill strong enough. Some way for them to live safely together? Any ideas or input from those who may have had similar situations would be much appreciated. Maybe they will play nicely once the pup arrives? Maybe im stressing for nothing? hmmmm...
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